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[企业管理] 企业人事信息管理系统

用 C#程序设计语言及开发环境实现简单的企业人事信息管理系统,后台数据库采用SQL Server 2000,完成开发环境和后台数据库的连接,系统功能包含基本信息的查询、录入、修改、以及删除。
The personnel information management system simple enterprise C# programming language and development environment, background database using SQL Server 2000 development environment, the connection is completed and the backstage database system, including basic information query, input, modify, and delete. (2017-08-11, SQL, 1917KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] Personnel-management-system

本资料为MFC+SQL人事管理系统,内含报告和程序。功能完善,可在VC6.0上运行。 在现代化的企业管理中,人事管理系统显得尤为重要,有效利用办公自动化的人事管理系统,能够极大地提高人事管理的效率,同时也是企业进行科学化、正规化管理的手段。通过本人事管理数据库管理系统软件,能帮助人事管理人员利用计算机快速方便的对企业人事资源进行管理。在一方面提高了管理者的工作效率,减少了传统人工管理方式所带来的人力,物力的浪费,另一方面由于本软件具有查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大等优点,实现了企业人事管理的自动化。
In the modern enterprise management, personnel management system is particularly important, effective use of personnel management office automation system, can greatly improve the efficiency of personnel management, enterprise means of scientific and standardized management. By the personnel management database management system software, can help the use of computer personnel managers of enterprises and personnel resources to manage quickly and easily. On the one hand improve the efficiency of managers, reducing the traditional manual management brought the human, material waste, on the other hand, as the software is easy to find, high reliability, large memory capacity, etc., to achieve the enterprise personnel management automation. The information for MFC+SQL personnel management system, including reports and procedures. Perfect function, can be run in VC6.0. (2013-05-12, SQL, 1317KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] EMS

This system for the enterprise inventory management system, including the establishment of the database and the function code, for beginners to learn (2012-12-06, SQL, 5584KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] sqlvb

两个基于SQL设计的系统,一个是 企业员工资料管理系统,一个是轿车销售管理系统-two SQL-based design system, an enterprise information management system for staff, Car sales is a management system
Two SQL-based design system, a corporate employee data management system, a the the sedan sales management system- two SQL-based design system, an enterprise information management system for staff Car sales is On a management system (2012-10-25, SQL, 32KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] Invoicing-management-system

An enterprise inventory management system source code, a detailed description of the code needed by the Invoicing (2012-08-18, SQL, 4454KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] source-book

Enterprise management system, a login module, the main form, the function add, modify, or delete (2012-05-22, SQL, 639KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] renshiguanli

企业人事管理系统 包括登陆界面 系统主界面 具有添加删除 修改等功能 包括数据库
The enterprise personnel management system, including the landing interfaceMain interface of system with added features such as delete modify database (2012-05-05, SQL, 2629KB, 下载9次)


[企业管理] wuyeguanli_code

1、系统环境要求:所有程序均在Windows98/XP操作系统下测试运行。 2、建议用户在系统上安装DELPHI7.0企业版。 3、如果数据库为SQL Server数据库,建议用户安装SQL Serve2000。(Windows98下请安装中文版个人版) 4、将程序文件夹考入计算机硬盘上,去掉所有文件的只读属性。 5、源代码使用注意事项: 《物业管理系统》 数据库:SQLServer2000 数据库脚本:wygl.sql(data文件夹内) ODBC:wygl
1, the system environment requirements: all programs are in Windows98/XP operating system under test run. 2, it is recommended that users on the system to install DELPHI7.0 Enterprise Edition. 3, if the database is SQL Server database, it is recommended that users install the SQL Serve2000. (Windows98, please install the Chinese version of the Personal Edition) 4, the program folder admitted to the computer s hard drive, remove all the files read-only attribute. Note 5, the use of source code: "Property Management System Database: the SQLServer2000 Database script: wygl.sql (the data file folder) ODBC: wygl (2012-04-10, SQL, 5526KB, 下载4次)


[企业管理] HumanResourcesManagementSystem

Based on C++- corporate human resources management system. MFC-based dialog procedures. (2011-11-18, SQL, 5134KB, 下载10次)


[企业管理] ERPSource

ERP源代码!帐表组件,通过实例化该项目的一个报表类(实例化所需参数:报表唯一标识码、报表DataTable结构、SQL查询语句),生成一张功能丰富的报表(可以打印、自定义打印格式、导出、过滤、分组、小计、合计、设置报表显示格式等 并且可以捕获双击报表行的事件)。 示例代码 Dim cFrmId As String = "永思ERP报表_存货档案" 定义报表标识码 Dim cSQL As String = "select * from Inventory" 定义报表SQL查询串 Dim dtFrame As DataTable = Global.Common.DataBase.GetDt("select * from Inventory where 1=2") 定义报表DataTable结构,GetDt函数根据SQL查询串返回一个DataTable Dim frm As AccountBook.frmAccountBook = AccountBook.AccountBook.CreateAccountBookForm(cFrmId, dtFrame, cSQL) 实例化报表 frm.Text = "存货档案" 设置报表标题 AddHandler frm.DoubleClickRow, AddressOf DoubleClickRow 捕获报表行双击事件,由DoubleClickRow过程处理 frm.Show() 显示报表窗口
failed to translate (2011-10-07, SQL, 6599KB, 下载9次)


