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[数学计算] qiuseng_v37

Modern signal processing used in the spectral estimation in matlab, SNR largest independent component analysis algorithm, Normalized data model, modal vibration. (2017-05-12, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] ru258

FIG simulation speed, distance, amplitude three-dimensional image, Power System Transient Stability Program, can be transient stability, ML estimation method can be a good signal to noise ratio. (2017-04-20, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] ning-V7.8

采用累计贡献率的方法,MinkowskiMethod算法 ,意信号卷积的运算,并且绘制图象。
The method of cumulative contribution rate MinkowskiMethod algorithm, Convolution operation is intended to signal and image rendering. (2017-04-20, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载1次)


[数学计算] Routing

供货小车的路径优化是企业降低成本,提高经济效益的有效手段,供货小车路径优化 问题可以看成是一类车辆路径优化问题.
Path optimization is the delivery car enterprises to reduce costs, improve the economic efficiency, the delivery car path optimization problem can be viewed as a class of vehicle routing optimization problem. (2015-03-14, Visual C++, 1617KB, 下载9次)


[数学计算] chengxuyuan-shuxue

程序员的数学,对于深入搞程序的我们很值得一读,相信你很需要,希望对你有帮助。 作者 结城浩 高清版
Programmers mathematical depth to engage in a program of very worth reading, I believe you really need, you want to help. Of Junction City Hao HD version (2013-01-31, Visual C++, 11944KB, 下载15次)


[数学计算] xinyuanheji

A complete source generator, either randomly generated data, can also be manually set to produce the required number of data (2012-10-30, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载4次)


[数学计算] Sseaaclutterse

海杂波模拟与循环对消法实现杂波抑制的matlab源程序源码,包含不不同信噪比下的目标回波和最小二乘实现的滤波器完成杂波抑制 可直接使用。
Sea clutter simulation and cycle cancellation method for clutter suppression Matlab source code, including different signal to noise ratio of target echo filter and least squares implementation complete clutter suppression can be used directly. (2012-07-19, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载70次)


[数学计算] 2-(2)

题目:企业发放的奖金根据利润提成。利润(I)低于或等于10万元时,奖金可提10 ;利润高 于10万元,低于20万元时,低于10万元的部分按10 提成,高于10万元的部分,可可提 成7.5 ;20万到40万之间时,高于20万元的部分,可提成5 ;40万到60万之间时高于 40万元的部分,可提成3 ;60万到100万之间时,高于60万元的部分,可提成1.5 ,高于 100万元时,超过100万元的部分按1 提成,从键盘输入当月利润I,求应发放奖金总数?
Topic: enterprise extending bonus profits according to the commission. Profits (I) is less than or equal to 100000 yuan, the prize can carry 10 High profits In 100000 yuan, less than 200000 yuan, is below 100000 yuan part according to 10 of commission, part of the higher than 100000 yuan, cocoa mention Into 7.5 Between 200000 and 400000, more than 200000 yuan part, can commission 5 Between 400000 and 600000 is higher than the Part of the 400000 yuan, can commission 3 Between 600000 and 1 million, more than 600000 yuan part, can commission 1.5 , higher than 1 million yuan, more than 1 million yuan part according to 1 commission from the keyboard that month profit I, for total should be bonuses? (2012-05-28, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[数学计算] Code-of-differential-equations-

微分方程数值解的几种解方程方法代码 1.欧拉公式 2.解高阶方程 3.古典显式插查分格式 4.C-N格式 5.五点插分格式
Code of differential equations of several equations Euler formula for solving higher order equations to classical explicit insert check points format 4.CN format. 5-drop format (2012-05-24, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载3次)


[数学计算] _sncndn@20and_Cardano@56

调用MATHLIB37.DLL中的函数_sncndn@20计算三个雅可比椭圆函数sn(e,x),cn(e,x),dn(e,x)在实数域上的值,作为参变量为e的一元实函,sn,cn,dn的周期分别为4K(e),4K(e),2K(e),其中uu=x为实数,emmc=1-e^2称为补模的平方,e=c/a=k称为模或椭圆的离心率。函数原型为void sncndn(float uu,float emmc,float *sn,float *cn,float *dn) 用MATHLIB37.DLL中的函数_Cardano@56可以计算实系数一元三次方程ay^3+by^2+cy+d=0的3个复根,该算法是直接根据Cardano公式得来的,函数原型为void __stdcall Cardano(double a,double b,double c,double d,double *real_y1,double *real_y2,double *real_y3,double *imag_y1,double *imag_y2,double *imag_y3) 也可以用MATHLIB37.DLL中的函数_dqrrt@28求实系数一元n次方程a[n]x^n+a[n-1]x^(n-1)+…+a[0]=0的n个复根xr[k]+xi[k]i,0<=k<n,该算法可以看作是代数基本定理的构造性证明在数值算法中的应用,函数原型为int dqrrt(double a[],int n,double xr[],double xi[],double eps,int jt)
void sncndn(float uu,float emmc,float*sn,float*cn,float*dn) void __stdcall Cardano(double a,double b,double c,double d,double*real_y1,double*real_y2,double*real_y3,double*imag_y1,double*imag_y2,double*imag_y3) int dqrrt(double a[],int n,double xr[],double xi[],double eps,int jt) (2011-05-12, Visual C++, 71KB, 下载4次)


