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按分类查找All 手机短信编程(26) 
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[手机短信编程] SMS

Enterprise Short Message System manual. Away if the company wishes to inform staff in the field to report back to the company, the traditional method is to call the telephone to notify each employee, and now has developed Enterprise Short Message System will be able to write a report to the staff back to the company' s SMS , and then add all field staff, telephone number, unified sent, greatly improve office efficiency. Through the actual needs analysis, development of this set of Enterprise Short Message System. The main advantage of the hardware system to send text messages SMS cat, completely through the system users can specify a group of phone numbers for SMS sending, accelerate the efficiency of office. (2013-06-07, C#, 1420KB, 下载3次)


[手机短信编程] SMSsystem

If the company wants to notice far in the field staff to report back to the company, the traditional method is to call each employee s phone notification, to develop enterprises Short Message System will be able to write a short message to the staff to report back to the company, and then add all the field stafftelephone number, unified sent to greatly improve office efficiency. Actual needs analysis, development of this set of enterprises Short Message System. The system use hardware messaging cats to send text messages, bulk text messages through the system users can specify a set of phone numbers, to speed up the efficiency of the office. System itself, there are SMS query capabilities, as well as the received view SIM messages, but also to provide users with the functionality of the phone book, phonebook management, can be used contacts and their phone number added to the database , added convenience when sending text messages to receive. System security considerations, First, the (2012-04-11, C#, 1428KB, 下载6次)


[手机短信编程] 02

Short message system if the company wishes to inform the staff back to the company for far field report, the traditional way is to dial the phone to notify each employee, now developed enterprise short message system will be able to prepare a report to inform the staff back to the company SMS, and then add all the field staff telephone number, to send out a unified, greatly improve office efficiency. Through the analysis of the actual demand, develop the enterprise short message system. This system mainly use the hardware to send SMS text messages a cat, through the system the user can specify a group of telephone numbers for the mass text messages, to speed up the efficiency of the office. The system itself also has sent the message to the query and view the SIM card received in the message, but also to provide users with a phone book function, through the phone book management, can be more commonly used contact and mobile phone numbers added to the database, add the recipient conveni (2011-08-17, C#, 1426KB, 下载3次)


[手机短信编程] SMS

Enterprise Short Message System, if the company would like to inform the staff in the field far away to report back to the company, the traditional method is to dial the phone to notify each employee, and now the development of enterprises Short Message System will inform the staff member can write a text message to report back to the company, and then Add all the field staff phone numbers, send out a unified. (2011-05-05, C#, 612KB, 下载13次)



企业短信群发系统源代码(1)在使用本程序前,需要硬件“短信猫”支持,操作短信猫时需要调用厂商附带的dllforvc.dll动态连接库。 (2)本系统管理员用户名为:Tsoft,密码为:111。 (3)实例执行文件位置:TM\02\SMS\SMS\bin\Debug\SMS.exe (4)系统锁定解锁密码为:111
Enterprise Short Message System source code (1) using this procedure, you need hardware " message cat" support, operations need to call the vendor when the cat SMS with the dllforvc.dll dynamic link library. (2) The system administrator user name: Tsoft, the password is: 111. (3) examples of implementation of the file location: TM \ 02 \ SMS \ SMS \ bin \ Debug \ SMS.exe (4) system password lock to unlock: 111 (2010-06-13, C#, 1270KB, 下载4次)


[手机短信编程] EnterpriseSystem

If the company wishes to inform the staff in the field, far back to the company to report, the traditional way is to dial the phone to notify each employee, and now developed a corporate Short Message System will be able to prepare a report to the staff back to the company s SMS, and then add all the field staff telephone number, to send out a unified and greatly improve the efficiency of the office (2009-12-15, C#, 1729KB, 下载5次)
