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[WEB开发] wdbhjxz

软件介绍 黄金(修正)版是继黄金版的一个修正,在其基础上增添了几个不怎么成熟的插件,黄金版解决了完整版豪华型向完整版的转换,完全由你选择开启、关闭娱乐功能,能很好的满足技术论坛及娱乐论坛的要求
Software introduction Gold (Amendment) version is following a modification of the Gold Edition, on the basis of add several not very mature of plug-ins, Gold Edition solves the complete version of luxury to the full version of the conversion, entirely up to you to choose to open and close the entertainment function, can be very good to meet the technical forum and Entertainment Music Forum (2016-05-14, PHP-PERL, 2599KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] lovesnow

Composed of basic HTML+PHP, set network radio, network television in one of the entertainment site, the number of network radio stations more than 300, more than 400 network television stations, more than 9000 songs online, online MTV has 1500 (2016-05-10, PHP-PERL, 987KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] PHPNuke-cn

1、修改掉左边栏 ?b> 乱码问题; 2、修改不支持中文title(浏览器顶端显示的网站名称和标语)的错误; 3、全面支持论坛中文化(包括中文设置、中文界面、中文图标); 4、增加首页显示论坛最新帖子 5、增加首页新闻分组分栏显示 6、增加首页nuke时钟
1, change the left sidebar ? B> problem 2, the modification does not support the Chinese title (browser top display of the site name and slogan) error 3, fully support the Chinese culture (including Chinese settings, Chinese interface, Chinese icon) 4, increase the home page shows the latest post 5, increase the home news column display group 6, increase the home nuke clock (2016-05-08, PHP-PERL, 6564KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qgweb

件介绍 一套面向小企业用户的企业网站程序!功能简单,操作简单。 实现了小企业网站的很多实用的功能,如文章新闻模块、图片展示、产品列表以及小型的下载功能,还同时增加了邮件订阅等相应模块。公告,友情链接等这些通用功能本程序也同样都集成了! 同时本程序引入了模块功能,只要在系统默认模板上创建模块,可以在任何一个语言环境(或任意风格)的适当位置进行使用!
A introduction A user for small business enterprise website program! Simple function, easy to operate. To achieve a small business web site a lot of practical functions, such as the news module, picture display, product list and a small download feature, but also increased the corresponding modules such as mail subscription. The announcement, Links the general function of this program are also integrated! At the same time, this program introduces the module function module in the system, just create the default template, can be in any language environment (or any style) the proper position for use! (2016-04-28, PHP-PERL, 895KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] rssat1cn

1.在phpmyadmin中运行sql,运行内容为install.sql 2.修改conf.php,将以下内容设置为你的mysql设置 $conf[ host ] = //数据库主机名 $conf[ user ] = //数据库用户名 $conf[ pass ] = //数据库密码 $conf[ ] = //数据库名 3.将文件以二进制形式上传至服务器 4.访问你地址登陆 管理员帐号:admin 管理员密码:www.at1.cn 5.登录后点击选项进行相关操作(如:添加feed、修改密码、添加用户等操作)
1 run phpMyAdmin in SQL, running content is install.sql 2 modify conf.php, set the following content to your MySQL settings $conf[ host ] = // host name $conf[ user ] = // username $conf[ pass ] = // password $conf[ ] = // name 3 upload files to the server in binary form 4 access your address login administrator account: admin administrator password: www.at1.cn 5 login after the option to click on the relevant operations (such as: to add feed, modify the password, add users, etc.) (2016-04-23, PHP-PERL, 130KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] JnnGiiv01.1

金戈企业建站系统不仅是一份免费的企业建站代码包,而且它还是完全开源的,它倾注了作者1个多月来日日夜夜的心血,虽然有些地方没做到尽善尽美,可我相信在接下来的日子里我会通过反馈信息让她更丰满实用起来。 1.完美的摸板机制,即使你对php一点也不懂,只要你会做网页。就可以立即打造新颖别致的网站界面(摸板制作方法手册正在紧张制作中,稍后发布)可惜作者精力有限,目前只提供一套摸板。不过只是暂时的
Armored enterprises website system is not only a free enterprise site code package, and it is completely open source, which have devoted to the author for more than a month to day and night effort, although some places do not perfect, I believe that in the next few days I will let her fuller practical through the information feedback. 1 perfect touch board mechanism, even if you do not understand the PHP, as long as you will do a web page. You can immediately create a novel and unique website interface (touch board production method manual is in tension, later released) unfortunately the author s limited energy, currently only offer a set of. But only for a while. (2016-04-21, PHP-PERL, 1129KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] chengyuphp

