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[网络编程] chat

一个网络聊天程序,要求使用UDP协议。聊天程序必须具备的功能是: (1) 聊天程序不需要经过服务器,既能发送聊天内容又能接收聊天内容。 (2) 通过点击“发送”按钮可以把聊天的一句话的内容附加一些特征信息发送到目的地。一般要把特征信息(本机IP,本人名字,对方密码)用特殊格式与聊天内容分隔开,发送至目的地。 (3) 通过一个“接收”线程接收目的地为本机并且端口号为设定端口号的信息。通过对信息解析,可以解析出对方发送时的密码,如果密码与本人设定的密码不一致,则认为是误发的信息,不接收也不显示;如果信息中的密码与本人设定的密码一致,则认为是发向自己的信息。要解析出发信人的IP和姓名以及内容,并且把内容显示出来
A network chat program, require the use of UDP protocol. Chat program must have features are: (1) chat program does not require the server, both can send chat to receive chats. (2) by clicking the "Send" button to chat with some of the words the contents of the additional features of the information sent to the destination. General characteristics of the information necessary to (local IP, I name, the other password) chats with a special format and separated, sent to the destination. (3) by a "receive" thread receives the destination-based machine and port number to set the port number. Through information analysis, you can parse out each other when sending the password if the password is inconsistent with the password I set, then send the information that is false, does not receive nor display if the information in the password and the password I set the same , is considered to be sent to their own information. To parse out the sender s IP and name and content, and the content (2011-07-29, Java, 6KB, 下载9次)


[网络编程] opencms_7.5.3

OpenCms是一个专业水平的开放源代码WEB内容管理系统,可被任何组织或企业使用,OpenCms100 开放源码,采用该技术有如下优点: 直接从WEB站点的前台编辑内容 自动在线/离线工作流 灵活的内容资源 集成全文搜索引擎 所见即所得编辑非结构化内容 结构化内容采用易于定义的基于XML的内容项目 在一个应用中管理多个站点 全文搜索支持PDF、Word、Excel文档资源 为所有的存储资源均可进行配置 基于时间的自动内容发布和过期 完全支持统一编码内容 ACL(Access Control List 访问控制表)权限控制系统 可选的HTML静态导出 基于JSP的模版机制 模块具有版本控制 基于Java/XML,能方便地集成到现有的硬/软件环境中。
OpenCms is a professional level open source content management system WEB can be used by any organization or business use, OpenCms100 open source, the use of the technology has the following advantages: WEB site directly from the front edits Automatic online/offline workflow Flexible content resources Integrated full-text search engine WYSIWYG editing of unstructured content Structured content using easy-to-define the contents of XML-based project In an application to manage multiple sites Full-text search support PDF, Word, Excel documents resources For all storage resources can be configured Time-based automatic content publishing and expiration Fully supports Unicode content ACL (Access Control List access control list) access control system Optional static HTML export JSP based template mechanism Module has the version control Based on Java/XML, can be easily integrated into existing hardware/software environment. (2010-12-14, Java, 50786KB, 下载19次)