[数学计算] fft

In the data process the measured complex time signal is converted into frequency signal by DFT to get vibration information regarding frequency and amplitude of the rotor (2010-11-19, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载22次)


[数学计算] xinan

Principal mathematics for the first time the experiment content, relatively simple, but still out to show oneself oh ~ (2009-12-09, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] zzz

企业发放的奖金根据利润提成。利润(I)低于或等于10万元时,奖金可提10 ;利润高    于10万元,低于20万元时,低于10万元的部分按10 提成,高于10万元的部分,可可提    成7.5 ;20万到40万之间时,高于20万元的部分,可提成5 ;40万到60万之间时高于    40万元的部分,可提成3 ;60万到100万之间时,高于60万元的部分,可提成1.5 ,高于    100万元时,超过100万元的部分按1 提成,从键盘输入当月利润I,求应发放奖金总数?
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (2009-08-29, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载19次)


[数学计算] post

在一个按照东西和南北方向划分成规整街区的城市里,n 个居民点散乱地分布在不同的街区中。用x 坐标表示东西向,用y 坐标表示南北向。各居民点的位置可以由坐标(x,y)表示。街区中任意2 点(x1, y1) 和(x2, y2) 之间的距离可以用数值| x1 . x2| + | y1 . y2| 度量。 居民们希望在城市中选择建立邮局的最佳位置,使n 个居民点到邮局的距离总和最小。
In a direction in accordance with the East-West and North-South divided into regular city blocks, n and the distribution of settlements scattered in different neighborhoods in. Things used to express the coordinates x, y coordinates used to express the North and the South. The location of the settlements by the coordinates (x, y) express. Arbitrary blocks 2:00 (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) can use the distance between the values | x1. X2 |+ | Y1. Y2 | metrics. Residents want the city to select the best location to establish post offices, so that n settlements to the post office the sum of the smallest distance. (2008-07-07, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载9次)


[数学计算] DataGrid

在.Net 中 DataGrid 虽然有排序的功能,但并不支持双向的排序。用到了,看了些相关的帖子,自己尝试了一种方法,竟然也行得通,主要是用DataGrid.Attributes 存了一个参数,同时在onSortCommand中修改了DataGridColumn的中国教程在线,http://www.5istudy.cn
In. Net has to sort in DataGrid Although the function of, but does not support two-way sort. Used, and read some related posts, try a method even works, is mainly used DataGrid.Attributes keep a parameter, at the same time onSortCommand modify the DataGridColumn Chinese tutorials online, http:// www.5istudy.cn (2008-05-11, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载5次)


[数学计算] shannon

//Any given a source model, programming Shannon realize its binary encoding, the results of the output encoding and decoding process is given. (2008-04-02, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载12次)


[数学计算] polynomail

设计一个一元稀疏多项式简单计算机器 1. 本演示程序中,用户根据相应提示可以完成以下功能: (1) 输入并建立两个多项式; (2) 输出多项式,输出形式为整数序列:n,c1,e1,c2,e2,…… cn,en,其中n是多项式的项数,ci和ei分别是第i项的系数和指数,序列按照指数降序排列。 (3) 多项式Pa和Pb相加,建立多项式Pa+Pb (4) 多项式Pa和Pb相减,建立多项式Pa-Pb 2. 对一些特殊情况的说明:将0多项式设置为仅一项的多项式,其系数和指数值均为0.
One dollar to design a simple computer Sparse Polynomial 1. This demo, users are prompted to be completed in accordance with the corresponding the following features: (1) input and the establishment of two polynomials (2) the output polynomial, the output form of an integer sequence: n, c1, e1, c2, e2, ... ... cn, en, in which n is the number of polynomial, ci and ei, respectively, is the first i of the coefficient and index, in accordance with the index in descending order of sequence. (3) the sum of polynomial Pa and Pb, the establishment of polynomial Pa+ Pb (4) polynomial subtraction Pa and Pb, the establishment of polynomial Pa-Pb2. For some special cases of note: The number 0 type is set to only a polynomial, the coefficient and index values are 0. (2008-01-06, Visual C++, 155KB, 下载2次)


[数学计算] pro222

在一个按照东西和南北方向划分成规整街区的城市里,n个居民点散乱地分布在不同的街区中。用x 坐标表示东西向,用y坐标表示南北向。各居民点的位置可以由坐标(x,y)表示。街区中任意2 点(x1,y1)和(x2,y2)之间的距离可以用数值|x1-x2|+|y1-y2|度量。 居民们希望在城市中选择建立邮局的最佳位置,使n个居民点到邮局的距离总和最小。 编程任务: 给定n 个居民点的位置,编程计算n 个居民点到邮局的距离总和的最小值。 (2007-10-24, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载4次)
