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[collect] WacOS_10

WacOS 10.15的宾馆存储库,这是MacOS 10.15(Catalina)的开源娱乐。WacOS操作系统项目的一部分。
The guesthouse repository for WacOS 10.15, an open source recreation of MacOS 10.15 (Catalina). Part of the WacOS operating system project. (2023-10-22, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] verification_code

验证码研究破解心得记录。包含网易易盾,阿里云验证码,极验验证码,通用汉字识别,梦幻西游验证等主流验证码破解。包含点按验证码、点选验证、语序点选等等。已更新极验验证码、企业公示网 工商 文书采集系统、极验打码接口。,
Verification code research cracking experience record. It includes NetEase Shield, AliCloud verification code, Extreme Verification Code, Universal Chinese Character Recognition, Dream Westward Journey verification and other mainstream verification codes. Including click verification code, click verification, word order click, etc. The polar verification code, the industrial and commercial document collection system of the enterprise publicity network, and the polar verification code printing interface have been updated., (2021-11-17, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] WacOS_11

WacOS 11的宾馆存储库,这是MacOS 11.x(Big Sur)的开源娱乐。WacOS操作系统项目的一部分。
The guesthouse repository for WacOS 11, an open source recreation of MacOS 11.x (Big Sur). Part of the WacOS operating system project. (2022-06-08, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] WacOS_10

WacOS 10.13的宾馆存储库,这是MacOS 10.13(High Sierra)的开源娱乐。WacOS操作系统项目的一部分。
The guesthouse repository for WacOS 10.13, an open source recreation of MacOS 10.13 (High Sierra). Part of the WacOS operating system project. (2022-06-08, C, 0KB, 下载0次)
