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[Java编程] Basic-Chatbot-using-HTML-CSS-and-JavaScript

Chatbots are a useful tool for businesses and organizations, allowing them to communicate with customers and users in a quick and efficient manner. In this tutorial, we will be building a basic chatbot design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. (2023-05-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] recruit

用了shiro做了初级的权限(就是做了个登录验证而已。初学练练手) 分企业用户和求职用户和管理员。 企业用户:发布求职信息 查看求职者信息 求职用户:可以发布求职信息,投简历 查看历史记录 等
With the shiro made the primary authority (that is, done a login verification only. Beginner practice hand) points business users and job users and administrators. Business users: job information to find job seekers information job users: you can publish job information, resume to see historical records, etc. (2017-09-14, JavaScript, 9260KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] 租车系统

系统基于租车业务场景而搭建的O2O服务平台,可为用户提供商务租车、接送机、旅游租车、企业租车、自驾租车、婚庆用车等自助租车服务。 系统根据相关版本提供相关内容服务。包含车辆库管理、司机管理、订单管理、活动管理、评价管理等。
The system is based on the rental car business scene and build O2O service platform, which can provide users with self-service rental services such as business car rental, pickup and transport, travel rental, enterprise rental, self driving, car rental, wedding car, etc.. The system provides related content services in accordance with the relevant version. It includes vehicle depot management, driver management, order management, activity management, evaluation management, etc.. (2017-07-06, JavaScript, 44131KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] SalarySystem

一个基于javascript开发平台的工资管理系统,数据库系统,用于中小企业员工工资管理。框架struts 2
A javascript-based development platform payroll system, system for small and medium enterprises management staff salaries. Frame struts 2 (2016-05-19, JavaScript, 9069KB, 下载17次)


[Java编程] MyEclipse10_reg_ch

MyEclipse,是在eclipse 基础上加上自己的插件开发而成的功能强大的企业级集成开发环境,主要用于Java、Java EE以及移动应用的开发。
MyEclipse, is based on eclipse and own plug-in development into a powerful enterprise integrated development environment, it is mainly used for Java, Java EE, and the development of mobile applications. (2016-03-12, JavaScript, 729KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] sy01

Laboratory management system, management of electronic laboratory, biological laboratories, testing laboratories, electrical laboratories. (2013-05-26, JavaScript, 3039KB, 下载11次)


[Java编程] JSP

The CRUD detection system for the environment, convenient information timely update, and delete (2012-06-08, JavaScript, 748KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] jspqiyebangongzidonghua

jsp毕业设计,内有论文提纲 企业办公自动化访问地址: http://localhost:8080/z_office 登录名:admin,密码admin
jsp graduation, there are papers outline business office automation access address: http://localhost:8080/z_office login name: admin, password admin (2011-11-13, JavaScript, 1920KB, 下载37次)


[Java编程] Eclipse

MyEclipse 6 Java 开发中文教程 本书是讲解 MyEclipse 6 开发Java EE 企业应用的入门图书。该书不但讲解了目前最 流行的SSH(Spring、Struts、Hibernate)、JSF、JPA 的开发,同时还对SOA 实现的基石 --Web Service 的开发进行了探讨。缺点就是偏于实践操作,相关的理论详细介绍部分比较 少,对于具有一定开发经验的读者没有吸引力,因此只适合作为初学者使用MyEclipse 时的 参考书,或者从事技术转型的开发人员,也可作为培训机构的辅助教材,或高校学生的自学 教材,手把手的视频辅导方式可以确保入门。
Eclipse java (2011-01-16, JavaScript, 28258KB, 下载34次)


[Java编程] enterprisesystem

The routine management of enterprise system, through the JSP+ JAVABEAN+ SERVERLET+ MYSQL (2010-11-27, JavaScript, 6273KB, 下载18次)


[Java编程] jspeclipse

JSP+SQL版 科技企业信息管理系统[Eclipse]版 附工程文件 系统基本参数 1、主页地址:http://localhost:8080/tech/default.htm 默认登录用户 manager 密码123456 2、注册时请指定密码为:注册密码必须是“036999”,才能注册成功,否则会提示“注册未认可”(明白JSP的 可以自行修改 工程源码) 3、程序里面设定的SQL Server数据库登录用户名是:sa,密码为空,如果为sa用户设置了密码,请修改源代码\修改需要的源文件[Eclipse]\tech\jdbc\jdbc.java中的数据库连接代码,然后重新编译这个类,编译后把编译成的class,复制到Tomcat的webapps目录下的 程序采用 传统 MVC 模式架构
tech\WEB-INF\classes\jdbc (2010-08-24, JavaScript, 398KB, 下载29次)


[Java编程] daima

基于JSP的企业通讯录管理 最基本的功能都有 经验证没有错误
JSP-based business contact management (2010-06-01, JavaScript, 39KB, 下载18次)


[Java编程] logistics

The logistics industry, the release of all types of information, query, modify and delete, to provide member service functions, for the logistics industry, enterprises and other aids (2009-12-26, JavaScript, 3878KB, 下载8次)


[Java编程] netbean

" Proficient in NetBeans- Java Desktop, Web and enterprise development explain" CD-ROM (2009-08-16, JavaScript, 17932KB, 下载71次)


