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[网址推荐] 112

1, the traditional enterprise website, senior user interaction; (the company introduction, news, product, case, download, marketing network, customer message, talent, orders, membership, station search, email subscription etc.); 2, to provide the company Google map settings interface, you can mark the company in the background, in the front of the company to display your location map; 3, a number of system optimization and set up the function interface: internal links (the rational construction of station link is one of the important technology of search engine optimization, it can make the whole website optimization search engine optimization value recognition, this measure is mainly to establish a convenient, direct, comprehensive navigation links, so that each page order and head.
1, the traditional enterprise website, senior user interaction; (the company introduction, news, product, case, download, marketing network, customer message, talent, orders, membership, station search, email subscription etc.); 2, to provide the company Google map settings interface, you can mark the company in the background, in the front of the company to display your location map; 3, a number of system optimization and set up the function interface: internal links (the rational construction of station link is one of the important technology of search engine optimization, it can make the whole website optimization search engine optimization value recognition, this measure is mainly to establish a convenient, direct, comprehensive navigation links, so that each page order and head. (2017-07-08, ASP, 2101KB, 下载1次)
