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[WEB开发] fineminds

Simple two-column business templates, a full set of templates, DIV+ CSS layout, including about.html, blog.html, contact.html, index.html, portfolio.html, services.html site templates and other pages. (2016-05-25, SQL, 1019KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] DaGaoPeng_Vote_1.0

Gao Peng big prize draw survey system using ASP written, under the code in one of your website can increase traffic, while you are in a complete enterprise customer site, can also be easily added to a piece of code on the client s site , real-time display for customers customized survey topic, you can also add a vote for different customers. (2016-05-16, SQL, 722KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] vitcie_cn_v1.1b

Construction Based Php+ Mysql+ FreeBSD system, stability/powerful/low, using the popular stencil build system easily have aesthetic and practical user interface, built-in language packs module replacement, easy multi-language version, it has a powerful data backup features, original commodity parameter template system to maintain different categories of product specifications will become extremely easy (2016-05-11, SQL, 318KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] fms-Pmmsql-Feelink-v3.0.0424

Feelink(ishow)是一款专注于p2p视频直播、网页视频直播以及视频在线直播网站系统,无需架设视频服务器,用户无需安装任何插件,即可实现超大型视频直播应用,快速架设如六间房,美女视频直播一样的网站应用。 Feelink(ishow)低负载,高清晰度,可与任何系统任何开发语言进行整合对接,与主流的Discuz和usercenter可无缝完美整合。 Feelink(ishow)可以广泛应用于教育直播系统、金融直播系统、美女直播系统、美女在线直播系统、各类培训和企业内部视频系统。 Feelink(ishow)相对于同行业视频直播系统,拥有低负载,高清晰,低价格低成本的巨大优势,而且Feelink更新速度快,技术优势强,可方便的进行深度二次开发。 2.5版更新说明 1.新增p2p+fms智能切换 2.更新了直播组件 3.新增三视频家族 4.新增礼物动画 5.新增首页公告弹出框 6.新增新款样式 7.修复了安装时缺少部分字段问题 8.修复了ie6下的兼容性问题 9.优化flash现实速度 10.修复bug 软件大小:39M 运行环境:asp/sqlserve 演示地址:http://ishow.xknet.net http://ishow.icfmd.com
Feelink(ishow)是一款专注于p2p视频直播、网页视频直播以及视频在线直播网站系统,无需架设视频服务器,用户无需安装任何插件,即可实现超大型视频直播应用,快速架设如六间房,美女视频直播一样的网站应用。 Feelink(ishow)低负载,高清晰度,可与任何系统任何开发语言进行整合对接,与主流的Discuz和usercenter可无缝完美整合。 Feelink(ishow)可以广泛应用于教育直播系统、金融直播系统、美女直播系统、美女在线直播系统、各类培训和企业内部视频系统。 Feelink(ishow)相对于同行业视频直播系统,拥有低负载,高清晰,低价格低成本的巨大优势,而且Feelink更新速度快,技术优势强,可方便的进行深度二次开发。 2.5版更新说明 1.新增p2p+fms智能切换 2.更新了直播组件 3.新增三视频家族 4.新增礼物动画 5.新增首页公告弹出框 6.新增新款样式 7.修复了安装时缺少部分字段问题 8.修复了ie6下的兼容性问题 9.优化flash现实速度 10.修复bug 软件大小:39M 运行环境:asp/sqlserve 演示地址:http://ishow.xknet.net http://ishow.icfmd.com (2016-02-13, SQL, 22086KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] taoyuanwangluoyingpanv5.3SQL

桃源网盘5.3的企业版,这个程序有一个小问题,就是如果服务器重起的话,首次打开页面会提示需要绑定玉米,但是就这一次。压 缩包内有4个文件夹:一个是FTP数据库,一个是主程序数据库,一个是主程序,还有是破解补丁Webdisk.dll。
Taoyuan network disk 5.3 Enterprise Edition, this program has a small problem, that is, if the server restart, the first time you open the page will prompt a need to bind the corn, but just this once. Compressed within 4 folders: one the FTP database, a main program database, a main program, there is a crack Webdisk.dll. (2012-12-11, SQL, 4828KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] Simple-Groupware-

Simple Groupware是一个完全开源的企业办公应用程序,提供功能有:电子邮件,日历,联系人,任务,带有WebDAV的文档管理,手机同步,Outlook数据同步,全文检索等
Simple Groupware is a complete enterprise open source office applications, providing features include: e-mail, calendar, contacts, tasks, document management with WebDAV, mobile synchronization, Outlook data synchronization, full text search (2011-09-18, SQL, 6061KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] 20103159526653

The system is suitable for enterprise independent station, the network companies to quickly website construction, and individual volume business easier to undertake a station, the reception code a clear structure, so, regardless of the primary ASP training the hand, or senior programmer, can quickly use the system. (2011-01-16, SQL, 6366KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] 20101124jyrcxtPHPym