[Java编程] Java

The goal is to resolve the issue of communication between enterprises and the problem of coordination and enhance efficiency. The staff of enterprises or units can make use of the communications system to send text messages anytime, anywhere, for more people talk, mass message, transfer files, audio, video dialogue. System, including client and server to support LAN and Internet. Among employees in the enterprise anywhere, any time for real-time exchange, the real work to achieve the enterprise (2009-07-07, JavaScript, 1490KB, 下载6次)


[Java编程] 06

办公自动化系统应实现的功能如下。 企业的日常管理,应包括企业的会议管理和公告管理。用户可以通过这一模块查看企业发布的会议、公告,并设置了添加新公告和会议的功能。 考勤管理,应包括外出登记、请假登记、出差登记、上下班登记。员工可利用网络进行登记,简单方便。 计划制定,应包括企业计划、部门计划、个人计划等。对企业的计划进行了分类存储。大大的节省了统计的时间。 审核管理,通过这一模块用户可以发布申请,以及对审核批示的管理
Office automation system features to be achieved as follows. Day-to-day business management, the meeting should include the management of enterprise management and announcements. Through this module the user can view the enterprise issued by the meeting, notice, and set up a notice to add new functions and conferences. Attendance management, should include going out to register, leave registration, business registration, the registration to work. Staff can make use of the network to register, easy and convenient. Plan should include the business plan, sectoral plans, individual plans. Plan-to-business classified storage. Statistics save big time. Audit management, through which the user can release the application module, as well as instructions on the management audit (2009-06-21, JavaScript, 768KB, 下载22次)


[Java编程] bbs

用struts开发的简易bbs,很适合struts入门 先把目录拷到tomcat/webapp下 用sql2000的企业管理器, 新建一个bbs数据库,再还原bbs/database目录下的数据!
Simple struts developed with bbs, very suitable for first directory entry struts Kaodao tomcat/webapp using sql2000 enterprise manager, bbs create a new database, and then restore the bbs/database directory of the data! (2009-05-02, JavaScript, 1770KB, 下载2次)


[Java编程] ctpsjsp

接口特点: 1.支持全国所有省份固定电话、小灵通、移动、联通手机,开通移动、联通、电信、网通 多个声讯热线号码。 2.设置商户密钥,支付信息加密传递,加强支付安全性,加密系统与其他银行卡在线支付 平台兼容。 3.贺喜支付平台(http://www.168reg.cn)提供完善的后台管理系统,提供定单管理、定单 统计、财务管理、用户资料修改、商户密钥设置、推荐用户及技术支持等功能。 4.提交支付信息时可保存两个自定义字段,可以记录定单需要返回的其他重要信息。 5.您可以登录后台管理系统查看定单以下信息:定单号、用户支付金额、商户所得金额、 自定义字段、支付日期、结帐信息等。 6.提供宣传推广代码,推荐其他商户加盟可获得其收入的一定比例分成。 7.开放收费制商户,为商户降低支付成本。
err (2008-04-25, JavaScript, 48KB, 下载7次)


[Java编程] j_8423_easydbo

 EasyDBO是由简易java框架网(www.easyjf.com)开发的一个适合中小型软件数据库开发的java数据持久层框架,系统参考hibernate、JDO等,结合中小项目软件的开发实际,实现简单的Java对象到关系数据的映射。EasyDBO由于比较简单,比较适合于中小企业及个人开发使用,EasyDBO当前还处于测试阶段、是一个简易但不太成熟的对象-关系映射开源中间件。   EasyDBO的源代码非常简单,有一点Java知识的人基本上都能读懂,因此,选择EasyDBO作本文的示例主要目的在于让读者快速进入ORM系统的世界,理解对象-关系数据库实质及实现原理。    EasyDBO考虑的是最简单的对象-关系映射,简单到可以不使用任何配置文件就实现对象-关系的映射。EasyDBO源码主要包括com.easyjf.dbo、com.easyjf.dbo.config、com.easyjf.dbo.sql三个包。其中com.easyjf.dbo是框架的核心、实现了对象-关系的转换、JDBC API的封装以及用户接口支持等,com.easyjf.dbo.config实现配置文件的管理,com.easyjf.dbo.sql实现数据库的简单Sql语句的生成及多数据库支持的扩展。
EasyDBO is simple java framework Network (www.easyjf.com) opened made of a database for small and medium-sized software development java data persistence layer framework, System Reference Apache, JDO, combining small and medium-sized projects in software development practice, the simple Java objects to relational data mapping. EasyDBO as simpler, more suited to the development of SMEs and personal use, EasyDBO also present at the testing stage, it is a simple but not very mature object-relational mapping open-source middleware. EasyDBO the source code is very simple, it is knowledge of Java basically can understand, therefore, EasyDBO choice for the examples in this paper main purpose is to let readers quick access to ORM system in the world, understanding Object-relational database and re (2006-01-04, JavaScript, 2067KB, 下载7次)


[Java编程] 18839@qifofree

适用于个人和中小型企业站点的数据量不大的情况下使用,保留一套免费网站模板 管理员地址:admin/index.jsp 用默认超级管理用户名:admin 密码:admin
apply to individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises site of the data of little use. reservations a free website template administrators address : admin/index.jsp with Super default management Username : admin Password : admin (2005-12-27, JavaScript, 7282KB, 下载17次)
