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[企业管理] roadmap2016

路线图编制以为国家制定产业政策提供支撑、为行业技术发展指明方向、为 企业战略决策提供参考为主要目标,基于当前光伏技术和产业的发展现状,从光 伏产业链多晶硅、硅棒/ 硅锭、硅片、电池、组件、平衡部件、系统等各个环节 抽取出可代表该领域发展水平的指标,这些指标涵盖产业、技术、市场等各个层面。路线图编制以为国家制定产业政策提供支撑、为行业技术发展指明方向、为 企业战略决策提供参考为主要目标,基于当前光伏技术和产业的发展现状,从光 伏产业链多晶硅、硅棒/ 硅锭、硅片、电池、组件、平衡部件、系统等各个环节 抽取出可代表该领域发展水平的指标,这些指标涵盖产业、技术、市场等各个层面。
The road map is compiled to provide support for the country to formulate industrial policies and to specify the direction of industry technology development. Enterprise strategic decision-making to provide reference as the main goal, based on the current photovoltaic technology and industry development status, the light V industrial chain polysilicon, silicon rod/ingot, silicon, batteries, components, balance parts, systems and other links To extract indicators that represent the level of development in the field, which covers all aspects of industry, technology, and markets. The road map is compiled to provide support for the country to formulate industrial policies and to specify the direction of industry technology development. Enterprise strategic decision-making to provide reference as the main goal, based on the current photovoltaic technology and industry development status, the light V industrial chain polysilicon, silicon rod/ingot, silicon, batteries, components, balan (2017-03-09, PDF, 10139KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] MISqiyerenshixinxigoodsheep

摘要:介绍了企业人事统计信息管理系统总体规划的确定、系统调查的进行、逻辑模型 的提出、总体结构的设计以及系统的运行效果。 关键词:信息管理系统;人事统计信息;总体规划;逻辑模型;总体结构设计 中图分类号:J!G!@#!文献标识码:K
Abstract: The personnel management system for statistical information to determine the overall planning, systems investigation, logic model proposed, the overall structure of the design and operation of the system effect. Keywords: information management system personnel statistics overall planning logic model the overall structure of design: J! G! @#! Code: K (2008-03-20, PDF, 63KB, 下载6次)
