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[数据库系统] 2066

基于微信小程序+SSM+MySQL的大学生就业小程序(附论文)(毕业设计),基于微信小程序+SSM+MySQL的大学生就业小程序(附论文),学生、企业以及管理员等。学生就业平台微信小程序的开发过程,对开发环境、系统设计、系统实现、系统测试方面进行分析。在设计时对微信客户端进行了充分的了解,掌握微信平台通过的接口,同时系统采用MYSQL数据库进行数据的储存,充分的保证了系统的稳定性、安全性。通过本系统满足了不同权限用户的功能需求,包括学生、企业以及管理员。 (2024-06-23, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 2564

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue的宠物领养系统(附论文),管理员,用户角色等。实现用户管理,宠物领养管理,宠物认领管理,教学视频管理,感谢信管理,公告管理,宠物领养审核管理,宠物认领审核管理等功能。该系统采用了Mysql数据库,Java语言,Spring Boot框架等技术进行编程实现。宠物领养系统可以提高宠物领养信息管理问题的解决效率,优化宠物领养信息处理流程,并且能够保证存储数据的安全,它是一个非常可靠,非常安全的应用程序。 (2024-06-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 1192

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+Uniapp+微信小程序的健康早知道小程序(附论文),用户,管理员角色。随着信息化时代的到来,管理系统都趋向于智能化、系统化,“健康早知道”微信小程序也不例外,但目前国内的市场仍都使用人工管理,市场规模越来越大,同时信息量也越来越庞大,人工管理显然已无法应对时代的变化,而“健康早知道”微信小程序能很好地解决这一问题,轻松应对平时健康信息的工作,既能提高人力物力财力,又能加快工作的效率,取代人工管理是必然趋势。 本“健康早知道”微信小程序城以ssm作为框架,b/s模式以及MySql作为后台运行的数据库,同时使用Tomcat用为系统的服务器。本系统主要包括以下功能模块首页、个人中心、医生管理、用户管理、健康信息管理、健康评估管理、在线留言、 (2024-05-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 3089

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的招聘信息管理系统(附论文),用户,管理员角色等(具体看下演示视频提供)。在Internet高速发展的今天,我们生活的各个领域都涉及到计算机的应用,其中包括招聘信息管理系统的网络应用,在外国招聘信息管理系统已经是很普遍的方式,不过国内的线上管理系统可能还处于起步阶段。招聘信息管理系统具有招聘信息管理功能的选择。招聘信息管理系统采用java技术,基于springboot框架,mysql数据库进行开发,实现了首页、个人中心、用户管理、企业管理、工作类型管理、 (2024-05-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] earth-resource-database

The Earth Resource Database is a Java-based project developed during my software developer internship. With a modular design, user-friendly interface, and robust testing, it efficiently manages resource data. It showcases my skills in Java programming, database management, and enterprise application development which i learned during my internship (2024-04-06, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] code-generator

深入业务场景的企业级硬项目,基于 React + Spring Boot + Picocli + 对象存储的 代码生成器共享平台 。 开发者可以在平台上制作并发布代码生成器,用户可以搜索、下载、在线使用代码生成器,管理员可以集中管理所有用户和生成器。
It is an enterprise level hard project that goes deep into business scenarios, and a code generator sharing platform based on React+Spring Boot+Picocli+object storage. Developers can create and publish code generators on the platform. Users can search, download and use code generators online. Administrators can centrally manage all users and generators. (2024-02-28, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] code-generator

深入业务场景的企业级项目,基于 React + Spring Boot + Picocli + 对象存储的 代码生成器共享平台。 开发者可以在平台上制作并发布代码生成器,用户可以搜索、下载、在线使用代码生成器,管理员可以集中管理所有用户和生成器
An enterprise level project that goes deep into business scenarios and is based on the code generator sharing platform of React+Spring Boot+Picocli+object storage. Developers can create and publish code generators on the platform. Users can search, download and use code generators online. Administrators can centrally manage all users and generators (2024-02-13, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] JDBC-MySQL-Full

This enterprise project serves as a compelling showcase of my proficiency in leveraging databases and advanced Java, demonstrating not only my technical skills but also my ability to seamlessly integrate and optimize these technologies to meet complex business requirements. (2024-01-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] crabc-api

Crabc is a low code development platform and an enterprise level API interface publishing system. It deeply integrates SpringBoot and Mybatis to realize dynamic data source and dynamic SQL, and visually writes a quick SQL publishing interface (2024-01-15, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Interest-list

趣清单,管理日常生活,列举计划,与朋友分享自己的清单,完成的清单,接入环信 api, 与bmob , SMSSDK 实现应用的 聊天,短信验证,与数据储存。
Fun list, manage daily life, list plans, share your own list and completed list with friends, access the Huanxin API, chat with bmob and SMSSDK for applications, verify SMS messages, and store data. (2019-01-16, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] NovelRead

