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[软件设计/软件工程] 企业人事管理信息系统的设计与实现_二稿doc

It is very necessary to develop an enterprise personnel management system by using B/S mode. An enterprise personnel management system is analyzed by object-oriented method. The data requirement, data flow chart, flow chart, use case diagram and function module diagram of the system are analyzed and planned. On this basis, an enterprise personnel information management system based on B/S mode is realized by using the current SSH composite framework development technology. In the process of system development, it not only realizes the management of staff file information, attendance information and salary information, but also solves the problems of business layer allocation, coupling and transaction management that traditional J2EE encounters when developing the system, which makes the system scalable and maintainable. (2019-04-24, Java, 1285KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Spark

This document describes big data technology in the development of a standard spark technology and enterprise-class, suitable for beginners to learn (2016-10-13, Java, 5959KB, 下载11次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 02

仓储企业进销存管理系统的设计与实现 java实现的整体思想论文
The whole idea of ​ ​ warehousing enterprises Invoicing Management System Design and Implementation of java papers (2013-04-25, Java, 276KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] from_njdown_cn_081130165609962

.不是源码 3.缺少文件 4.所选类别和开发环境不对 5.乱写说明或说明不够认真 6.压缩文件有密码 7.源码重复或已经存在 请不要上传有版权争议的内容和木马病毒代码和访问国外网站的代理软件 开发环境: 请选择 Visual C++ Visual Basic DOS Unix_Linux C++ Builder Java Windows_Unix Delphi C-C++ PHP-PERL PHP Perl Python HTML Asm Pascal Borland C++ Others MultiPlatform C++ VFP SQL PDF TEXT WORD VBScript JavaScript ASP CSharp CHM FlashMX matlab PowerBuilder PPT LabView Flex MathCAD VBA PalmOS IDL LISP VHDL Objective-C Fortran tcl/tk QT Video(重要) 功能描述: 请认真书写上传资料的详细功能、包含内容说明(至少要20个字)。尽量不要让站长把时间都花费在为您修正说明上。压缩包解压时不能有密码。
adsasdasdasdsadfdsfgbbgfdvbsdfgeaqrgfdbv xcgfdzgasfgdsfgsaFDgvxzcvdsafgdeafgadsg (2010-02-08, Java, 1502KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] sdddd

RBAC扩展模型在权限控制中的研究与应用 本文针对传统RBAC模型在实际应用中的不足,扩展了RBAC理论使 之成为适合我国企业办公信息系统的访问控制理论。它在保留原RBAC理 论优点的基础上,在用户和角色之间引入了部门这样一个新的实体;根据对 象不同对其进行详细分类,从而增加权限配置的粒度;对角色继承和角色权 限授予分别增加优先级概念,从而避免权限继承时的冲突问题;增加了对用 户直接授权的方式,从而防止了由于个别用户具有的特殊权限而导致角色增 加泛滥;此外还扩展了其他各种约束。
本文针对传统RBAC模型在实际应用中的不足,扩展了RBAC理论使 之成为适合我国企业办公信息系统的访问控制理论。它在保留原RBAC理 论优点的基础上,在用户和角色之间引入了部门这样一个新的实体;根据对 象不同对其进行详细分类,从而增加权限配置的粒度;对角色继承和角色权 限授予分别增加优先级概念,从而避免权限继承时的冲突问题;增加了对用 户直接授权的方式,从而防止了由于个别用户具有的特殊权限而导致角色增 加泛滥;此外还扩展了其他各种约束。 (2009-11-26, Java, 1750KB, 下载28次)


[软件设计/软件工程] iBATIS-SqlMaps-2_cn

本文讨论了iBATIS SQL Map最重要的特性。使用SQL Map,能够大大减少访问关系数据库的代码。SQL Map使用简单的XML配置文件将Java Bean映射成SQL语句,对比其他的数据库持续层和ORM框架(如JDO的实现,Hibernate等),SQL Map最大的优点在于它简单易学。要使用SQL Map,只要熟悉Java Bean,XML和SQL,就能使您充分发挥SQL语句的能力。
This article discusses the iBATIS SQL Map of the most important features. Using the SQL Map, can greatly reduce the code to access a relational database. SQL Map using a simple XML configuration file will be mapped into a SQL statement, Java Bean, compared to other databases continuous layer and ORM frameworks (such as JDO implementation, Hibernate, etc.), SQL Map of the biggest advantages is that it is easy to learn. To use the SQL Map, as long as the familiar with the Java Bean, XML, and SQL, will enable you to give full play to the capacity of SQL statements. (2009-11-10, Java, 433KB, 下载58次)


[软件设计/软件工程] AddressBook

.J2EE企业通讯录 开发工具:Myeclipse 7.0 项目描述:用户键入主页网址进入登录注册页面,没注册的用户进行注册,注册后键入用户名密码进入用户管理页面,可以对客户进行增删改查的操作,用户客户的信息都将存入mysql数据库中。
Prior to being free to either register or login their accounts, users can enter the website. Username and password input can smooth the entrance to the page of user management, in which, the addition, deletion and change of customers can be operated, with all information of customers and users being stored in the database. (2009-11-06, Java, 2604KB, 下载37次)


[软件设计/软件工程] ELSFK

A complete design of the Russian box, the use of c language design. Complete code, with documentation, in order to design a set of gaming enthusiasts entertainment software. (2009-05-12, Java, 55KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] sousuoyinqing_lunwen

Search engine papers, mainly on the vertical search business, the use of java to achieve (2009-01-11, Java, 251KB, 下载12次)


