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[C#编程] Household-spending

家庭支出管理系统(1)支出信息包括: 支出类型(主要可以分为饮食,服饰装扮,礼金,教育培训,电器,健身,通讯,子女培养,旅游,文化娱乐,医疗,交通,聚会,居住等小项),金额,消费地点,消费时间等。 (2)需要实现的功能 1) 用户根据口令进入系统 2) 输入某一月份,完成该月份的支出管理 3) 输入并统计该月的支出情况 4) 显示该月支出信息表,内容应包括日期,金额等 5) 按支出类型进行分类统计和排序 6) 进行本月消费分析,即分析每项支出所占总支出的百分比,并显示分析结果 7) 显示按支出类型排序后的支出信息 8) 将排序后的内容存为文件。 (3)界面友好,输入信息符合逻辑如存款金额不为负数、不可能有非数字的字符等。
Family expenditure management systems (1) expenditure information include: the type of expense (eating, dressing up, gifts, education and training, electrical appliances, fitness, communication, children' s culture, tourism, culture and entertainment, health care, transportation, gathering, living mainly be divided into small items), the amount of consumer locations, spending time. (2) the need to achieve the function 1) User password to enter the system 2) Input a month, 3) Enter the month expenditure management and expenditure statistics of the month 4) shows the monthly expenditure information table, which shall include the date amount 5) statistical classification and sorting by type of expenditure 6) month consumption analysis, analysis of the percentage of each item of expenditure to the total expenditure, and displays the results of the analysis) sorted by type of expenditure spending 8) will sort the contents stored in a file. (3) user-friendly, logical input information suc (2013-05-16, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] dianhjfcx

Now the management, billing rates ﹑ extension the management, statistical reporting, then a single query ﹑ ﹑ system parameters, operating records of account management with ﹑ eight modules. Can be used for any number of switches or any number of the city gate, then farmers, then, domestic long-distance billing Unicom, China Telecom ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ CRC ﹑ Netcom mobile communication network to implement a number of accurate billing, powerful, and can be used in all walks of life , medium-sized companies, including hotels ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ a school, large enterprises and scientific research units and so on administrative ﹑. And can print at any time if a single search fee ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ rate adjustment parameters change, truly billing management flexibility, ease of operation. The software modules clear, beautiful and friendly interface. (2010-09-10, Visual C++, 9929KB, 下载27次)


[C#编程] Sharp

美国UCI(University of California, Irvine)学生Michael Bebenita在Microsoft .NET平台上基于C#语言和Gold Parser生成工具构造的一个从玩具语言Sharp到MSIL的编译器。Sharp语言支持变量声明和函数调用。
U.S. UCI (University of California, Irvine) student Michael Bebenita in the Microsoft. NET platform, based on C# language and the Gold Parser generation tools constructed a toy language from Sharp to MSIL compiler. Sharp language support variable declarations and function calls. (2010-04-24, Visual C++, 740KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] 2

根据企业对QQ系统的要求,本系统可以实现以下目标:  操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。  每个客户端只能注册一次。  可以在局域网中实现文字及大图片的传输。  可以实现局域网视频。  可以实现多用户的信息通信。  系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
According to business-to-QQ system requirements, the system can achieve the following goals:  is easy and simple interface, simple and beautiful.  Each client can only register once.  can be implemented in the LAN transmission of text and large images.  can achieve LAN video.  can achieve multi-user information and communication.  system is running stable, safe and reliable. (2010-01-09, Visual C++, 810KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] CSharpSpider

Spider " (Spider) is the Internet, a useful procedure, the search engine spider programs will use to collect Web pages to the database, enterprises use a competitor' s site spider program to monitor and track changes to individual users to download Web pages with the spider in order to de- machine use and development are the use of Web spiders scan your checks invalid links ... ... for different users, spider have different uses. So, spider in the end how does it work? (2009-12-07, Visual C++, 36KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] c_sms

If the company wishes to inform the staff in the field, far back to the company to report, the traditional way is to dial the phone to notify each employee, and now developed a corporate Short Message System will be able to prepare a report to the staff back to the company' s SMS, and then add all the field staff telephone number, to send out a unified, greatly improve the efficiency of the office. Through practical needs analysis, develop a set of enterprise in this Short Message System. (2009-12-07, Visual C++, 1541KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] smsWinForm

东时方短信平台源码(winForm) 东时方短信平台适用于大中小型企业、商场、酒店等,面向企事业单位开发的短信收发系统。 主要提供短信网关,短信接口, 网站接口以及 OA 、 CRM 、 ERP 、 SCM 、等系统及B2B大型网站平台使用。 接入方式可灵活使用,24小时发送,多条通道备用。保证客户短信的下发速度和质量
Dong Fang SMS platform when the source code (winForm) East side messaging platform can be used when the sizes businesses, shopping malls, hotels, enterprises and institutions for the development of messaging systems. Leading provider of SMS gateway, SMS interface, web interface, as well as OA, CRM, ERP, SCM, and other large-scale systems, and B2B website platform. Access method can be used flexibly, a 24-hour transmission, multiple-channel alternative. SMS clients to ensure speed and quality of issued (2009-10-26, Visual C++, 84KB, 下载84次)


[C#编程] N012

通过C#语言创建SQL Server数据库,设置SQL Server数据库为只读状态,压缩SQL Server数据库...等等关机数据库的操作,相当于用在企业管理器中的操作
Through the C# language to create SQL Server database, set up SQL Server database for read-only status, compressed SQL Server database shutdown and so on ... the operation of the database, which is equivalent to using Enterprise Manager in the operation of (2009-03-19, Visual C++, 39KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] xiaoyuandaoyou

1. 在济南大学中有8 个 代表性的景点,可以把他们抽象城一个无向带权图。用图的顶点 表示学校的景点,用比昂上的权值表示两景点之间的距离。 2. 设计次程序的目的在为用户提供景点查询。根据用户需要的景点起始点和终点输出相应的距离,或者用户输入景点名称输出给用户景点信息。
1. University in Jinan has 8 representative spots, you can abstract them to bring the city a right of Fig. Vertex graph express school spots, with Bjorn on the weights express the distance between two spots. 2. The design meeting for the purpose of proceedings to provide users with spots in the query. Attractions based on user needs a starting point and the distance between the end of the corresponding output, or user input the name of the output to the user Attractions Attractions information. (2008-07-01, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] info469

本书内容由三部分组成。第一部分介绍信息论与信息科学的基本知识, 第二部分介绍 Shannon 信息论的基本内容,第三部分介绍信息论的应用。本书叙述力求通俗简练,较长的定理证明将通过指定参考书给出,各章附有习题与注解说明。对大型的练习,如无失真数据压缩编码、有失真图象压缩编码、调制编码及其他编码技术作者编制了若干个大型的练习试验,作为信息论理论教学的补充与尝试,有条件的学校可以开设。~..~
contents of the book consists of three parts. The first part gives information, and information of basic scientific knowledge, Shannon introduced the second part of the basic content of information theory, information theory on the third part of the application. The book describes concise seek popular, longer theorem proving, through the designated reference book is the chapter bearing exercises with explanatory comments. The practice of large, lossless data compression, distortion image compression coding, modulation and coding and other coding technology writer produced a number of large-scale exercise testing, information theory as a supplementary teaching the theory and experiments, qualified schools can open. ~ ~ .. (2005-06-06, Visual C++, 2704KB, 下载56次)
