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[Windows编程] XCIPMS企业中间件系统

Annealing is a metal heat treatment process, which refers to slowly heating the metal to a certain temperature, holding it for a sufficient time, and then cooling at an appropriate rate. The purpose is to reduce the hardness and improve the machinability; reduce the residual stress, stabilize the size, reduce the deformation and crack tilt. (2020-04-09, Delphi, 353KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] OcrpSetup

   按客户要求开具出厂检验报告是水泥企业化验室必须做好的一项工作,相关国家标准也对此提出了明确要求,然而该项工作的重复、繁琐、易出错等问题却长期困扰着企业质量管理人员,为解决这一问题,企业质量管理人员不得不投入大量的精力。本系统克服了传统手工方法的诸多缺点,操作简单,让您从繁琐的工作中彻底解脱出来,从而将宝贵的时间运用到更有价值的工作中去! 系统特点: 1、品种、类别等可由用户自定义,适合通用硅酸盐水泥任一品种和等级的管理 2、检测数据录入便捷,一经录入可重复使用。 3、28天报告自动搜索打印,极大提高工作效率。 4、方便的报告查询功能,可对已出具的报告按不同条件进行查询和再打印。 5、用户权限分级管理,确保数据安全。
System features: 1, varieties, categories, etc. can be customized by the user, suitable for the management of any variety and grade of universal Portland cement 2, testing data entry convenient, once recorded can be reused. 3, 28 days report automatically search and print, greatly improve efficiency. 4, convenient report inquiry function, you can inquire and print the report according to different conditions. 5, user privileges hierarchical management to ensure data security. (2018-05-11, Delphi, 1079KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] tx678

Thermonuclear using weighting factors A complete set of brothers, Isodata iterative self-organizing data analysis.
Thermonuclear using weighting factors A complete set of brothers, Isodata iterative self-organizing data analysis. (2017-11-16, Delphi, 39KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] CheatEngine61_cn

ce修改器(Cheat Engine)一款专门修改内存修改编辑的游戏工具它包括16进制编辑,反汇编程序,内存查找工具 新版6.1 版的CE与6.0 最大的区别就是添加了修改器制作工具,比之前 5.6.1 版本更强大 ce修改器也是修改造梦西游3的一款神器!不要再提金山游侠,FPE,GM8之类的修改工具了,告诉你们的朋友快来用CE吧。
ce modifier (Cheat Engine) a specially modified memory game editing tools to modify it comprises the hex editor, disassembler, memory finder The biggest difference with the new 6.1 version of CE 6.0 is the addition of a modifier production tools, more powerful than the previous version 5.6.1 ce modifier is an artifact modify Dreaming Journey 3! Do not mention modification tools Jinshan Ranger, FPE, GM8 and the like, and tell your friends come with CE bar. (2015-11-27, Delphi, 8643KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] wygi

此案例采用了c/s结构的分布式应用系统,因此,在运行客户端程序前, 首先要执行应用程序服务器程序server.exe,然后才能够执行客户端应用程序client.exe。 参数的配置: 数据库服务器和应用程序服务器的机器名称:GLJ 数据库的设置方法: 首先在sql server企业服务器应用程序窗口中新建一个名为admininfos数据库, 然后选中admininfos数据库名称,单击右键,选择“所有任务”-〉“还原数据库”, 然后在弹出的“还原数据库”窗体中,在“还原”单选按钮组中选择“从设备”, 再单击“选择设备”按钮,在弹出的“选择还原设备”对话框中,单击“添加”按钮, 在随后弹出的“选择还原目的”对话框中,选择“文件名”选项,单击右边的打开文件按钮, 选中该案例所在位置的"数据”文件夹下的“DATAS"文件,就可以创建数据表。
此案例采用了c/s结构的分布式应用系统,因此,在运行客户端程序前, 首先要执行应用程序服务器程序server.exe,然后才能够执行客户端应用程序client.exe。 参数的配置: 数据库服务器和应用程序服务器的机器名称:GLJ 数据库的设置方法: 首先在sql server企业服务器应用程序窗口中新建一个名为admininfos数据库, 然后选中admininfos数据库名称,单击右键,选择“所有任务”-〉“还原数据库”, 然后在弹出的“还原数据库”窗体中,在“还原”单选按钮组中选择“从设备”, 再单击“选择设备”按钮,在弹出的“选择还原设备”对话框中,单击“添加”按钮, 在随后弹出的“选择还原目的”对话框中,选择“文件名”选项,单击右边的打开文件按钮, 选中该案例所在位置的"数据”文件夹下的“DATAS"文件,就可以创建数据表。 (2014-06-03, Delphi, 889KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] ResizeKIT_XE5

Automatically adjusts the size of the controls and fonts displayed on the form in proportion to changes in the form size or screen resolution. The size of the form when it is initially displayed and the amount that the form can be enlarged or reduced can be set. New version for XE5
Automatically adjusts the size of the controls and fonts displayed on the form in proportion to changes in the form size or screen resolution. The size of the form when it is initially displayed and the amount that the form can be enlarged or reduced can be set. New version for XE5 (2014-04-03, Delphi, 92KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] company

