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[文章/文档] MyArticleScan

你是编程导航平台([https: www.code- nav.cn)的文章创作者,现在你想要把自己在这个平台上发布的所有文章导出到自己的网站,并且根据文章的内容给每篇文章打上对应的多个标签(比如](https: www.code- nav.cn%EF%BC%89%E7%9A%84%E6%96%87%E7%AB%A0%E5%88%9B%E4%BD%9C%E8%80%85%EF%BC%8C%E7%8E%B0%E5%9C%A8%E4%BD%A0%E6%83%B3%E8%A6%81%E6%8A%8A%E8%87%AA%E5%B7%B1%E5%9C%A8%E8%BF%99%E4%B8%AA%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E4%B8%8A%E5%8F%91%E5%B8%83%E7%9A%84%E6%89%80%E6%9C%89%E6%96%87%E7%AB%A0%E5%AF%BC%E5%87%BA%E5%88%B0%E8%87%AA%E5%B7%B1%E7%9A%84%E7%BD%91%E7%AB%99%EF%BC%8C%E5%B9%B6%E4%B8%94%E6%A0%B9%E6%8D%,
You are the article creator of the programming navigation platform ([https: www.code - nav. cn]). Now you want to export all your articles published on this platform to your website, and mark each article with multiple corresponding tags according to the content of the articles (such as] (https: www.code - nav. cn% EF% BC% 89% E7% 9A% 84% E6% 96% 87% E7% AB% A0% E5% 88% 9B% E4% BD% 9C% E8% 80% 85% EF% BC% 8C% E7% 8E% B0% E5% 9C% A8% E4% BD% A0% E6% 83% B3% E8% A6% 81% E6% 8A% E8% 87% AA% E5% B7% B1% E5% 9C% A8% E8% BF% 99% E4% B8% AA% E5% B9% B3% E5% 8F% B0% E4% B8% 8A% E5% 8F% 91% E5% B8% 83% E7% 9A% 84% E6% 89% 80% E6% 9C% 89% E6% 96% 87% E7% AB% A0% E5% AF% BC% E5% 87% BA% E5% 88% B0% E8% 87% AA% E5% B7% B1% E7% 9A% 84% E7% BD% 91% E7% AB% 99% EF% BC% 8C% E5% B9% B6% E4% B8% 94% E6% A0% B9% E6% 8 D%, (2023-06-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] OpenFire深入浅出

移动互联网让 IM 系统再一次活跃,openfire 为国内很多企业带来了便捷。本人在刚开始使用 openfire 的时候,也刚到很渺茫。网上关于 openfire 一些相关的资料特别的少。那一个痛苦啊!不过现在 openfire 已经有越来越多的人来使用和学习了。
OpenFire explain profound theories in simple language (2020-07-22, Java, 5395KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] spring-framework-4-开发手册

介绍 Spring Framework Spring Framework 是一个提供完善的基础设施用来支持来开发 Java 应用程序的 Java 平台。 Spring 负责基础设施功能,而您可以专注于您的应用。 Spring 可以使你从“简单的Java对象”(POJO)构建应用程序,并且将企业服务非侵入性的应 用到 POJO。此功能适用于 Java SE 编程模型和完全或者部分的 Java EE 。
Spring framework is a Java platform that provides complete infrastructure to support the development of Java applications. Spring is responsible for infrastructure functions, and you can focus on your applications. Spring allows you to build applications from "simple Java objects" (POJOs) and non intrusively apply enterprise services to POJOs. This function is applicable to Java se programming model and Java EE in whole or in part. (2020-04-17, Java, 1378KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] java数据库销售管理系统实验报告完整版(附代码)

销售管理系统,可用于企业的销售信息管理,查询,更新与维护,使用方便,易用性强,图形界面清晰明了。该软件用java语言编写,用SQLServer2005数据库作为后台的数据库进行信息的存储,用SQL语句完成销售信息的添加,查询,修改,删除的操作。用ODBC驱动实现前台Java与后台SQL数据库的连接。Java语言跨平台性强,可以在windows,linux,ubuntu等系统下使用,方便简单,安全性好。SQLServer2005数据库高效安全,两者结合可相互利用各自的优势。 该系统实现的大致功能: 1.用户登陆界面。该界面可以选择使用者的身份,“系统管理员,基本档案管理员,业务员”。不同的身份有不同的操作界面和功能权限。ID号和密码输入正确即可登录。 2.系统管理员界面,拥有最高权限。提供了客户信息管理、产品信息管理、订单信息管理、发货管理与签收管理等功能。 3.基本档案管理员界面。提供了客户信息管理、产品信息管理等功能。 4.业务员界面。提供了订单信息管理、发货管理与签收管理等功能。 5.登录的用户信息分别存储在SQL数据库的“unpw表”中,如果用户信息不存在这个表中,将会无权利登录本管理系统。 6.保证了本销售管理系统的安全性。
Sales management system, can be used for enterprise sales information management, query, update and maintenance, easy to use, easy to use, clear graphical interface. The software is written in Java language. The database of SQL Server 2005 is used as the background database to store information. The operation of adding, querying, modifying and deleting sales information is completed with SQL statements. The connection between foreground Java and background SQL database is realized by ODBC driver. Java language is cross-platform and can be used in windows, linux, Ubuntu and other systems. It is convenient, simple and safe. SQL Server 2005 database is efficient and secure, and the combination of the two can make use of each other's advantages. (2019-07-10, Java, 511KB, 下载6次)


