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[数学计算] YUNZHI_Manage_System

The project uses big data analysis technology to collect, process and analyze a large amount of employee data in real time, providing in-depth human resource insights for enterprises. At the same time, through advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, the system can automatically match talents, predict staff turnover risks, optimize training plans, etc., greatly improving the efficiency and accuracy of human resource management. (2024-04-14, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] myPortfolio-withSpline

My Portfolio网站是一个在线平台,它提供了一种有趣的方式来使用样条线工具了解我,并向访问者展示我的简历。该网站的主要目标是提供娱乐体验,并为用户带来乐趣。
The My Portfolio website is an online platform that provides a fun way to get to know me using Spline tool and show my CV to its visitors. The primary goal of the website is to provide an entertaining experience and make it fun for users. (2024-03-16, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Codecademy-Boss_machine

在这个项目中,您将创建一个完整的API来为Boss Machine提供信息,这是一个为当今最有成就(邪恶)的企业家提供的独特管理应用程序。你将创建路线来管理你的“爪牙”、你的聪明的“百万美元想法”,并处理所有不断添加到繁忙日程中的恼人会议。
In this project, you will create an entire API to serve information to a Boss Machine, a unique management application for today’s most accomplished (evil) entrepreneurs. You will create routes to manage your ‘minions’, your brilliant ‘million dollar ideas’, and to handle all the annoying meetings that keep getting added to your busy schedule. (2023-12-27, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] freecodecamp

With the rapid development of the FCC Chinese community and the rise of more small partners, this project has been upgraded from an individual project to a team project. For details, please go to: (2018-10-19, JavaScript, 11884KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Asset-Map

Asset map for small business owners in the East Bay to find available resources. (2012-10-31, JavaScript, 3609KB, 下载0次)
