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[SQL Server] SQL2kChangePasswod

SQL2k智能改密 无需登陆MSSQL的企业管理器,直接通过程序修改所需改动帐户的密码,简单实用。
Auto to Change MSSQL-User Log Password and has not be Log MSSQL-Manager. (2016-12-14, Visual Basic, 17KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] save-progress

SAVE progress 是关于服装销售企业在运行网络平台时期用于存储相关数据到相关的sql数据库中,执行效率高
SAVE progress is about clothing sales business in the period of operation of the network platform to be used to store data related to the sql database, high efficiency (2014-03-25, Visual Basic, 4KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] soffdgthy.net

VB+SQL商品销售进销存系统,:   1.首先确保您的机器上安装了SQL Server数据库。将SQL Server服务器名称改为JAMESLIN,如果不修改服务器名称,则需要修改VB程序,在frmLogin窗体的cmdOK_Click函数中,修改代码:   strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1 Integrated Security=SSPI Persist Security Info=False Initial Catalog=Sale Data Source=JAMESLIN UID=Admin PWD=111"   即Source=JAMESLIN中的“JAMESLIN”改为您本机服务器名。   2.在SQL Server“企业管理器”中“安全性|登录”中,创建用户:Admin,其密码为111。   3.打开SQL Server“企业管理器”的“工具|还原数据库”菜单命令,在对话框在设置还原的数据库名为Sale,选择从“设备”还原,根据向导逐步选择本章目录的“数据库”子目录下的文件Sale Backup,从而建立数据库。
VB+SQL merchandise sales Invoicing System, commissioning Please note: First make sure your machine is installed on the SQL Server database. SQL Server server name is changed to JAMESLIN If you do not modify the server name, you need to modify the VB program In form cmdOK_Click function frmLogin, modify the code: strConn = " Provider = SQLOLEDB.1 Integrated Security = the SSPI Persist Security Info = False Initial Catalog = Sale Data Source = JAMESLIN UID = Admin PWD = 111 " Source = JAMESLIN JAMESLIN changed to your local server name. In SQL Server Enterprise Manager Security | Log in to create a user: Admin, the password is 111. (3) Open SQL Server " Enterprise Manager" Tools | Restore Database menu command, set to restore the database name in the dialog box in Sale, select Restore from device " , select the directory in this chapter according to the wizard step by step" database " sub- files in that directory Sale Backup, in order to establish the (2012-07-01, Visual Basic, 142KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] Hr

Internal HR management software, with VB+ SQL to do, do spend a lot of bad advice, welcome to download! ! (2011-01-05, Visual Basic, 2889KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] Cworks_SQL_Trial

一个超好的国外的MRP系统cworks (SQL版本).可以用来跟踪,管理和分析企业的设备。
CWorks CMMS is a comprehensive Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) software designed to make it easier for maintenance managers to track, manage and report their asset or equipment maintenance needs. (2010-04-26, Visual Basic, 4941KB, 下载14次)


[SQL Server] tindex

Complete personnel management query and statistical module content rich, informative staff input, modify or delete the module. Only basic information about the staff and workers more complete input, the software can be rich in other functions, it must be the focus of the module as a whole to perfect the system. (2010-01-05, Visual Basic, 359KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] qyrsglVBSQL2000

To do their own finishing system, personnel management curriculum design, VB+ SQL2000, there are procedures, thesis, we take reference with it, a lot of finishing a collection of information (the directory also comes with) (2009-05-10, Visual Basic, 6040KB, 下载121次)


[SQL Server] VBqiyeERPguanlixitong

Suitable for small and medium-sized enterprise management, including accounting, warehousing of raw materials and finished products out of the Treasury, personnel management, resource allocation and so on. (2009-04-26, Visual Basic, 5180KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] VBchengxu

On the VB modules, including ticket ordering, vehicle maintenance, personnel management, industrial enterprises, etc. Invoicing module. (2008-12-08, Visual Basic, 2078KB, 下载11次)


[SQL Server] UniLeader_V0.1_2008.8.11

企业ERP系统 采用VB+SQL2000实现。 有客户合约,预备单,加工单,出货通知,开发票,索赔等功能。
Enterprise ERP system VB+ SQL2000 realize. There are customer contracts, preparing orders, processing orders, shipping notification, invoicing, claims and other functions. (2008-09-26, Visual Basic, 2876KB, 下载13次)


[SQL Server] storgsystem

This is the inventory management system! VB development tools used in the development, the trial in the university curriculum design! (2008-06-20, Visual Basic, 4014KB, 下载197次)