《嘉缘人才内容管理系统php版》采用PHP5 + MYSQL5运行环境。其安装简单方便,只需将程序上传至服务器后即可使用;强大的企业招聘、个人求职、新闻资讯、猎头服务、院校联盟、教育培训、及强大的在线支付与自定义标签等功能,并实现了支持手机短信的功能,使网站与会员之间的联系更加方便;同时人性化系统设计和管理方便的后台系统,不仅可以让不具备网络知识的人员轻松地操作管理,而且可以节约后台管理所需的人力资源;适合所有地区和行业用于建设网络招聘类网站使用。
Ka edge content management system php version of Talent," with PHP5 MYSQL5 operating environment. Its easy to install, simply upload the program to the server immediately after use strong recruiting, individual job search, news, information, search services, universities Union, education and training, and strong online payment capabilities with custom labels and support to achieve the function of SMS, so that the links between sites and more convenient to members (2010-12-13, SQL, 4281KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] travellingshop

Is a tourism-related websites, such as enough of the tickets on the website and understand the business activities of the launch and so is a good communication platform with customers (2010-12-12, SQL, 26KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] CommAdmin

某医院网站管理后台源码 南京某医院的网站后台部分源码,采用的是珠峰在线企业管理系统的,现在应用主要包括新闻,产品,投票,友情链接,会员,留言反馈等系统等 具体具体栏目如下: 文章管理:栏目添加 栏目管理 添加文章 管理文章 文章回收站管理 首页在线调查管理:调查管理 专家科室管理:添加科室 管理科室 添加专家 管理专家 栏目简介管理:简介管理中心 留言管理:留言版块设置 留言管理 友情链接管理:文字链接添加 文字链接管理 管理员管理 :修改管理员密码 添加管理员 管理管理员 其它管理:数据库备份 预约挂号
The some hospital website manages a backstage source code Backstage parts of source codes in website of the Nanking some hospital, adoption of is an on-line bead Feng business enterprise management system of, apply to mainly include news, product, vote now, the friendship chain answers, member, message feedback etc. system etc. Concrete concrete column eyes are as follows: The article manages:The column eyes add a column eyes management to add an article management article article recall the station manage Home page s on-line survey manages:The survey manages The expert section room manages:Add the section room management section the room add an expert to manage an expert The column eyes brief introduction manages:The brief introduction manages center Leave a message a management:Leave a message a version piece to establish a message management The friendship chain takes over a reason:The writing chain connects to add a writing chain to connect a management T (2010-06-10, SQL, 2041KB, 下载18次)


[WEB开发] wzcx

In this directory, containing the contents of the structure designed according to the book' s entire point ASP business procedures, in order to be able to apply immediately to the entire station, also on the local content of some art and code optimization. (2010-04-08, SQL, 4629KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] 7

本网上拍卖系统选用ASP + SQL Server进行开发, 是一个基于Brower/ Server (浏览器/ 服务器) 并采用C2C (Customer to Customer 即个人——个人)运作模式的电子商务系统,提供了一个网上拍卖的市场给买方和卖方,企业和个人可以以拍卖的方式出售和购买商品。 该系统有用户注册资料、商品展示、新商品发布、拍卖竞投和信息反馈几项基本功能。网站上以图片的方式发布物品信息,并接受、记录、对比、处理买家竞投信息的平台,使得网上的用户可以安全、便捷的使用该系统。
Selection of the online auction system for ASP+ SQL Server development, is based on Brower/Server (browser/server) and the use of C2C (Customer to Customer that the individual- the individual) the mode of operation of the e-commerce system, provides an on-line auction market to the buyers and sellers, businesses and individuals can auction the sale and purchase of goods. Registered users of the system information, commodity display, new products releases, auction bidding and a number of basic functions of feedback. Web site published a picture of the items of information, and accepted, records, comparison, buyers bid for information processing platform to enable online users to safe, convenient use of the system. (2009-04-11, SQL, 1008KB, 下载88次)


[WEB开发] qiyezizhujianzhanxitong

一个基于ASP+SQL建立的企业自主建站网站,里面所说不上功能强大,但是直接的链接还是做得不错的, 可供参考!
an ASP-based SQL establish self Station at the site, which are powerful enough, But a direct link is still doing pretty well, for reference! (2007-05-11, SQL, 3121KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] res

人才系统(sqlserver版本) 专业的人才网站系统,个人可以发布自己的简历,企业可以发布招聘信息,并附带有查询功能(18KB)
personnel system (SQLServer version) professional talent website system, individuals can post their own curriculum vitae, enterprises can release employment information, together with an inquiry function (18KB) (2005-01-04, SQL, 17KB, 下载27次)
