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按分类查找All GPT/ChatGPT(23) 
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[GPT/ChatGPT] job-hunter-rebase

该存储库包含Google Chrome扩展的代码,该扩展使用ChatGPT的API根据提供的简历和LinkedIn招聘职位生成个性化的求职信。注意:该存储库是原始存储库job hunter的基基。
This repository contains the code for a Google Chrome extension that uses ChatGPT s API to generate personalized cover letters based on provided resume and LinkedIn job post. Note: This repository is a rebase from the original repository, job-hunter. (2024-02-06, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] CoverGPT

GitHub integrated web application that reads user projects and their resume in order to provide context for GPT3 to write a cover letter tailored to specific job applications. , (2023-03-03, JavaScript, 155KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] whatsapp-turbo-gpt

介绍了Harshit Sharma(昵称:harshitethic)的WhatsApp机器人,该机器人由OpenAI的ChatGPT和NodeJS使用Baileys库提供支持。参与自然语言对话,并使用最新的GPT 3.5 turbo模型生成响应。非常适合希望实现客户支持自动化的企业和个人。
Introducing a WhatsApp bot by Harshit Sharma (nickname: harshitethic) powered by OpenAI s ChatGPT and NodeJS using Baileys library. Engage in natural language conversations and generate responses using the latest GPT 3.5 turbo model. Ideal for businesses and individuals looking to automate customer support. , (2023-03-25, JavaScript, 7041KB, 下载0次)