This issue is to provide personnel management for the enterprise of modern technology to support management information system, which includes staff management, departmental management, user management, recruitment management, and other major modules. (2009-01-07, Delphi, 1476KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] InvoiceSys

<贝壳工作室>--作品所有源代码(100%能运行)和开发文档 贝壳工作室---发票管理系统其中包括: 1.租凭业发票 2.建筑业发票 3.固定资产发票 4.服务行业发票 5.无形资产发票 这是于2004年编写,前面已经发布过两套类似发票管理系统源代码 这个是最新版,我将完全公布其所有源代码和程序。如果遇到什么 问题请与我联系:贝壳工作室网址:http://www.bkwork.cn
<Shell Studio>- works all the source code (100 to run) and the development of shellfish Studios--- invoice document management system including: 1. Lease industry invoice 2. Construction invoices 3. Fixed asset invoices 4. Service industry invoice 5. intangible invoices that are prepared in 2004, have already issued two sets of Invoice Management System similar to source code this is the latest version, I will be fully released all of its source code and procedures. If you have any questions, please contact me: Shell Studios website: http://www.bkwork.cn (2008-08-27, Delphi, 2630KB, 下载29次)


[Windows编程] jemsn_WaterEffect

WaterEffect 模拟水波纹 效果 图像 从CnWizards_0.7.5.105里面分离出来的。 效果请看CnWizards_0.7.5.105(最新版)的关于。
Water ripple effect WaterEffect analog images from inside CnWizards_0.7.5.105 separated. See the effect of CnWizards_0.7.5.105 (latest version) on. (2008-08-16, Delphi, 337KB, 下载61次)


[Windows编程] tlsyglxxxt

腾龙餐饮管理信息系统 使用说明: 1、系统环境要求:所有程序均在Windows98/XP操作系统下测试运行。 2、建议用户在系统上安装DELPHI7.0企业版。 3、如果数据库为SQL Server数据库,建议用户安装SQL Serve2000。(Windows98下请安装中文版个人版) 4、将程序文件夹考入计算机硬盘上,去掉所有文件的只读属性。 5、源代码使用注意事项: 数据库:SQLServer2000 数据库脚本:tlcyglxt.sql(data文件夹内) ODBC:tlcyglxt
Tenglong Food Management Information System for use: 1, the system environmental requirements: All procedures were Windows98/XP operating system running under the test. 2, recommends that users install on the system DELPHI7.0 Enterprise Edition. 3, if the database for the SQL Server database, it is recommended users to install SQL Serve2000. (Windows98 under the Chinese version please install the Personal Edition) 4, will be admitted to the Computer folder on your hard disk, remove all the files read-only attribute. 5, source code Caution: Database: SQLServer2000 database script: tlcyglxt.sql (data folder) ODBC: tlcyglxt (2007-11-08, Delphi, 3543KB, 下载13次)


[Windows编程] Server

永恒》原本的服务器器程序,对于硬件的要求非常高。 按照韩国官方的要求,部署《永恒》的游戏服务器端需要使用六台机器。实际运行的过程中,可以缩减到使用两台机器。这也就是服务器端的硬件极限,无法再减少了。网上有很多的《永恒》服务器程序可供下载,对于硬件的需求都是如此。 通过对于服务器的反编译,我发现了《永恒》服务器程序对于硬件的高需求是很不合理的。服务器程序中含有明显的死循环。对此,只有一种解释,就是韩国人在故意设置障碍,人为的增加游戏运营成本。 我现在发布的这个版本,里面消除了程序中含有的死循环,同时改进了另外的几处效率陷阱。这样一来服务器程序对于硬件的消耗明显降低。整套程序可以在一台PC上运行。目前,在双致强2.0G CPU, 2G内存的服务器上,开启服务器程序之后,CPU占用率不足15% 下载地址:http://www.cdcore.cn/download/Server.rar (2007-10-25, Delphi, 2578KB, 下载45次)


[Windows编程] anfang

本系统是基于企业局域网平台针对企业安防,音视频数据的管理系统。它是传统视频监控系统在功能和性能上的延伸和拓展,实现真正意义上的无人看守。用户名和密码:yuansheng 由于本系统暂时没有打包,运行时要注册MSCOMM32.OCX控件,方法是先把MSCOMM32.OCX控件复制到C:\WINDOWS\system32目录下面,然后顺次点击“开始->运行”,在运行对话框中输入“regsvr32 MSCOMM32.OCX”点击“确定”即注册成功。
The system is based on the enterprise LAN platform for enterprise security, audio and video data management system. It is a traditional video surveillance system in the functionality and performance on the extension and expansion of real unguarded. User name and password: yuansheng as a result of the system there is no packing, run-time to register MsComm32.ocx control method is to first control MsComm32.ocx copied to C: WINDOWSsystem32 directory below, and then sequentially click (2007-10-21, Delphi, 2112KB, 下载150次)


