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[金融证券系统] CTP_LINK

CTP对接示例,其中有永安期货、大越期货、东证期货、国泰君安期货、海通期货、中粮期货、浙商期货、南华期货、五矿期货、大地期货、国投安信期货、长江期货的测试环境对接地址 实现功能:查询资金、查询交易编码、查询保证金比例、查询费率
CTP docking examples, including test environment docking address Yongan futures, Dayue futures, Topix futures, Guotai Junan Futures, Haitong futures, COFCO futures, Zhejiang futures, Nanhua futures, Minmetals futures, futures and futures investment in the Yangtze River, futures Realization function: inquiry fund, query transaction code, query margin ratio, query rate (2018-02-26, Visual C++, 3496KB, 下载8次)


[金融证券系统] TradeXDLL.src

Stock program trading application source code interfaces, and support under a single transaction and market data download (2016-12-12, Visual C++, 9707KB, 下载63次)


[金融证券系统] DataIn

上证,深证股票行情数据解析 dbf文件解析放入数据库 通达信数据导出的txt文件解析入库
Analysis on Stock Quotes of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock The dbf file is parsed into the Mastery data export txt file analysis into the library (2016-11-19, Visual C++, 1736KB, 下载14次)


[金融证券系统] tdxdiy1

Mastery letter daily stock pool of stocks selected automatically enter a custom plate, and the number of each section in excel in a line display, intuitive view different stock-picking formula selected number of changes. (2016-04-18, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载12次)


[金融证券系统] fix-protocol-interface-demo

FIX 协议接口示例,国信证券FIX网关接入说明_20120310.doc
FIX Protocol interface example, Guoxin Securities FIX gateway access instructions _20120310.doc (2013-09-01, Visual C++, 5289KB, 下载136次)


[金融证券系统] AxEagle_193

安信证券自由鹰交易接口说明 安信证券自由鹰交易接口说明
test login vc6 (2012-11-19, Visual C++, 1701KB, 下载75次)


[金融证券系统] marvis-CTP-20503bd

上期综合交易平台CTP API及文档 CTP API 海洋部落 http://www.oceantribe.org 程序化交易者论坛 http://www.programtrader.net/ Compilation: mv thosttraderapi.so libthosttraderapi.so g++ -L./ -lthosttraderapi tradeapitest.cpp Download: wget 快期交易系统, 基于CTP的模拟交易系统, 帐号352032密码888888, www.kuaiqi.net, 服务器地址: char demoTradeUrl[] = "tcp://asp-sim2-front1.financial-trading-platform.com:26205" char demoQuoteUrl[] = "tcp://asp-sim2-md1.financial-trading-platform.com:26213"
On a comprehensive trading platform CTP API and documentation the CTP API marine tribes http://www.oceantribe.org programmed traders forum zh- cn © 2005, douban.com/www.programtrader.net/ Compilation: mv thosttraderapi.so libthosttraderapi.so g++-L. /-lthosttraderapi tradeapitest.cpp Download: wget fast of trading system, based on the CTP simulated trading system, account number 352 032 Password 888 888, www.kuaiqi.net, server address: demoTradeUrl a char [] = " tcp ://asp-sim2-front1.financial-trading-platform . com: 26205 " char demoQuoteUrl [] =" tcp ://asp-sim2-md1.financial-trading-platform.com: 26213 " (2012-07-14, Visual C++, 2883KB, 下载200次)


[金融证券系统] S2-11rari

简易股票信息系统1)首先进入登录界面,能修改密码。“超级用户”的密码是11。 2)进入主界面后有5个按钮。“股票”是股票信息显示出来,“分析”是分析与投资,“用户”管理用户,“关于”是一些关于软件源码码的信息息,和有关股票信息的网址与计算机系统的信息。“退出”退出系统。也能使用右键,进入相应窗体。 3)进入“股票”后是股票信息显示出来,能进行添加,编辑(修改),删除操作。注意:点击完“添加”或“修改
Easy Stock Information System 1) First enter the login screen, and can change the password. " Super user" password is 11. 2) After entering the main interface has five buttons. " Stock" is stock information is displayed, the " analysis" is to analyze and investment, " users" manage users " on the software source code, information on interest rates, and stock information web site and computer system information. " Exit" to exit the system. Can also use the right, into the corresponding form. 3) into the " stock" after the stock information display, add, edit (modify) and delete operations. Note: click End " Add" or " modified (2012-07-11, Visual C++, 736KB, 下载8次)


[金融证券系统] myauto

vc6+vs2005 environment, stock automated trading software. Currently supports accessible letter version of the transaction, where the trading platform accessible letter broker can be used. To achieve completion of the trading interface window for the window handle to crawl. Need to open the trading software, otherwise it is impossible to find. (2011-06-28, Visual C++, 4385KB, 下载492次)


[金融证券系统] DEMO

完整的股票软件分析软件源代码(类通达信风格) 开发语言:VC++ 开发平台:VS2008 其它的功能和通达信类似,不用多介绍,目前市场上大部分股软都具有这些功能 主要介绍一下特色功能,也是很多人一直在寻找但很难找到的具有二次开发功能的公式平台源代码: 目前很多股软,包括通达信,大智慧等主流软件的公式平台里的函数总有一些不足,所以很多人希望能自己开发扩展自己想要的函数,但又没有源代码,所以只能被动的等上述软件厂商开发.可谓等待绵绵无绝期. 现在这套源代码可以让您自己随意增加公式编辑平台的函数,根据自己的需要开发出自己品牌的股软,非常适合具有在股软行业施展才华的个人及公司.也适合个人研究者根据自己的需要开发出适合自己的软件.
Stock analysis software complete software source code (class letter accessible style) Development languages: VC++ Development platform: VS2008 Other features and accessibility similar letter, not more, at present most of the market shares have these features soft Introduce the main features, but also a lot of people have been looking for but it is difficult to find a formula with a secondary development function platform source code: At present, many software stocks, including accessible information, great wisdom and other mainstream software platform in the function of the formula there are always some drawbacks, so many people want to expand their development function you want, but do not have the source code, so only a passive The development of other software vendors. can be described as waiting for everlasting. The source code can now make free to add your own formula editing platform function, according to their need to develop their own brand of shares of sof (2011-08-28, Visual C++, 6137KB, 下载651次)


[金融证券系统] gubiaofengxi

C++, a stock analysis system developed by the original code program, to mathematical modeling in the prediction method to predict the stock, aiming at entertainment. (2011-04-03, Visual C++, 18369KB, 下载168次)


[金融证券系统] StockDriver

股软 通达信行情接收接口, 包括美元汇率,行情额外信息数据数组类等
TDX Stock reciever (2009-04-19, Visual C++, 16168KB, 下载665次)
