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[微服务] DyeOnlineCMS

采用 Java编写Spring Boot构建纺实现纺织织企业在线管理的模型项目(包括了计划下达,分组投坯生产,印染流程在线审批与状态查阅,打包质检出入库等一些列功能)
Using Java to write Spring Boot to build a model project for textile enterprises to realize online management (including a series of functions such as plan release, group production, online approval and status review of printing and dyeing processes, packaging, quality inspection, warehousing, etc.) (2020-09-13, JavaScript, 4861KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] AuthManage

用spring boot、mybatis、jquery、mysql、shiro ,AdminLTE实现企业后台管理系统,有部门管理,菜单管理,用户管理,角色管理等等,演示地址<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> , stars:4, update:2022-02-09 22:17:37
用spring boot、mybatis、jquery、mysql、shiro ,AdminLTE实现企业后台管理系统,有部门管理,菜单管理,用户管理,角色管理等等,演示地址<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> , stars:4, update:2022-02-09 22:17:37 (2023-06-25, JavaScript, 22726KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] SpringBoot-Business-Blog

基于慕课网实战课程《基于Spring Boot技术栈 博客系统企业级前后端实战》升级的SpringBoot2.0博客
Upgraded SpringBoot2.0 blog based on Mockoo.com practical course "Enterprise level front and rear end practical combat of blog system based on Spring Boot technology stack" (2018-12-30, JavaScript, 3484KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] albedo-boot-freemaker

AlbedoBoot 是一个Java企业应用开源框架,基于jhipster快速开发框架,使用经典技术组合(SpringBoot、SpringCloud、Spring MVC、MyBatis Hibernate、Metronic),包括...
AlbedoBoot is an open source framework for Java enterprise applications. Based on the jhipster rapid development framework, it uses classic technology combinations (SpringBoot, SpringCloud, Spring MVC, MyBatis Hibernate, Metronic), including (2018-11-28, JavaScript, 107414KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] avengereugmall

基于SpringCloud + Nacos + Mybatis Plus + renren代码生成器 + MySQL + Redis缓存+ RabbitMQ消息队列 + ES搜索引擎 + ELK + OSS自己搭建企业级**B2C**...
Based on SpringCloud+Nacos+Mybatis Plus+renren code generator+MySQL+Redis cache+RabbitMQ message queue+ES search engine+ELK+OSS, build your own enterprise level * * B2C * * (2020-12-01, JavaScript, 30580KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] MicroStruct

MicroStruct是使用.Net 6.Net 7开发具有微服务架构的企业系统的基本解决方案...
MicroStruct is a base solution for developing enterprise systems with micro service architecture with .Net 6/ .Net 7 and C#. It also includes a service to manage machine-state workflows using Elsa and a dynamic user-customizable dashboard. (2022-11-20, JavaScript, 37276KB, 下载0次)
