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[uCOS/RTOS] shangnasuo

本设计基于智能卡技术及精密可靠的机电机构,并且在操作过程中会伴有声光提示。可应用于游泳池、桑拿浴场、海滨浴场、高尔夫球场、健身房的更衣柜,机关、企业、学校、酒店宾馆、超市的文件柜或储物柜等场所,以取代传统的全机械结构锁类产品,从而使得物品的管理更加方便、安全。 本资料包含完整的电路原理图,测试程序,应用文档。
The design is based on smart card technology and sophisticated and reliable mechanical and electrical sector, and during operation will be accompanied by sound and light tips. Can be applied to swimming pool, sauna field, bathing beach, golf course, gym locker, institutions, enterprises, schools, hotels, supermarkets such as lockers, filing cabinets, or premises to replace the traditional all-mechanical lock products , making goods management more convenient and safe. This information contains a complete circuit schematics, test procedures, application documents. (2009-09-27, C/C++, 3068KB, 下载41次)
