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[机器人/智能制造] Payroll-Management-System

Payroll Management System is a software program that enables your business to handle all your employee’s financial records in a hassle-free, automated fashion. This includes the employee’s salaries, bonuses, deductions, net pay and generation of pay slips for a specific period. It not only helps you attract prospective candidates but also helps ... (2021-05-06, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] chatbot-spring-boot-starter

chatbot-spring-boot-starter,对如下移动办公系统的群机器人API做了一层封装,让使用更简单便捷。 钉钉 企业微信 飞书 只需要简单的配置和编码,即可将相同的消息发送到多个聊天群 目前支持两种消息模式 文本 和 markdown(飞书对应为富文本) 钉钉和飞书需要使用加签
Chatbot spring boot starter has encapsulated the group robot API for the following mobile office systems, making it easier and more convenient to use. Nailing enterprise WeChat Feishu only needs simple configuration and coding to send the same message to multiple chat groups. Currently, it supports two message modes: text and markup (Feishu corresponds to rich text). Nailing and Feishu require the use of signature (2023-04-08, Java, 1456KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] abnormal-notice-spring-boot-starter

Abnormal notice spring boot starter, an exception notification plugin that captures exceptions that occur in a project and sends them to the corresponding third party for receiving exception information. Currently, it only integrates email and enterprise WeChat robots, and other sending methods can be implemented by developers themselves (2023-01-09, Java, 496KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] spring-boot-exception-notice

spring-boot-exception-notice,springBoot 集成钉钉机器人、企业微信、邮箱 实现异常通知。配置简单,开箱即用,同时异常信息也非常详细,帮助开发者快速定位问题
Spring boot exception notice, Spring Boot integrates nail robots, enterprise WeChat, and email to achieve exception notifications. Simple configuration, ready to use out of the box, and very detailed exception information to help developers quickly locate problems (2022-03-30, Java, 34KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] wxwork-sdk-utils

wxwork-sdk-utils,企业微信工具包(机器人webhook utils),封装起来,使各种类型的消息构建更加简单,并加入推送工具,一步到位。
Wxwork sdk utils, an enterprise WeChat toolkit (robot webhook utils), is packaged to make building various types of messages easier, and push tools are added to achieve one-step success. (2022-11-16, Java, 83KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] dingtalk-spring-boot-starter

dingtalk-spring-boot-starter,Dinger(叮鸽),SpringBoot集成钉钉 企业微信 飞书群机器人实现消息通知中间件。
Dingtalk spring boot starter, Dinger, SpringBoot integrates DingTalk Enterprise WeChat Feishu Group robots to implement message notification middleware. (2023-01-12, Java, 240KB, 下载0次)
