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[Windows编程] SVD降噪

The singular value decomposition method is used to reduce the noise of the vibration signal, improve the signal-to-noise ratio, obtain the components of interest in the signal, and prepare for the subsequent signal processing process (2020-07-11, matlab, 32KB, 下载27次)


[Windows编程] 实验一

一般信道容量迭代算法 (1)初始化信源分布:P^((0))=(p_(1 ),p_(2 ),…,p_(i ),…,p_r),置迭代计数器k=0,设信道容量相对误差门限为δ,δ>0,可设C(0)=-∞; (2)φ_ji^((k))=(p_ij p_i^((k)))/(∑p_ij p_i^((k)) ) i=1,…,r;j=1,…,s; (3)p_i^((k+1) )=exp?[∑_j?〖p_ij lnφ_ji^((k)) 〗]/(∑_i?〖{exp?[∑_j?〖p_ij lnφ_ji^((k)) 〗]}〗) i=1,…,r; (4)C^((k+1))=ln∑_i?〖{exp?[∑_j?〖p_ij lnφ_ji^((k)) 〗]}〗; (5)如果, (|C^((k+1) )-C^((k)) |)/C^((k+1)) ≤δ, 转向(7); (6)否则,置迭代符合 k+1→k,转向(2); (7)输出p_i^((k+1) )和C^((k+1)); (8)停止。
General channel capacity iterative algorithm (2020-05-21, matlab, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] hxfejt1

In single-path Rayleigh channel, a time-division guidance-assisted channel estimation method is designed and simulated with Simulink to measure the bit-error-rate performance of BPSK and to draw the bit-to-noise ratio. (2019-03-27, matlab, 146KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] colourhistogram

Colourhistogram II. TEXTURE FEATURE EXTRACTION IN CBIR An overview of the proposed CBIR system is illustrated in Fig. 1. The proposed algorithm, Label Wavelet Transform (LWT), is based on color image segmentation [1], and it is an extension of DWT-based texture feature extraction method. The 2-D DWT is computed by applying separable filter banks to the gray level images. The detail images Dn,1, Dn,2, and Dn,3 are obtained by band-pass filtering in a specific direction, and they can be categorized into three frequency bands: HL, LH, HH band, respectively. Each band contains different directional information at scale n. The texture feature is extracted from the variance (ó2 n,i) of the coefficients cn,i of the detail image Dn,1, Dn,2, and Dn,3 at different scale n.To represent the texture feature of an image q, the texture feature vector of DWT is defined as [2]: TDWT (q) = [ó2 1,1, ó2 1,2, ó2 1,3, ..., ó2N max,3], (1) where Nmax denotes the largest scale. In this work, Nmax
Colourhistogram II. TEXTURE FEATURE EXTRACTION IN CBIR An overview of the proposed CBIR system is illustrated in Fig. 1. The proposed algorithm, Label Wavelet Transform (LWT), is based on color image segmentation [1], and it is an extension of DWT-based texture feature extraction method. The 2-D DWT is computed by applying separable filter banks to the gray level images. The detail images Dn,1, Dn,2, and Dn,3 are obtained by band-pass filtering in a specific direction, and they can be categorized into three frequency bands: HL, LH, HH band, respectively. Each band contains different directional information at scale n. The texture feature is extracted from the variance (ó2 n,i) of the coefficients cn,i of the detail image Dn,1, Dn,2, and Dn,3 at different scale n.To represent the texture feature of an image q, the texture feature vector of DWT is defined as [2]: TDWT (q) = [ó2 1,1, ó2 1,2, ó2 1,3, ..., ó2N max,3], (1) where Nmax denotes the largest scale. In this work, Nmax (2013-11-19, matlab, 1KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] direct-sequence-spread-spectrum

the direct sequence spread spectrum with interference communication system (2010-03-13, matlab, 9KB, 下载237次)