[文章/文档] JDK_API_1_5_zh_CN

JAVA API文档提供了很多官方的介绍和类、方法、变量的解释。一般很系统,涉及所有的方面,如果开发人员对正在使用的类不熟悉,想查看类里面的变量或者方法,就可以打开JavaAPI文档进行阅读和查看。
JAVA API documentation provides many official introductions and explanations of classes, methods, and variables. Generally very systematic, involving all aspects, if the developer is not familiar with the class being used, want to view the variables or methods in the class, you can open the Java API document for reading and viewing. (2019-04-18, Java, 30739KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] DORADO 展现中间件产品白皮书 当前版本

The usage method of enterprise framework Dorado plug-in based on Java platform (2019-01-31, Java, 6422KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] Spring+3.x企业应用开发实战

Spring 3.0 是 Spring 在积蓄了 3 年之久后,隆重推出的一个重大升级版本,进一步加强了 Spring 作为 Java 领域第一开源平台的翘楚地位
Spring 3 is a major upgrade that Spring has launched after 3 years of accumulation, further strengthening the status of Spring as the top source of the open source platform in the Java field (2018-06-14, Java, 4382KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] Shoppingtreatise

This paragraph mainly talk about Internet grows up vary fast inner along with joining in WTO.The net is becoming a new media with the most potential of development and future,as well as the hot point of publicize by much business. The net technology should be well used to offer information service for clients and cooperate cooperates,and catchs business especially for the tradition large corporation.Shenyang Changhong engine Ltd as a engine-making corporation should build its homepage better to qua it as a carrier to publicize,service and communion from this way to concert it grows up quickly.Let more corporation and client join in and know Shenyang Changhong engine Ltd by homepage. (2010-05-26, Java, 1526KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] EJB

Beida Jade Bird Guide, an excellent function. Can quickly raise the level of enterprise development (2009-08-22, Java, 4023KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] JavaAPI20060531

JAVA API文档中文版 文档来源于 java.sun.com, 其中Java API文档中文版来源于 http://gceclub.sun.com.cn/. 我们会随着官方最新的版本更新而更新. 您可以访问 Jet Mah 或 Franck Allimant 的站点来免费下载更多的WinHelp和HTMLHelp格式的Java文档
JAVA API HELP JDKTM 5.0 Documentation (2009-02-01, Java, 45864KB, 下载11次)


[文章/文档] 200106052149java

 ? 本书第一章的部分内容 第 一 章 Java语 言 的 产 生 及 其 特 点 1.1 Java产 生 的 历 史 与 现 状 1.1.1 Java产 生 的 历 史   Java来 自 于Sun公 司 的 一 个 叫Green的 项 目, 其 原 先 的 目 的 是 为 家 用 消 费 电 子 产 品 开 发 一 个 分 布 式 代 码 系 统, 这 样 我 们 可 以 把E-mail发 给 电 冰 箱、 电 视 机 等 家 用 电 器, 对 它 们 进 行 控 制, 和 它 们 进 行 信 息 交 流。 开 始, 准 备 采 用C++,但C++太 复 杂, 安 全 性 差, 最 后 基 于C++开 发 一 种 新 的 语 言Oak(Java的 前 身),Oak是 一 种 用 于 网 络 的 精 巧 而 安 全 的 语 言,Sun公 司 曾 依 此 投 标 一 个 交 互 式 电 视 项 目, 但 结 果 是 被SGI打 败
the first chapter of this book part of the contents of the first chapter of the Java language and its characteristics have 1.1 SUNW a history and the status of 1.1.1 Java Java history from the one Sun Green called the project, the original purpose of the domestic consumer electronics products distributed a code system, We can E-mail to refrigerators, televisions and other household appliances, and to control them. and their information exchange. , Prepared using C, C is too complicated, poor security, Based on the C development of a new language Oak (Java's predecessor), Oak is used in network security and the sophistication of language, Sun has accordingly tender an interactive television project, but the result was defeated SGI (2006-07-13, Java, 123KB, 下载4次)


[文章/文档] J2EE全实例教程(更新版)

J2EE(Java 2 Platform,Enterprise Edition)是SUN公司定义的一个开发分布式企业级应用的规范。它提供了一个多层次的分布式应用模型和一系列开发技术规范。多层次分布式应用模型是指根据功能把应用逻辑分成多个层次,每个层次支持相应的服务器和组件,组件在分布式服务器的组件容器中运行(如Servlet组件在Servlet容器上运行,EJB组件在EJB容器上运行),容器间通过相关的协议进行通讯,实现组件间的相互调用。遵从这个规范的开发者将得到行业的广泛支持,使企业级应用的开发变得简单、快速。
J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition), Sun is the definition of a development of distributed enterprise applications and standards. It provides a multi-layered model of distributed application development, and a series of technical standards. Distributed multi-level application model is defined features to the application logic into several layers, each corresponding to support the servers and components, server components of the Distributed Component packaging operation (such as components in Servlet Servlet containers running on the EJB EJB containers run), containers between Qualcomm all relevant agreements communications components to achieve the mutual call. To comply with the norms of the development will be a broad industry support to enable enterprise-class application develop (2005-11-25, Java, 244KB, 下载69次)
