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按平台查找All Swift(65) 

[其他] Quiz-Bank

A quiz app with an extensive library of questions that you keep you entertained while enhancing your knowlege. (2024-01-04, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] qchat-uikit-ios

云信 QChat UIKit 是基于 NIM QChat SDK(网易云信 QChat SDK)开发的一款圈组 UI 组件库。通过 QChat UIKit,可快速集成包含 UI 界面的圈组应用。
Yunxin QChat UIKit is a circle UI component library developed based on the NIM QChat SDK (NetEase Yunxin QChat SDK). Through QChat UIKit, you can quickly integrate circle group applications including UI interfaces. (2023-12-08, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Swift编程] sACNKit

ANSI E1.31-2018娱乐技术的Swift实现使用ACN(sACN)传输DMX512的轻量级流协议,
A Swift implementation of ANSI E1.31-2018 Entertainment Technology Lightweight streaming protocol for transport of DMX512 using ACN (sACN), (2023-09-29, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] KTTodayNews

Swift open source project - Today s Toutiao is an iOS news client integrating news and entertainment, (2023-08-14, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] o2oa-ios

开源OA企业信息化平台O2OA iOS端源码,
Open source OA enterprise information platform O2OA iOS source code, (2023-08-14, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] SwiftHeroProtocol

Swift HeroProtocol是暴雪娱乐的HeroProtocol python库的跨平台本地Swift端口,用于提取组件...,
Swift HeroProtocol is a cross platform native Swift port of Blizzard Entertainment s heroprotocol python library for extracting component files of a Heroes of the Storm replay file and decoding them (2020-01-08, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] MPQArchive

暴雪娱乐的heroprotocol python库中使用的mpyq工具的跨平台本机Swift端口,用于提取组件f...,
Cross platform native Swift port of the mpyq tool used in Blizzard Entertainment s heroprotocol python library for extracting component files of a Heroes of the Storm replay file (2020-11-23, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] ios-beginner-01

bitfoutain ios 8的明信片应用程序和swift开发课程,
Postcard app from bitfoutain ios 8 and swift development course, (2015-01-24, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏引擎] MFLJoystick

Joystick for iOS - not Cocos2D. I wanted one that functioned as well as GTA Vice City, and there weren t any already existing. Written in ObjC and Swift! (2015-06-10, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] LGWeChatKit

swift2.0仿 微 信 界面,可滑动cell,自定义图片选择器。。。
Swift2.0 imitates WeChat interface, can slide cell and customize picture selector... (2017-04-17, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] SwiftUI-WeChat

Learn how to make WeChat with SwiftUI. 微 信 7.0
Learn how to make WeChat with SwiftUI WeChat 7.0 (2022-03-06, Swift, 0KB, 下载0次)


[游戏] NEChatroom

网易云信推出语聊房场景方案,支持语聊 + K 歌、语聊 + 一起听、游戏开黑、多人相亲等多种娱乐社交玩法。提供现成的 Demo App 、可定制的 UI 界面、开源的 Demo 源码,开箱即用,帮助您快速接入、轻松上线语聊房相关业务。
Netease Yunxin launched the scenario scheme of chat room, which supports a variety of entertainment and social play methods such as chat+karaoke, chat+listening together, game blackout, and multi person blind date. It provides ready-made Demo App, customizable UI interface, and open source Demo source code for out of the box use to help you quickly access and easily launch chat room related businesses. (2023-06-19, Swift, 61408KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] trailer

Managing Pull Requests and Issues For GitHub & GitHub Enterprise (2023-05-27, Swift, 1231KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] PodMe

PodMe is a podcast based social media platform allowing users to not only upload and share their own stories, but also directly interact with others’. The app provides an interface for users to upload podcasts that fellow users can then comment on with their own audio recordings. The mission is to provide users with an engaging and entertaining ... (2021-12-30, Swift, 307KB, 下载0次)


[救灾/预报] Weather-Recreation

iOS天气应用程序的娱乐。配备可定制的iOS 14主屏幕小部件和CoreLocation位置跟踪。
Recreation of iOS Weather App. Complete with customizable iOS 14 home screen widget and CoreLocation location tracking. (2022-03-16, Swift, 48518KB, 下载0次)


[救灾/预报] temperatura-swiftui

一款基于SwiftUI的iOS天气应用程序,仅供娱乐。该应用程序使用MVVM设计模式、核心位置并使用Open W...
An iOS weather app built on SwiftUI just for fun. This app uses MVVM design pattern, Core Location and uses the Open Weather Map API. (2020-05-18, Swift, 2700KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] VoiceChanger

It s an entertainment IOS application that changes the recorded voice to some funny pitches like chipmunks and robot. you also make the recorded voice slow or fast. (2017-09-14, Swift, 451KB, 下载0次)


[Kotlin编程] Acornote

Another note app by Tonny&Sunm, We will implement it in Swif, Kotlin. Coding for fun. (2021-02-15, Swift, 8591KB, 下载0次)


[博客] Splash

A fast, lightweight and flexible Swift syntax highlighter for blogs, tools and fun! (2022-08-06, Swift, 273KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] swift-algorithm-club-cn

Translation of swift algorithm club. Use Swift to learn algorithms and data structures. (2021-01-14, Swift, 8383KB, 下载0次)