[企业管理] qiyekaoqin

Enterprise time and attendance system, Guangdong University, SQL database, curriculum design, do not refer to (2011-06-23, SQL, 2274KB, 下载48次)


[企业管理] 07052405

This is a simple business personnel management system, used in experimental development, we hope to be useful (2010-12-11, SQL, 1332KB, 下载5次)


[企业管理] zhinengOffice

该项目主要针企业的自动化办公,提高办公效率,减少人事理成本.让人工作方便、舒服 本项目主要分为六大块:人事管理,日程管理,文档管理,消息传递,系统统管理,考勤管理 人事管理:主要实现对机构部门员工增删改查,打印员工信息等操作. 日程管理:实现了公司部门及个人日程的管理.运用一个简单的日历显示日程,让人一目了然,有阳历转换阴历, 适合大众使用。在以前这种技术会在闰年可能会出现错误,现在已经解决了,需要的朋友们可以学习学习。 文档管理:实现了对公司文档增删改查,及上传下载文件等操作.这里运用了,近似于window系统的一种操作,有些不完善,等待下次上传吧。 希望有兴趣的,可以改进,上传到51aspx共享 消息传递:实现了公司内部人员相互通信,及即使通报工作会议等操作.有即时消息通知。 系统管理:该功能主要用于管理者本身,可以对员工身份权限管理,操日志等。能更好的管理。 考勤管理:主要用于考察员工出勤情况,并统计
A very good office source, free of functional limitations (2010-02-27, SQL, 2995KB, 下载12次)


[企业管理] shujuku

This is our complete database of lessons based enterprise management system, SQL platform complete, complete delete, modify, add features such as changes to the database. (2010-01-11, SQL, 32KB, 下载30次)


[企业管理] canyin.rar

计算机管理系统可以提高餐饮企业的管理水平,节省大量人力、物力和财力,使经营管理更加科学有序、经营物流清晰,经营状况详实、准确。 餐饮管理系统代码
canyinguanlixitongdaima (2010-01-04, SQL, 2KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] WuLiuSys

物流信息管理平台是针对中小型物流企业进行设计的,主要实现如下目标: 操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。 网站整体结构和操作流程合理顺畅,实现人性化设计。 注册功能,提供两种注册途径一种是个人用户注册、一种是企业用户注册。 货源信息的发布和浏览功能。 车源信息的发布和浏览功能。 专线信息的发布和浏览功能。 仓储信息的发布和浏览功能。 招聘信息的发布和浏览功能。 管理网站会员信息。
Logistics information management platform for small and medium-sized logistics enterprises in the design, mainly to achieve the following objectives: to facilitate simple, attractive interface simple. The overall structure and operation of websites and reasonable flow smoothly, the realization of human design. Registration functions, to provide two types of registration means a registration of individual users, a user is registered. Sources of information, and browsing capabilities. Vehicle source information, and browsing capabilities. Line information, and browsing capabilities. Storage information, and browsing capabilities. Recruitment information, publishing and browsing capabilities. Member Information Management Web site. (2009-06-08, SQL, 1081KB, 下载7次)


[企业管理] oa

Oa the name of this system for office automation management system, the main functions of group management for telecommunications, business plans, staff management, session management, attendance management module. Jsp+ Servlet used to develop the preparation, sub-administrator normal user permissions and user rights to do so. Graduated from the system design team to develop work practice issues, the basic shape but there are still many deficiencies, we study and reference purposes only. (2009-05-30, SQL, 621KB, 下载20次)


[企业管理] 33

This is the enterprise customer resource management system, which has detailed documentation available for reference (2008-06-01, SQL, 3622KB, 下载26次)


[企业管理] 24247787542

环境采用ASP.NET和SQL Server 2000 一款为中小企业量身订做的人力资源管理软件。主要包括以下功能:档案管理、考核管理、工资管理、培训管理、评价管理、合同管理、员工调动、员工离职、员工复职、奖惩管理、员工生日提醒、合同到期提醒等。每个功能模块均可以按照任意条件查询、排序、打印卡片、报表预览、导入到Excel。系统设置中您可以设置公司信息、部门、职称、职务、学历、民族等信息,同时可按照相关条件统计出人数,可以用图形显示,也可以用表格形式打印。管理员分为高级管理员和普通管理员,高级管理员可以设置普通管理员极其权限。同时系统内建强大的备份功能和数据恢复、数据清理功能,您可以放心使用,不用担心数据会丢失。软件功能强大、界面友好,运行稳定,是您进行企业人力管理的最佳选择! (2008-03-05, SQL, 151KB, 下载137次)


[企业管理] CAYN8HAF

This is a modern enterprise management system development complete documentation, including system requirements analysis, the outline design, model design, database design, system testing, for reference. (2007-01-23, SQL, 124KB, 下载211次)
