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按分类查找All J2ME(47) 
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[J2ME] 几款分布式数据库的对比

随着海量数据问题的出现,海量管理能力,多类型,变化快,高可用性,低成本,高端可扩展性等需求给企业数据战略带来了巨大的挑战。企业数据仓库、数据中心的技术选型变得尤其重要!所以在选型之前,有必要对目前市场上各种大数据量的解决方案进行分析。 (2022-06-02, Java, 445KB, 下载0次)


[J2ME] ynoa

办公自动化(OA: OFFICE AUTOMATION)就是采用Internet/Intranet技术,基于工作流概念,使企业内部人员方便快捷地共享信息,高效协同工作;改变过去复杂、低效的手工办公方式。
Office Automation (OA: OFFICE AUTOMATION) is based on the Internet/Intranet technology. Based on the workflow concept, the internal staff can share information conveniently and quickly, and work together efficiently; changing the complex and inefficient manual office methods in the past. (2019-08-14, Java, 384KB, 下载1次)


[J2ME] CrossScreen_for_J2ME

J2me development, a key processing software, the software into a horizontal screen contains a ZIP library and its use for learning. (2012-12-18, Java, 18KB, 下载15次)


[J2ME] Java

Java语言具有面向对象、平台无关性、安全性、健壮性和多线程等优良特性,为用户提供了良好的程序设计环境,特别适合因特网开发,成为网络时代最重要的语言之一。 本书对Java语言的内容、功能、特性以及实际应用作了深入浅出的全面介绍,对面向对象、多线程、异常处理、Applet程序设计、数据库编程以及网络编程等作了重点阐述,并结合Java的最新发展,对J2EE和J2ME的开发也作了详细介绍。 解压密码:hur.cn或vip.hur.cn
Java language, object oriented, platform independence, security, robustness and multi-threading and other excellent features, provides users with a good programming environment, especially for Internet development, as the language of the Internet age the most important one. Book on the Java language content, features, characteristics and practical applications of a comprehensive introduction to simple terms, object-oriented, multi-threading, exception handling, Applet programming, database programming and network programming were highlights, combined with the Java the latest development, J2EE and J2ME developers are described in detail. Extract password: hur.cn or vip.hur.cn (2011-09-26, Java, 32121KB, 下载2次)


[J2ME] Javaz

实现了在手机和计算机之间互发彩信 非常好用的软件 用Java代码编编写的
Achieved between the phone and the computer is very useful for exchanging multimedia messages with Java code compiled software written in (2011-04-08, Java, 7KB, 下载2次)


[J2ME] goText

Write a java mobile phone program, the program can send SMS, and MMS for free (2009-09-24, Java, 671KB, 下载15次)


[J2ME] CastleVania

FC Castlevania games J2me source code, the procedure is even half a year ago the level of work, there are many places did not reach the extent of the commercial code. However, this does not prevent beginners from oo to understand some basic ideas and methods of a number of packages. It seems that we should always stand on a higher perspective of their own code, code is not important, thinking it important! (2009-07-05, Java, 108KB, 下载6次)


[J2ME] BMPEmbedDemo

this code modified from chenpeng(email:ceponline@yahoo.com.cn) s LoonFramework written by j2se to embed data to bmp. Now it can use on the j2me platform.
this code modified from chenpeng(email:ceponline@yahoo.com.cn) s LoonFramework written by j2se to embed data to bmp. Now it can use on the j2me platform. (2009-06-04, Java, 70KB, 下载6次)


[J2ME] paletted

用j2me midp1.0,原码正宗,企业用,可以为rpg人物或商店换衣服,节约图片空间,换色板
Using j2me midp1.0, authentic source, enterprise use, you can shop for rpg characters or changing clothes, save picture space, for Color (2009-01-07, Java, 23KB, 下载22次)



索尼爱立信平台下3d动画色子,有源码。 挺有意思的
Sony Ericsson platform 3d animation bosons, there are source code. Very interesting (2009-01-06, Java, 52KB, 下载7次)


[J2ME] JavaMMS

东西不错的j2ME MMS彩信开发API,供学习与使用,
Good things j2ME MMS MMS development API, for the learning and use, (2008-12-29, Java, 196KB, 下载9次)


[J2ME] CityHunter_V690_F_CN_VER_0_40

一个类似炸弹人的游戏(city hunter),但画面比炸弹人好看多了!
A bomb-like people s games (city hunter), but the pictures look better than the bombs were more! (2008-12-07, Java, 185KB, 下载13次)


[J2ME] J2ME_(chinese)api

J2ME 中文api以及应用 J2ME 中文api以及应用
Chinese api as well as J2ME applications and J2ME applications in Chinese api (2008-10-25, Java, 1761KB, 下载2163次)


[J2ME] javashop

java 系统的乘隙设计,J2ME的具体应用在企业平台
java system乘隙design, J2ME specific application in the enterprise platform (2008-05-11, Java, 2110KB, 下载9次)


[J2ME] Based_on_J2ME_wireless_enterprise_application

enterprise Wireless Application System for the model, Graduation is working on the client-server and the database used for data manipulation severlet control structure, the structure for the web site development and relatively easy to achieve, but used in mobile equipment have different matter Matata ~ (2007-05-01, Java, 182KB, 下载18次)


[J2ME] aiai58.cn

一个java记事本无错源代码 一个java记事本无错源代码
a java Notepad no mistake java source code for a notebook without a wrong source java Chronicle the source code for no wrong (2006-06-06, Java, 2KB, 下载19次)


[J2ME] x-vfs131(短信加密)

in a Windows environment using J2ME prepared for the phone off the letter encryption procedures (2005-12-29, Java, 88KB, 下载41次)


[J2ME] smd

mobile sms code by j2me (2005-04-27, Java, 5KB, 下载37次)


[J2ME] 20049791944754

用J2ME实现简单电子邮件发送功能。 可以通过手机运行该程序,实现远程查信等功能。
use J2ME simple Email this function. Mobile phones can run the program, check letter remote functions. (2005-03-16, Java, 32KB, 下载72次)


[J2ME] j2mesrc

j2me快乐蛇0.2版代码,内有经典版贪食蛇和新版,使用midp2.0,界面未美化,但已可运行,代码未整理。包含使用vc mfc写的地图编辑器,如需编辑器源码mail至Fade_t123@yahoo.com.cn
happy snake J2ME version 0.2 code, which is classic and the new version Additionally, the use of midp2.0, interface not landscaping, but can run code did not collate. Vc mfc include the use of the map was made editor, source editor For mail to Fade_t123@yahoo.com.cn (2005-02-07, Java, 36KB, 下载25次)
