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[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] SX1278DataSheet_CN

SX1278 Chinese DataSheet: This paper introduces in detail the hardware features and functional characteristics of SX1278 chip and the use of methods, the LoRa debugging methods are recommended in detail, is excellent information on the sx1278 chip to use. (2016-02-29, C/C++, 3837KB, 下载181次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] FreeRTOS-CN

FreeRTOS中文实用教程 "这篇文章的英文原版我是在www.FreeRTOS.net上下载得到的。其实我并没有决定 是否要在系统中使用FreeRTOS,虽然我想要的也仅仅是一个实时内核,当然更重要的 是免费。之所以翻译这篇文章倒不是因为FreeRTOS有多么优秀,完全是因为这篇文章 还不算太长。而且FreeRTOS.net仿佛致力于这个内核在国内的推广,也做了不少中文 化的工作。所以我是打算利用工作之余,边看边译,到读完这篇文档,也就有个中文版 了。如果FreeRTOS.net不弃的话,我倒是情愿放到这个网站上与大家共享。 另外,我本人很懒,没有翻译附录,而且译完正文后也没有做过任何检查。所以如 果有任何问题,请不要骂我。 Zou Changjun yisfx@126.com "
The practical construction of FreeRTOS (2013-05-08, C/C++, 2060KB, 下载33次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] Flash_Led

配电路图 主要用于展示广告字体(压克力、吸塑)和标识的夜间效果,它以文字或标识为媒介,安装在楼宇顶部或墙面,既能表现标识白天效果,又能利用LED作为发光光源,在夜间表现出另外一种效果,再配以LED照明应用控制系统,对文字或标识进行动态视频控制,在一些娱乐气氛较浓的场所,LED光源模组已经成了企业展示自我形象的最重要的选择之一
The main font used to display advertising (acrylic, plastic) and the identification of the night effect, it is in text or logo for the media, or wall mounted on top of buildings, both the performance effects identified during the day, but also the use of LED as a light light source at night showed another effect, together with LED lighting control system applications, text or logo on the dynamic video control, thicker atmosphere in some entertainment places, LED light source module has become a corporate self-image display choose one of the most important (2011-12-02, C/C++, 21KB, 下载5次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] tsMuxeR_1.8.5(b)_cn

Digital TV with demultiplexing module can be set to 64 PID filters (2011-02-10, C/C++, 492KB, 下载13次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] MISRA-C(cn)

Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems (2010-03-26, C/C++, 402KB, 下载90次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] IA4432_CN

Silicon Labs最新出品的Si4432射频芯片中文版说明书,IA4432其实就是Si4432。
Silicon Labs newly published Chinese version of Si4432 RF chip instructions, IA4432 fact Si4432. (2009-08-27, C/C++, 6617KB, 下载238次)
