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[大数据] dataverse

It is a data development platform based on big data platform capabilities contributed by APEX, helping enterprises link data at the lowest cost, build and deposit data warehouse models, reduce the threshold of data application, and deposit data value. (2024-03-29, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] DataGenius

DataGenius 是一款基于 mybaits 框架的智能数据库框架,能够兼容多种数据库,提供高效快速的增删改查基本代码生成功能,能够满足大部分业务场景的需求。DataGenius 具有智能化、易用化、高效化的特点,能够显著提高企业...
DataGenius is an intelligent database framework based on the mybaits framework, which is compatible with multiple databases, provides efficient and rapid generation of basic code for addition, deletion, modification and query, and can meet the needs of most business scenarios. DataGenius has the characteristics of intelligence, ease of use, and efficiency, which can significantly improve the (2023-06-04, Java, 111KB, 下载0次)


[大数据] koalas-rpc

Enterprise production level 10 billion day PV high availability and expandable RPC framework. Theoretically, the number of concurrent servers is close to the server bandwidth. The client uses the thrift protocol. The server supports the TThreadedSelectorServer semi synchronous and semi asynchronous thread model of netty and thrift, supports dynamic capacity expansion, and supports online and offline services (2022-06-27, Java, 182KB, 下载0次)