软件介绍 目前收录各类成语13000余条(包含每个成语的详解)。 安装说明: 1.首先将chengyu.sql.zip导入到数据库里。 2.修改global.php里面得数据库连接。 3.如果想用伪静态的版本将伪静态目录里的文件复制出来覆盖下。 Tags: toolxp.cn实用成语查询
Software introduction At present, more than 13000 (including various types of idioms containing each idiom explain). Installation instructions: 1 will be the first chengyu.sql.zip into the . 2 global.php changes inside connection. 3 if you want to use a pseudo static version of the pseudo static directory copy out of the file under the cover. Tags:toolxp.cn practical idiom query (2016-04-21, PHP-PERL, 1675KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] historyphp

软件介绍 安装说明: 1.首先将listsql.zip直接导入到数据库比如你数据库名字叫test在里面点导入默认设置就好。 2.修改global.php里面的数据库连接和网站参数。 3.如果想用伪静态的版本将伪静态目录里的文件复制出来覆盖下。 Tags: toolxp.cn历史上的今天 php版
Software introduction Installation instructions: 1 first listsql.zip directly into the such as your name is called test in the inside point into the default settings is good. 2 modify the connection and site parameters global.php inside. 3 if you want to use a pseudo static version of the pseudo static directory copy out of the file under the cover. Tags:toolxp.cn in the history of today s PHP Edition (2016-04-21, PHP-PERL, 2330KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] aipudasite

爱普达多语言企业网站管理系统基于PHP+MYSQL开发,集易用性和强大功能为一体,具有丰富多彩的网站模版,灵活的栏目管理和产品、文章、图文、下载、广告、留言系统、等管理功能,支持产品阅读权限控制和会员权限管理,支持Cache网页加速和多语言和购物车和预付款支付,可用于创建各种企业网站 [1]栏目管理 自由添加和修改栏目频道,设置栏目名称和显示参数
Aipuda multi language enterprise website management system based on PHP+ MySQL development, set of easy to use and powerful as a whole, with rich and colorful website template, flexible program management and products, articles, pictures, download, advertising, message system, management functions to support product read access control and membership rights management, support cache page acceleration and multi language and shopping cart and advance payment, used to create a variety of enterprise website [1] column management Free to add and modify the column channel, set the column name and display parameters (2016-04-21, PHP-PERL, 12343KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] YH_chenggu

软件介绍 主要功能: 1、根据农历生日推算运势性格的休闲娱乐工具; 2、DIV+CSS模板方便修改; 3、免费、开源程序。
Software introduction Main function: 1, according to the Chinese lunar calendar birthday horoscope entertainment tool character calculation 2, DIV+CSS template to facilitate modification 3, free, open source program. (2016-04-18, PHP-PERL, 22KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] zhw_cms

中和网企业建站系统这是一套基于PHP的快速建站系统,主要适用于中小企业快速建立网站。 只要您拥有一个域名和支持PHP&MySQL的服务器,就可以安装我们的系统并且快速生成和管理您的网站。 主要功能包括: *网站文章管理(用于发布企业新闻、产品/服务列表) *网站单页管理(主要用于“关于我们”,“联系方式”这样的网页) *图片上传管理 *二级文章分类管理 *自定义文章类型 *访客留言管理 *基于模板开发,方便定制网页外观
And network enterprise website system is a set of PHP based on the rapid establishment of the system, mainly for small and medium enterprises to quickly establish a website. As long as you have a domain name and support for the PHP& MySQL server, you can install our system and quickly generate and manage your web site. Main functions include: * website article management (for publishing business news, product/service list) * web page management (mainly used for about us , contact mode ) * picture upload management * two level article category management * custom post type * visitor message management * based on template development, easy to customize the appearance of web pages (2016-04-17, PHP-PERL, 886KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xxgl

A powerful classified information (advertising) systems, support for custom categories and business yellow pages classified information classification. Entire website style is simple, elegant interface, improved web promotion effect, is the rare good domestic Internet program. Background batch classification and enterprise information management. (2013-12-23, PHP-PERL, 7044KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] qiyeguanli

Enterprise website management system 3.5 commercial version (with 6 sets of style), very good network marketing source. Xiao Dong (2013-07-10, PHP-PERL, 2838KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] Tun2cms3_v3.0.5

Tun2 enterprise website management system draws Discuz template technology, the MVC pattern, template comprehensive labeling, just to understand simple html language can create a beautiful website (2013-06-08, PHP-PERL, 2430KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Modoer_v2.1_GBK