[Windows编程] MobileSearch

国产简体中文版专业通过Baidu.COM引擎快速搜集大量目标城市和行业的公司企业客户手机号码的手机号码 搜索软件工具。Baidu.COM中收录了全世界的中文公司企业网页,输入与手机号码相关的字符即可检索到大量的手机号码,而且这些号码都是活跃的、有效的,具有极高的市场营销价值。软件通过一次性导入上千个检索关键词列表,自动搜索和提取手机号码,自动纠正错误的手机号码。它可以全天候24小时无人值守工作,是一个真正的手机号码搜索机器人,为您通过手机短讯营销方式推销或采购产品助一臂之力。搜索到的号码可以保存为一行一个手机号码的文本文件,该文件可以直接被配套的新狐手机发送软件导入后点击发送按钮即自动连续发送出去。本软件是服务型企业、广告主、展览商不可多得的一款新时代市场营销制胜法宝。 (这是一个公司对他们产品的宣传,我自己也做了这样一个类似的软件来开源)
homemade English version of the professional rapid adoption Baidu.COM engines collect a large number of target cities and industries Corporate customers phone numbers phone number search software tools. Baidu.COM which includes the world's Chinese website companies, Input and phone numbers of characters can be retrieved a large number of phone numbers, but these numbers are active. effective, high marketing value. Through a one-time software into more than 1,000 key words list, automatically search and extract phone numbers, automatically correcting erroneous phone number. It's all-weather, 24-hour unattended, is a real phone number search robots, for your phone through SMS marketing methods to sell or purchase products help. Search the numbers can be saved as his phone number to a (2007-07-03, Delphi, 398KB, 下载58次)


[Windows编程] sqllogclear

讯鑫 Sql Server 日志清理工具(免费源码) 1.0.0 清除、压缩 SqlServer 的日志,支持多日志文件的SQLSERVER数据库日志,能将十几G的日志文件清理成十几兆。 SQL SERVER 修复,SQL恢复,误删除表,SQL 数据恢复,SQL SERVER 数据库恢复修复,SQL 找回业务   使用数据库的过程中,由于断电或其他原因,有可能导致数据库出现一些小错误,比如检索某些表特别慢,查询不到符合条件的数据等.   出现这些情况的原因,往往是因为数据库有些损坏,或索引不完整.   在ACCESS中,有个修复数据库的功能可以解决这个问题,在SQL企业管理器,没有这个功能,要用语句来完成,下面就介绍如何用 SQL 语句完成数据库的修复,需要注意的是,在进行下面的操作时,必须断开所有用户的连接
appear Xin SQL Server log cleaning tools (free source) 1.0.0 clearance, Compression SqlServer log, support the log file SQLSERVER database log, 10 G can log files liquidation over a dozen Katherine. SQL SERVER repair, SQL recovery, ESO table, SQL Data Recovery, SQL Server Database Recovery repair business use SQL database to retrieve the process, Due to power outages or other reasons, it might lead to some database errors, such as retrieval of certain forms particularly slowly, Inquiries not meet the requirements of data and so on. All these reasons, it is often because the database some damage, Index or incomplete. In ACCESS, a repair database functions can solve this problem, SQL Enterprise Manager, and without this function, complete with the phrase, Now, how to use SQL database to comp (2006-09-04, Delphi, 334KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] tqstroe10

a database management software can automatically out volumes, now only half done, not completed, a letter in this regard to the need to be a little bit to help a friend. Software for a password (2006-06-01, Delphi, 671KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] linnet_carrier518U

Transceiver是用于机构与机构之间、系统与系统之间相互通讯的企业级专业通讯服务软件。对Internet/Intranet、实时/非实时等不同的网络环境提供广泛的通讯与数据交换支持,并能对系统瘫痪网络故障等意外情况下的数据交换提供可跟踪可控制的数据缓冲机制,为企业应用系统提供了高可靠高性能的通讯保障。 Transceiver 是用于多个应用系统间进行数据交换的集成通讯服务,设计初衷是为了减少通讯模块的重复开发与增强通讯软件的集中管理。通过将发送(Send)与接收(Receive)视为等同的一个从源(Source)到目标(Target)的数据流过程,集成现有常用通讯方式的收发处理,及对通讯异常的容错缓冲处理(Queue),构成了Transceiver 足以满足企业级通讯需求的强大功能。
among institutions, systems and communication systems between the enterprise-class professional services software. The Internet/Intranet, real/non-real-time across the network environment provides a wide range of communications and data exchange support, and can paralyze the system, such as network fault of the accident data can be exchanged for tracking control of the data buffer mechanism for enterprise application system provides highly reliable, high-performance communications security . Transceiver for a number of applications for data exchange between integrated communications services, is designed to reduce duplication of communications module development and enhance communications software for centralized management. By sending (Send) and receiving (Receive) as the one from the (2005-10-06, Delphi, 617KB, 下载6次)
