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[建站系统] tip-calculator

Free WordPress Plugin: Free tip calculator that helps people know how much to tip when receiving services from various businesses and workers. This tool also calculates how to split a bill and tip between a group of people. www.calculator.io/tip-calculator/ (2023-11-19, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] robs-burgers_restaurant_template

This is a template website I m building for restaurants and other businesses that sell foodstuffs. The theme for this demo site is drawn from a fictional mustachio d burger man and his family burger establishment. (2022-12-13, JavaScript, 31803KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] Webiu

Building and maintaining a website is an essential task for any business or organization. This project aims to ease the workflow of getting a website up and running by developing a “generalized website builder”, with the help of the Gatsby Js Framework. The individuals would be able to utilize this generalized platform to plug-in required (2023-04-04, JavaScript, 5300KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] blog

一个go、echo、xorm、vue typescript vite 开发的快速、简洁、美观、前后端分离的个人博客系统(blog)、也可方便二次开发为CMS(内容管理系统)和各种企业门户网站。
A personal blog system (blog) developed by go, echo, xorm, and vue typescript vite, which is fast, concise, beautiful, and front and back end separated, can also be easily developed into CMS (content management system) and various enterprise portals. (2023-06-08, JavaScript, 16049KB, 下载0次)