[软件设计/软件工程] AOP

许 多 Java 开发人员已经接受了面向方面编程(AOP)的非强制性风格和灵活性,特别是在用于建立高度松散和可扩展的企业系统时。在本文中,您将看到 AOP 的功能设计概念之一(静态横切)如何把可能是一大堆混乱的紧密耦合的代码转变成一个强大的、可扩展的企业应用程序。
Many Java developers have accepted the aspect-oriented programming (AOP) of the non-mandatory style and flexibility, especially in the highly fragmented and used to create scalable enterprise systems. In this article, you will see the AOP one of the functions of the design concept (static cross-section) how the confusion might be a lot of tight coupling of code into a powerful, scalable enterprise applications. (2008-08-17, Java, 18KB, 下载44次)


[软件设计/软件工程] PSSdatabase

学生作品展示网站,数据库设计说明书包括以下内容 表1学员信息数据表(member_info) 表2企业代表信息表(agent_info) 表3平台管理员信息表(admin_info) 表4学员作品信息(production_info) 表4.1学员作品附件信息表(porduction_enclose_info) 表5人才需求信息表(WorkerReq_info) 表6开发需求信息表(DevReq) 关系图 数据库源码
Display of student work sites, database design specifications include the following student information data in Table 1 Table (member_info) Table 2 companies on behalf of the Information Table (agent_info) Table 3 platform administrator information table (admin_info) Table 4 trainees work information (production_info) Table 4. Annex 1 students work information table (porduction_enclose_info) Table 5 talent demand information table (WorkerReq_info) Table 6 the development of demand information table (DevReq) relationship between the map database source (2008-07-15, Java, 22KB, 下载5次)


[软件设计/软件工程] SRS

企业工资管理系统 要求完成的主要任务: (包括课程设计工作量及其技术要求,以及说明书撰写等具体要求) 1、了解并掌握软件需求工程的一般工作流程,采用的常用方法和步骤以及实用工具。要求学生能独立地完成中小型软件系统的需求分析。 2、对给定的题目,分析系统的各项功能需求、非功能性需求(接口需求、软件质量属性),以及数据需求等。在此基础上,撰写出符合规范的《软件需求规格说明(SRS)》。
Enterprise management system of wages required to complete the main tasks: (including curriculum design and the technical requirements of the workload, as well as to write brochures and other specific requirements) 1, to understand and master the software requirements engineering in general the work flow, using the commonly used methods and steps as well as practical tools . Require students to independently complete the needs of small and medium-sized software systems analysis. 2, on a given topic, analyze the system of the functional requirements, non-functional requirements (interface requirements, software quality attributes), as well as data needs. On this basis, in line with the norms of writing (2008-05-15, Java, 40KB, 下载48次)


[软件设计/软件工程] biyesheji3

企业内部的很多业务都可以抽象为一个或者若干个工作流,最典型的是收发文工作流。一个发文流程可能要经历起草,审批,校对,领导签字,传阅等步骤。传统的办公模式完成此流程需要投入很多人力,而且运转起来较慢,容易出错,如果采用办公自动化系统,公文的流转就可以自动化,显然有很多好处。 UML(Unified Modeling Language)是一种面向对象的建模语言,它已经广泛用于面向对象系统的分析和设计。统一过程(Unified Process)是一种软件工程方法,它将软件开发过程分为一系列的工作流程(Workflow),充分发挥了迭代的开发思想,是软件开发成功的重要因素。 Struts是基于JAVA的一个开源项目,采用模块化的设计思想将业务逻辑,数据存储和用户界面分离,简化了企业级应用程序的构建。 本文描述了葫芦岛锌厂的办公自动化系统的开发过程,依据统一过程的开发思想,利用UML构建和描述系统的结构与行为,并用Struts完成了系统的最终实现。
enterprises within the many businesses that can be abstract or for a number of work-flow, The most typical is the text Transceivers work flow. An outgoing message flow may experience drafting, examination, proofreading, leading signature, circulation and other steps. The traditional mode of office to complete this process requires a lot of manpower and operating it slow, prone to error, If the use of office automation systems, document, the transfer can be automated, obviously has many advantages. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is an object-oriented modeling language It has been widely applied to object-oriented system analysis and design. Unified Process (Unified Process) is a software engineering approach, It will software development process is divided into a series of workflows (Workf (2007-06-10, Java, 854KB, 下载210次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 5ziqiNet

JAVA课程设计(五子棋) 包含论文 摘 要 目前,以计算机技术和网络技术为核心的现代网络技术已在现实生活和生产中得以广泛的使用,休闲类网络游戏集趣味性,娱乐性,互动性和益智性于一体,已经成为多数人群的休闲方式。 本软件使用JAVA语言实现,通过对SCOKET技术的理解,在此基础上建立服务器与多客户端的连接,利用多线程处理多个客户端之间的信息。 通过对软件的编写,加深对以上技术的理解和掌握。 关键词: 多线程 流套接字 APPLET 数据传输
JAVA Course Design (331) contains papers Abstract At present, computer and network technology at the core of modern networking technology in real life and production is widely used. leisure class network game set interesting, entertaining, interactive and informative sexual integration have become the majority of the leisure crowd. The use of Java software language, right SCOKET technical understanding, In this based on the server and multi-client connectivity, the use of a number of multi-threaded processing between the client information. Through the preparation of the software, a deeper understanding of the techniques above to understand and grasp. Keywords : multithreading flow data transmission socket APPLET (2007-02-19, Java, 64KB, 下载336次)



Java coding standard, very complete and suitable for all the java programming, reference sources sun's standard documentation, I developed years combined experience in the development, doing a certain conclusion and added that there is a definite reference value, it is entirely possible for an individual or development within the enterprise official standard use. (2005-05-21, Java, 46KB, 下载25次)