The lightweight app for leisure and entertainment has newly added local persistent storage, has the function of searching novels on the whole network, is expected to realize the function of watching comics, and will also play movies in the future (2018-07-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] imooc-flink

慕课网,学习《Flink+ClickHouse 玩转企业级实时大数据开发》 ,
MOOC, learn Flink+ClickHouse Play Enterprise Real time Big Data Development, (2021-10-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] project2

It is a basic project for quickly building an enterprise background management system, integrating a package of convenient functions, such as: convenient general addition, deletion, modification, query, powerful permission management, dynamic multiple data sources, dynamic forms, online database maintenance, etc (2019-06-13, Java, 30806KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] W_World

移动商务系统设计与开发- Android-6.0-API-21-“W视界”是一款集成了本地视频音频以及网络视频资讯的娱乐软件,其中,仅供虚拟机测试用的本地视频(30MB)与音频(10MB)文件与软件捆绑在一起,在安装时就会自动复制到本地媒体库
Mobile Commerce System Design and Development - Android 6.0-API-21- "W Vision" is an entertainment software that integrates local video and audio as well as network video information. The local video (30MB) and audio (10MB) files for virtual machine testing are bundled with the software and automatically copied to the local media library during installation (2019-04-03, Java, 90384KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 2020-Java-Projects

During the winter vacation of one month at home in 2019, I self-taught the three major frameworks of Java backend foundation, Spring, SpringMVC, and Mybatis, and integrated them to implement an enterprise level project. I developed a Java EE enterprise level permission management system and shared my source code, database details, and some insights here. (2022-12-16, Java, 37960KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] java-bangong

Java enterprise OA office system spring boot collaborative office system. The front-end of the system uses freemarker template engine, Bootstrap as the front-end UI framework, and the back-end uses spring boot+mybatis, with attendance management, process management, announcement management, mail management, schedule management (2022-04-06, Java, 529KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] meereen

Meereen是一个用于快速搭建企业后台管理系统的基础项目,集成一揽子便捷功能如:通用增删改查,在线代码生成,权限管理,OAuth2.0 ,动态多数据源分布式事务,动态脚本,动态定时任务,在线数据库维护等等. 基于 spring-bo...
Meereen is a basic project used to quickly build an enterprise background management system. It integrates a package of convenient functions, such as: general addition, deletion, modification and query, online code generation, permission management, OAuth2.0, dynamic multi data source Distributed transaction, dynamic script, dynamic timing task, online database maintenance, etc Based on spring bo (2018-09-17, Java, 117KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] J2EEFAST

J2eeFAST 是一个 Java EE 企业级快速开发平台,永久免费、真开源,拒绝标题党。基于经典技术组合(Spring Boot、Spring MVC、Apache Shiro、MyBatis-Plus、Freemarker、Bo...
J2eeFAST is a Java EE enterprise level rapid development platform that is permanently free, truly open source, and rejects title parties. Based on classic technology combinations (Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Apache Shiro, MyBatis Plus, Freemarker, Bo (2022-12-14, Java, 17390KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] acegi

acegi Demo很好的例子,支持数据库,采用的是hsqldb,可以方便的改为其他数据库。用户表,用户角色,权限角色表,都存在数据库中,接近企业中项目中使用的项目架构
acegi Demo good example of support for the database, using the hsqldb, can be easily changed to other databases. User tables, user roles, permissions roles table, there exists a database, close to the enterprise project structure used in the project (2010-04-13, Java, 5878KB, 下载9次)


[数据库系统] softhy503g

系统要求: 1.系统必须安装IIS 2.系统必须安装.NET Framework 2.0(网上免费下载 http://dl.pconline.com.cn/html_2/1/82/id=10637&pn=0.html) 3.安装MSSQL2000 (可网上下载) 一.解压 数据库在路径: 速递网上订餐系统V2.0\数据库 其余文件为系统文件。 二.部署 1.为"速递网上订餐系统V2.0"文件夹设置虚拟路径。 2.还原数据库,数据库的默认名字为"sddb"
System Requirements: 1. The system must be installed on IIS 2. The system must be installed. NET Framework 2.0 (free download http://dl.pconline.com.cn/html_2/1/82/id=10637& pn=0.html) 3. installation MSSQL2000 (can be downloaded) 1. decompress the database at Path: Courier online reservation system V2.0 \ database system files for the remaining documents. Two. To deploy one. To " express online reservation system V2.0" virtual path folder settings. 2. To restore the database, the default database for the first name " sddb" (2009-04-02, Java, 4336KB, 下载14次)