[SQL Server] Desktop

小型企业人事管理系统,包括数据库设计。软件环境简体中文Microsoft Windows Server 2003(SP1)/Microsoft Office 2003(SP2)/ Microsoft SQL Server 2005/Microsoft Visual Studio 2005。
err (2008-06-17, Visual Basic, 1586KB, 下载26次)


[SQL Server] RenShiSysterm

Enterprise human resources management, including basic employee information management, wage management, attendance management, functional management and other functions. (2008-05-27, Visual Basic, 542KB, 下载55次)


[SQL Server] renlizhiyuanguanlixitong

人力资源管理系统程序使用说明 步骤: 1:将程序拷贝到机器上,去掉所有文件的只读属性。 2:将目录data下的db_manpowerinfo_Data.MDF和db_manpowerinfo_Log.LDF文件拷贝到SQL Server 2000的“MSSQL”->“data”目录下. 如果没有安装Sql Server,请先安装Sql Server,安装SQL SERVER 2000数据库时,在身份安全验证机制选项中 必须要选择“Windows和Sql server混合安全验证机制。SA的密码设置为空。如果您已经安装好了Sql Server 2000, 也可以在企业管理器->数据库->工具->SQL配置属性->安全性 中修改当前的配置属性。
Human resources management system procedures use these steps: 1: The procedures are copied to the machine, remove all the files read-only attribute. 2: The directory data under db_manpowerinfo_Data.MDF and db_manpowerinfo_Log.LDF files are copied to the SQL Server 2000 the (2008-05-12, Visual Basic, 5592KB, 下载12次)


[SQL Server] qiyeyingxiaoguanlixitong

企业营销管理系统程序使用说明 步骤: 1:将程序拷贝到机器上,去掉所有文件的只读属性。 2:将目录data下的db_Csell_Data.MDF和db_Csell_Log.LDF文件拷贝到SQL Server 2000的“MSSQL”->“data”目录下. 如果没有安装Sql Server,请先安装Sql Server,安装SQL SERVER 2000数据库时,在身份安全验证机制选项中 必须要选择“Windows和Sql server混合安全验证机制。SA的密码设置为空。如果您已经安装好了Sql Server 2000, 也可以在企业管理器->数据库->工具->SQL配置属性->安全性 中修改当前的配置属性。
Enterprise Marketing Management System procedures for the use of these steps: 1: The procedures are copied to the machine, remove all the files read-only attribute. 2: The directory data under db_Csell_Data.MDF and db_Csell_Log.LDF files are copied to the SQL Server 2000 the (2008-05-12, Visual Basic, 3863KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] MgrDev_20071108

An enterprise device management system source code, all business documents and processes can be customized, business statements can also be passed to SQL stored procedure definition. (2008-04-01, Visual Basic, 5703KB, 下载501次)


[SQL Server] zhigonganquanguanlixitong

Using VB and SQL programming staff safety management system to facilitate the leadership of the management of enterprises. (2007-12-13, Visual Basic, 180KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] maoyi

中小企业员工工资管理 可自定义多个类别 数据库采用sql2000连接 默认密码1234
Small and medium enterprises, wages and salaries of the management of a number of categories can be customized database using SQL2000 to connect default password 1234 (2007-11-27, Visual Basic, 35KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] shouhou

售后服务系统 优质的售后服务是企业生存和市场竞争的保障,售后服务管理系统可以为企业客户服务提供有效的管理,记录客户问题及解决过程,,这对现代企业是非常重要的。 后台数据库使用SQL Server,前台开发工具使用Visual Basic。 本系统采用目前比较流行的ADO数据访问技术,并将每个数据库表的字段和操作封装到类中,从而成功地将面向对象的程序设计思想应用到数据库应用程序设计中。这也是本系统的特色和优势。
after-sales service quality after-sales service system for enterprise survival and the protection of market competition. after-sales service management system for corporate customers to provide effective service management, customer records and the process of settling the issue, and This pair of modern enterprise is very important. Background database using SQL Server, future development tools to use Visual Basic. The system currently used is more popular ADO data access technology. and each database table fields and operation of the Packaging category. thus the success of object-oriented programming design concepts applied to the database application design. This is also the system's characteristics and advantages. (2006-12-20, Visual Basic, 327KB, 下载61次)


[SQL Server] gzgl_vb_good

a salary management system, the functional integrity, a clear interface, enabling enterprises for the wage administration. (2006-03-12, Visual Basic, 419KB, 下载62次)
