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按分类查找All OpenGL(33) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(33) 

[OpenGL] CG_Bunny

A three-dimensional model of the rabbit, with the texture and light effect, is suitable for the OpenGL beginners (2017-12-07, Visual C++, 2113KB, 下载14次)


[OpenGL] Question-2

Change the program a spinning square to a spinning octagon, where the faces have the letters of an eight-letter word (such as spinning ). Use 2D text drawing (t3dDraw2D) rather than 3D text drawing. (2014-12-05, Visual C++, 266KB, 下载5次)


[OpenGL] 3DSLoader

Based the OpenGL and acceleration sensor simulation boating digital entertainment, the works by MMA7260Q three-axis acceleration sensor to collect data, will collate the collection complete signal transmission to the Bluetooth pass-through module and by SCM STC12C5A60S the control transfer by Bluetooth via a PC serial to the computer, data processing program performance in a three-dimensional picture (2013-03-26, Visual C++, 6104KB, 下载9次)


[OpenGL] the-anaimation-of-human

Establish simulation and study of human bones in opengl virtual development environment suitable for the establishment of a virtual character description, and display, for graduate students and university teachers as well as corporate officers (2012-09-19, Visual C++, 1270KB, 下载23次)


[OpenGL] 3DMathPrimer-Chinese

This book is about 3D math, the study of the mathematics behind the geometry of a 3D world. 3D math is related to computational geometry, which deals with solving geometric problems algorithmically. 3D math and computational geometry have applications in a wide variety of fields that use computers to model or reason about the world in 3D, such as graphics, games, simulation, robotics, virtual reality, and cinematography. This book covers theory and practice in C++. The “theory” part is an explanation of the relationship between math and geometry in 3D. It also serves as a handy reference for techniques and equations. The “practice” part illustrates how these concepts can be applied in code. The programming language used is C++, but in principle, the theoretical techniques from this book can be applied in any programming language. This book is not just about computer graphics, simulation, or even computational geometry. However, if you plan to study thos (2012-03-07, Visual C++, 13490KB, 下载8次)


[OpenGL] nehe-opengl-chinese-all-version

nehe OPENGL 简体中文教程48课完全版,每课含示例代码,极品!!!
Simplified Chinese nehe OPENGL Tutorial Lesson 48 full version, including sample code for each class, the best! ! ! (2009-08-08, Visual C++, 9536KB, 下载764次)



OpenGL™ 是行业领域中最为广泛接纳的 2D/3D 图形 API, 其自诞生至今已催生了各种计算机平台及设备上的数千优秀应用程序。OpenGL™ 是独立于视窗操作系统或其它操作系统的,亦是网络透明的。在包含CAD、内容创作、能源、娱乐、游戏开发、制造业、制药业及虚拟现实等行业领域中,OpenGL™ 帮助程序员实现在 PC、工作站、超级计算机等硬件设备上的高性能、极具冲击力的高视觉表现力图形处理软件的开发。
OpenGL ™ is the industry' s most widely accepted field of 2D/3D graphics API, it has been since the birth of the birth of a variety of computer platforms and equipment on thousands of outstanding applications. OpenGL ™ are independent of the Windows operating system or other operating system is also network transparent. Contains at CAD, content creation, energy, entertainment, game development, manufacturing, pharmaceutical industry and virtual reality industries field, OpenGL ™ help programmers achieve at PC, workstations, super computers and other hardware devices on the high-performance, highly with high impact visual performance graphics processing software development. (2009-03-23, Visual C++, 1014KB, 下载6次)


[OpenGL] vcopengl

OpenGL™ 是行业领域中最为广泛接纳的 2D/3D 图形 API, 其自诞生至今已催生了各种计算机平台及设备上的数千优秀应用程序。OpenGL™ 是独立于视窗操作系统或其它操作系统的,亦是网络透明的。在包含CAD、内容创作、能源、娱乐、游戏开发、制造业、制药业及虚拟现实等行业领域中,OpenGL™ 帮助程序员实现在 PC、工作站、超级计算机等硬件设备上的高性能、极具冲击力的高视觉表现力图形处理软件的开发。
OpenGL ™ is the industry' s most widely accepted field of 2D/3D graphics API, it has been since the birth of the birth of a variety of computer platforms and equipment on thousands of outstanding applications. OpenGL ™ are independent of the Windows operating system or other operating system is also network transparent. Contains at CAD, content creation, energy, entertainment, game development, manufacturing, pharmaceutical industry and virtual reality industries field, OpenGL ™ help programmers achieve at PC, workstations, super computers and other hardware devices on the high-performance, highly with high impact visual performance graphics processing software development. (2009-03-23, Visual C++, 217KB, 下载8次)


