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[游戏机] Battleship-CLI

A classic console command line interface game based on old NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) Game called "Battleship" (2024-04-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] game-

Welcome to the classic Snake Game implemented in Python! This interactive console-based game showcases your programming skills while providing a nostalgic and entertaining experience. (2024-03-07, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] Slot_Machine

This project brings the excitement of a traditional slot machine into the digital realm. and offers an immersive and entertaining gaming experience. (2024-02-14, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] Text_Based_RPG

Text-Based Adventure Game is a console application and is designed to be interactive and entertaining. It features a variety of locations, objects, and NPCs with which the player can interact. (2023-12-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] Hotstar-Clone

Elevate your streaming platform game with our cutting-edge Hotstar clone project. We bring the best of entertainment to your fingertips, … (2023-11-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] cs-virtual-game-machine

The main unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit, (2022-06-02, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] SlotMachinePrototype

A slot machine game prototype built in Unity and C#. It features essential gameplay mechanics found in most enterprise slot machine games, and functions as a base starting point for any generic slot game. (2020-12-15, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] NES_emulator

Emulator of an 8-bit 6502 processor from Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) home video game console, (2020-03-23, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] GameWatch

GameWatch是一个在React和.NET 6中开发的web应用程序,旨在帮助使用游戏控制台的科索沃企业管理...,
GameWatch is a web application developed in React and .NET 6 that aims to help Kosovar businesses that work with gaming consoles manage their daily console usage by their clients. (2022-09-29, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)



Pacman Game in C是一款简单的控制台应用程序或迷你短片游戏,旨在娱乐。它类似于蛇游戏...,
Pacman Game in C is a simple console application or a mini clip game designed for the purpose of entertainment. It resembles the snake game to some extent in which the Pacman should be driven in such a way that it moves along the predefined blue path so that the path is erased or eaten by Pacman. More you erase the path, more score you gain; (2022-12-30, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏机] imbNES

It Might be NES (imbNES) is a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) emulator for the Sony PlayStation., (2023-03-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
