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[图形图象] SAR滤波

MATLAB realizes Lee, frost and Kuan filtering for SAR image, and calculates the evaluation indexes such as peak signal-to-noise ratio and equivalent number of views, which can be run only by changing the image name (2021-04-09, matlab, 3KB, 下载1次)


[图形图象] 图像清晰度评价指标Matlab

图像清晰度评价函数说明 1、熵: 表示图像所包含的平均信息量的多少,嫡值越大则所含信息量越多。 文件名:entropy.m 结果:EN 2、交叉嫡:反映两幅图像的差异,交叉嫡越小,则融合图像和原图像的差别越小。 文件名:cross_entropy.m 结果:平均交叉嫡MCE,均方根交叉嫡RCE 3、峰值信噪比: PSNR越高,说明融合效果与质量越好。 文件名:psnr.m 结果:PSNR 4、Qabf: 评价边缘或梯度质量,越大边缘越明显 文件名:Qabf.m 结果:Qabf(QAB/F) 5、平均梯度(Average Gradient):也称为清晰度,反映了图像中的微小细节反差与纹理变化特征,同时也反映了图像的清晰度,越大越好。 文件名:avg_gradient 调用:outval = avg_gradient(img) 6、结构相似性指数: SSIM指原图像和融合图像的相似程度,值越大越相似 文件名:ssim.m 结果:SSIM 7、互信息:MI(mutual information) 8、NMI: Normalized mutual information
Image sharpness evaluation function (2018-09-30, matlab, 305KB, 下载126次)


[图形图象] tuxiang

The original image is changed into blurred image, and then restored by PSF, the larger motion length is restored, and the larger motion angle is restored. Noise is added, filtered and restored respectively, signal to noise ratio is restored, autocorrelation function is restored, and noise power is restored with 1-D autocorrelation function. (2018-07-18, matlab, 6KB, 下载15次)


[图形图象] 1.给图片添加了正弦噪声,消除噪声

Adding additional appropriate noise components to the digital signal can effectively improve the signal to noise ratio of the signal (2017-12-21, matlab, 5KB, 下载5次)


[图形图象] ProbabAnalysisNetRadarargetDetect

在目标瑞利起伏的模型下,噪声服从零均值高斯分布时,对比了秩 K规则和最大信噪比规则这两种融合方法,对目标检测性能的影响。
Detection property ofnetted radarusing order-Kand SNR maximization is analyzed underRayleigh fluctuations and zeromeanGaussian distribution noise. The detection probabilities of the two rules are given underdifferent false alarm probabilitywhen six radars are deployed. (2014-01-04, matlab, 89KB, 下载3次)


[图形图象] wavelet

3 wavelet decomposition of the image, using the coefficient of each layer decomposition of the images were reconstructed to calculate the peak signal to noise ratio reconstruction out of the image, for comparison. (2009-12-26, matlab, 1KB, 下载54次)


[图形图象] Ban-denoising

This code is based on Bandelet SAR image denoising with a hard threshold .the results were compared with the wavelet transform, and the results indicated that in the peak signal to noise ratio(PSNR)and edge-preserving index(EPI), there is a certain on the increase. There are procedures and SAR images in this compression package. (2009-10-26, matlab, 264KB, 下载356次)