商铺功能 可建立多板块的点评,例如(餐饮,旅游,购物,娱乐,服务等) 每个板块可以分类,并按类别输出信息(如餐饮板块可以建立火锅,海鲜等,出行/旅游板块可以建立汽车,旅行社等) 商铺可以设置,商铺名称,分店名称,主营菜系,地址,电话,手机,店铺标签(Tag),并可增加分店
Shops feature a multi-sector review, for example (dining, travel, shopping, entertainment, services, etc.) for each segment can be categorized according to category output information (such as catering sector can create a hot pot, seafood, travel/tourism sector can create cars, travel, etc.) can be set to shops, shops name, branch name, the main cuisine, address, telephone, mobile phone, shop label (Tag), and may increase the branch (2013-06-08, PHP-PERL, 1951KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] superlin_cms_2.0

领林企业网站管理系统是针对小型企业网站建站而开放的一套PHP网站系统。该系统适用于只需简单文章(图文)功能模块和单页功能模块,偏重与简洁的文章内容管理的网站。 领林企业网站管理系统 2.0 版本特性: 1.提供一级文章分类管理模块。 2.提供单页、留言板、页面板块划分和系统辅助等功能模块。 3.使用Smarty模板引擎,可自定义模板,极大的方便用户设计实现符
Collar forest enterprise website management system is the establishment of the station for a small corporate website and open a PHP site. The system is suitable for simply articles () function modules and single-page functional modules, emphasis on website content management with concise articles. Collar forest enterprise website management system version 2.0 features: 1. An article category management module. (2) to provide a single page, message boards, page sections, division and system auxiliary function modules. Using the Smarty template engine, customizable templates, great user-friendly design to achieve symbol (2012-05-31, PHP-PERL, 978KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] wordpress-2.9-zh_CN_

WordPress 是目前最为流行的 PHP Blog 程序,目标是美学、Web 标准和易用性的统一。它基于 GPL 许可协议,完全免费。
WordPress is most popular PHP the Blog procedure, the goal is at present esthetics, the Web standard and the usability unification. It based on GPL permission agreement, completely free. (2011-06-04, PHP-PERL, 2666KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] phpajaxcaidan

PHPOK企业站 v3.0 是一套针对企业网站建设的系统!具备多种特性及功能,能绝大多数满足用户需求: 1.多语言:可以轻松方便实现多语种建站,并且可以在同一个后台中管理 2.多风格:管理员可在后台添加多种风格,以随时随地实现网站促销!(特别适用于搞活动) 3.多数据库引挈:P3完整版支持多种数据库引挈,默认使用MySQL,您可以轻松方便移植到新的数据库引挈上(官方将有可能整理出的数据库
PHPOK enterprise Station v3.0 is a set of enterprise website construction system! Has many features and functions, to meet user needs most: 1. Multi language: you can easily facilitate the achievement of multilingual a station, and can be in the same background in management 2. More than style: the administrator can add a variety of background style, in order to achieve site promotion at any time! (Especially for engaging in activities) 3. More focused on the vital database Citation: P3 Full support for multiple databases lead pull out, the default use of MySQL, you can easily migrate to a new database to facilitate lead pull out on the (official will be possible to sort out the database (2010-08-02, PHP-PERL, 32KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Joomla_1.5.17-Stable-Full_Package_zh-CN

Joomla!官方于4月27日发布了1.5.17版本,距上次1.5.16版本的发布只有短短4天时间。因为1.5.16在特殊的安装环境运行时,会有两个重大的BUG。 如果你的Joomla!版本在1.5.15以下,请直接升级到这个版本,而不要再使用1.5.16版本了。 1.5.17语言包相对于1.5.15来说没有做改动,可以继续使用本站提供的《Joomla 1.5.15简体中文语言包》。
Joomla!官方于4月27日发布了1.5.17版本,距上次1.5.16版本的发布只有短短4天时间。因为1.5.16在特殊的安装环境运行时,会有两个重大的BUG。 如果你的Joomla!版本在1.5.15以下,请直接升级到这个版本,而不要再使用1.5.16版本了。 1.5.17语言包相对于1.5.15来说没有做改动,可以继续使用本站提供的《Joomla 1.5.15简体中文语言包》。 (2010-05-18, PHP-PERL, 6642KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] Codejia.com_4

直接上传到一个php空间就可以运行,不需要mysql数据库,这个是access数据库免费的。。 配置文件:include/config.php 初次运行请到后台设置基本信息! 如果不是根目录请在include/config.php 和include/admin_config.php更改目录名称 $config[ mypath ] = /xqcms2.0 后台地址:/manage 后台用户密码:admin xqcms2.0模板标签使用文档暂时没有整理出来,看看templates模板里面的调用吧,很简单的! 有问题请在网站留言! 可以免费使用,但不提供技术支持,本人也是新手,可以相互交流哈哈!
http://cn18350.ht20.99600.cn/ (2010-05-02, PHP-PERL, 3154KB, 下载1次)
