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[Windows编程] ofelkb

In order to improve the core competitiveness, the company uses the corresponding information technology and Internet technology to coordinate. (2018-10-11, Flex, 2KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] Eclub2

1社区机构 ├自助工资 ├网络测速 ├寻找朋友 ├版主评估 ├申请 VIP ├银行服务 ├最高法院 ├社区监狱 └江湖门派 1社区娱乐 ├个人相册 ├福利彩票 ├点歌祝福 ├开心辞典 ├地下赌场 帐号:发条橙子 密码:aqaqaq
1 community agencies ├ Self wages ├ speed network ├ Find Friends ├ withheld assessment ├ apply for VIP ├ banking services ├ Supreme Court ├ community prisons └ itinerant martial 1 Community Recreation ├ Gallery ├ Welfare Lottery ├ blessing song ├ Happy Dictionary ├ underground casino Account: Password Clockwork Orange: aqaqaq (2016-03-04, Flex, 2661KB, 下载2次)


[金融证券系统] StackDataAnalysisTool

Daily data under analysis Mastery letter directory. Daily data extraction limit during the specified date, after the daily limit down data. (2016-02-08, Flex, 12KB, 下载1次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] download

  有别于传统视频会议系统的多插件安装, 蒲公英视频会议远程教学是一款无下载、免安装的绿色全新产品。同时还具备即时通讯功能,在经济、便捷、适用、安全等方面都取得了重大突破。完全基于web的全新会议模式,用户只需打开网页即可使用,彻底打破地域限制,支持多场会议同时进行,充分满足现代企业多个分支机构之间的沟通需求。 系统应用   视频会议系统作为行业技术领先、功能全面的代表性产品,被广泛应用于网络视频会议、协同办公、在线培训、远程医疗、远程教育中,并受到客户的一致好评。 应用行业   视频会议系统基于强大的音视频效果和会议协作能力,应用极为广泛,能满足各行各业对视频会议的需求。 桌面应用配置   对于桌面型终端配置,推荐用户使用USB接口的网络摄像头及耳麦,接上台式计算机或笔记本电脑就可以召开软件视频会议,十分方便快捷。 会议室应用配置   会议室型终端要求较高的音视频质量,我们推荐用户使用相对高端的设备,如投影仪和投影幕、会议室专用 CCD 自动变焦摄像头和视频采集卡、定向麦克风和会议室专用音响系统等。
Unlike traditional video conferencing systems and more plug-in installation , video conferencing distance learning dandelion is a free download , free installation of a green new product . It also includes instant messaging , economic, convenient, applicable , and security have made a major breakthrough. Entirely new web-based conferencing mode , users simply open a Web page can be used to completely break the geographical restrictions , support for multiple sessions at the same time , a number of branches to fully meet the communication needs of modern enterprises. System Application Video conferencing systems as the industry leading technology, fully functional representation of the product , is widely used in network video conferencing, collaborative office , online training , telemedicine, distance education , and by the praise of customers. By Industry Video conferencing systems based on the powerful audio and video effects and conference collaboration capabilities , wid (2014-03-06, Flex, 17803KB, 下载39次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] FaustCplus-master

故名思意:Flash头像上传新浪微博破解加强版-简称:FaustCplus ( 浮士德加强版? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ) 在来源不明网络下载破解版基础上增加了底图拖拽Drag、缩放Zoom in/out、亮度Bright对比度Contrast饱合度Saturation调整、保存源图、支持摄像头开启等功能。可根据自身产品需要定制界面。 演示Demo地址: http://flashman.com.cn/Flash/FaustCplus/branches/common/ .FLA源文件请用Adobe Flash CS5或以上版本打开
failed to translate (2013-05-02, Flex, 674KB, 下载15次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flex-3-in-action-CN

[Flex.3实战].中文版 (美)艾哈迈德,(美)赫希,(美)阿比德.扫描版.pdf 是我收藏的一本详细介绍Flex的经典书籍,而且是中文版,是完整的501页。很难得的。
The [Flex.3 in action] (U.S.) Ahmed, Hirsch (United States) (United States) Abid scan version. Pdf my collection a classic book details Flex, and Chinese Edition is a complete 501. Hard to come by. (2013-01-02, Flex, 38279KB, 下载1次)


[FlashMX/Flex源码] flex_chat

The flex chat program, can combine the J2EE project and other web projects as the enterprise office system or management system s assistant. (2011-09-07, Flex, 7796KB, 下载33次)


[WEB开发] flashsite

An enterprise site source code developed by myself. Front site is based on Flex, the manage site is writeen by php. Xml is the medium for php and flex to communicate. (2009-12-28, Flex, 741KB, 下载70次)


[其他书籍] AdvancED_ActionScript_3.0_CN

FLASH ActionScript 3.0高级动画教程,里面拥有大量的动画方面的算法,比如碰撞检测,寻路,等角投影
FLASH ActionScript 3.0 advanced animation tutorial, which has a large number of animation algorithms, such as collision detection, pathfinding, Conformal Projection (2009-11-25, Flex, 3981KB, 下载46次)



/***HOPBOY个人网站V3.1***/ /*网站程序结构*/ //开发语言:MXML/AS3 //开发运行环境:FLEX BUILDER3+APMServ //程序框架:CairngormMVC //后台通讯:AMFPHP /*网站基本功能*/ 完成前台新闻列表 完成前台文章列表 完成前台留言系统 完成后台新闻管理 完成后台文章管理 完成后台留言管理 /*架设方法*/ 1.运行FLEX3 点击file-->import-->flex project;路径就是你压缩文件的3.1文件夹 2.将PHP文件压缩至APMServ的网站目录AMFPHP服务端(本网站提供下载路径)的services目录下 3.将mysql.txt数据导入mysql数据库中 4.修改相关文件修改AS文件,路径com.hopboy.www.net下GetUrl类,GetUrl有两个属性一个为url_str是 们服务器的IP或域名fileName是我们AMFPHP服务端文件夹的名称 5.修改PHP文件,inc/connect.php修改我们的服务器IP,和MYSQL数据库 6.完成基本架设,运行程序,测试! 7.如有问题请访问本网站,或QQ群讨论! 声明 本程序为个人作品,提供各位参考,学习之用,不得使用其代码用于商业行为! 网站:www.adobebar.cn 网站QQ群:82207585
HOPBOY personal website (2009-08-08, Flex, 1645KB, 下载14次)


[其他小程序] wangmeng.cn_superiorjack_pCalculator

EXE+ Code, there is no increase in component code (can be downloaded in boxes). Calculator software piracy expired, but their own to do a core control with Expression_Parser_v34, wrote their own interface. The component (2008-04-12, Flex, 406KB, 下载3次)
