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[云计算] phalapi-pro

PHP open platform, a professional choice for building an open platform. The commercial software based on the open source PhalApi framework is officially produced. Through cloud technology, help enterprises improve their information systems, cut costs, improve efficiency and provide better services to customers! (2020-04-15, Others, 1KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] DeepFaceLab-2

DeepFaceLab-2.0-Guide-to-Making-Deepfakes,如果您想知道如何制作 deepfake,那么您来对地方了!本 DeepFaceLab 2.0 指南将作为参考和涵盖整个过程的分步教程。DeepFaceLab 可用于各种应用,从娱乐和专业制作,到定制实施和深度学习研究。通过遵循本文档中...
DeepFaceLab-2.0-Guide to Making Deepfakes, if you want to know how to make deepfakes, then you re in the right place! This DeepFaceLab 2.0 guide will serve as a reference and a step-by-step tutorial covering the entire process. DeepFaceLab can be used for various applications, from entertainment and professional production to customized implementation and deep learning research. By following the instructions in this document (2022-11-03, Others, 12003KB, 下载0次)


[云计算] cecos

cecos,。 系统功能包含基本内部云功能,内置自助服务、自动化和详细报告功能等,可以为用户提供各种服务,以达到用户需求,并可以根据详细报告功能提供的信息对系统进行优化。 适用于大规模的虚拟化和内部云部署 CecOS 为企业提供了理想平台,此平台...
cecos,。 The system features basic internal cloud functions, built-in self-service, automation, and detailed reporting functions, etc. It can provide users with various services to meet their needs and optimize the system based on the information provided by the detailed reporting function. CecOS provides an ideal platform for large-scale virtualization and internal cloud deployment for enterprises, which (2013-07-10, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