[OpenGL] 3D_Cube

This is my graduation project. Of a 3D cube. With VC6.0+ OpenGL development, the main technology is the texture mapping. The realization of Rubik s cube rotation, light, transparent and other functions. There are papers and source code. (2008-09-18, Visual C++, 682KB, 下载2385次)


[OpenGL] VisualC++OpenGL

《 Visual C++ 高级编程技术OpenGL篇 》程序源代码 第一章:OpenGL编程基础 第二章:使用MFC进行OpenGL编程 第三章:OpenGL基本绘图技术 第四章:创建OpenGL编程模板 第五章:几何常见三维模型读取和绘制 第六章:虚拟地形场景漫游和导弹发射 第七章:OpenGL超味编程 第八章:人体动画设计系统 强列向学习opengl编程的朋友推荐! (2008-07-17, Visual C++, 966KB, 下载2566次)


[OpenGL] tuxiangchuli.rar

使用媒体控制接口(MCI) 使用MCIWnd窗口类 使用OpenGL DirectX编程 DLL的概念 动态链接库的创建 动态链接库的访问 创建ActiveX控件 测试和使用ActiveX控件 进程和线程 线程的管理和操作 线 程 通 信 线程同步 概 述 Windows Sockets 编程 WinInet应用
Use of the media control interface (MCI) using MCIWnd window class using OpenGL DirectX programming concept DLL dynamic link library to create dynamic-link library to create ActiveX controls access to test and use ActiveX controls process and thread management and operation of the thread-thread communications thread synchronization overview of Windows Sockets Application Programming WinInet (2007-11-01, Visual C++, 572KB, 下载10次)


[OpenGL] OOWin32

NeHe SDK是把Nehe的教程中所介绍的所有功能,以面向对象的形式,提供给编程人员快速开发的一套编程接口。在下面的教程中,我将按NeHe SDK源码的功能分类,一步一步把这套api介绍给大家。如果你觉得有更好的学习方法,或者有其他有益的建议,请联系我。zhouwei02@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn,zhouwei506@mails.gucas.ac.cn 我在第四课的基础上,把公共的功能提取出来,并删除了特定的绘制函数,就完成了这个空白的程序框架,它可以使用基本的OpenGL绘制命令,并提供视口,文本,纹理类的接口,实用他们可以快速创建你想要的效果。 这个框架分为两个部分,启用main.cpp文件完成创建窗口,提供必需的全局变量和执行程序循环等固定的功能。在以后的演示程序中一般不在改变。draw.cpp文件完成具体的绘制操作,它随你的应用而变化。 main.cpp的所有功能在前面的课程中都详细讲解过,这里只是把整个程序结构在说明一下,让你有一个清晰的认识。下面是它的七大结构 头文件和全局变量 Windows主函数 根据用户设置配置OpenGL的窗口 创建OpenGL运行的窗口,并返回窗口的句柄 设置绘制字体的参数 程序循环 退出程序 我们一一介绍如下:
Retrieved SDK is Nehe curricula introduced in all functions to the object-oriented form, available to the programmers a rapid development of the programming interface. In the following tutorial, I will be Retrieved SDK source of functional classification, step by step to bring this api introducing to you. If you think you have a better method of study, or for some other useful suggestions, please contact me. Zhouwei02@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn. I zhouwei506@mails.gucas.ac.cn in the fourth lesson on the basis of public function extracted, and the deletion of specific mapping function, it was completed in the blank procedural framework, It can use the OpenGL rendering basic order and inspection mouth, text, and texture type of interface, Practical fast they can create the effect you want. The fr (2007-03-16, Visual C++, 63KB, 下载258次)


[OpenGL] VFW教程

信成为可能,因而用户可以用计算机控制仪器,可 以依赖计算机为工具开发自己的强有力的软件来增强 自己的仪器系统的功能,使他能够分析和处理特定的 数据并显示结果,而不是限于仪器的固
letter as possible, so users can use computer-controlled equipment, it can rely on the computer as a tool to develop their own powerful software to enhance their own instrument system functions, so that he can analyze and process-specific data and display the results and not be confined to equipment Solid (2005-08-14, Visual C++, 809KB, 下载136次)
