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[.net编程] 商务管理教学 VB.net

一个商务企业的系统业务构架解决方案,用传统的C/S结构实现企业内部的进销存业务;通过使用供货 商提供的WebService服务将采购业务和供货商的业务平台衔接;通过WebService为客户提供产品销售的各项服务(注意 :要运行程序请将此解决方案的‘界面’项目设为启动项目)
A system business architecture solution for a business enterprise, using the traditional C/S structure to realize the purchase, sale and inventory business within the enterprise; connecting the purchasing business with the supplier's business platform by using the Web Service service service provided by the supplier; providing various services for product sales to the customers through the Web Service (Note: To run the program, please put the solution's "interface" item. Set up as Start-up Project) (2019-06-03, Visual Basic, 13299KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] xymfpt

信游网页游戏运营平台,国内最专业的网页游戏运营平台。 主要功能: 1 用户管理功能 用户管理功能包括用户的注册、登录,用户帐号的权限调整、信息查看;包括用户推广体系和推广效果的查询等功能。 2 充值管理功能 充值管理功能主要有第三方充值系统的接入、用户订单查询、充值失败的补单、充值溢价、充值数据的分析等功能。 3 新闻管理功能 新闻管理功能包括新网、攻略、客服信息、活动公告等平台文章的发布、编辑、管理等功能。 4 游戏管理功能 游戏接入功能主要是指平台游戏的接入,登录、充值接口的制作,游戏、游戏服务器的编辑功能。 5 官网自建系统 后台创建、管理游戏官网,发表游戏新闻资讯、发放礼包卡等。 6 集成论坛系统 平台管理系统自带论坛功能,功能包括:发帖、回帖、加精、置顶等。 7 数据分析系统 用户留存率、活跃率、arpu值、转化率、广告效果等分析。 8 其他功能 其他功能是指除以上介绍外平台所提供的其他功能,例如友情连接管理、系统设置、自定义页面等等。
Main function: 1 user management function User management functions include user registration, login, permission to adjust, information user account to view query functions including user extension system and promotion effect. 2 top management function Access, user order charging management function mainly has third party system of charging, charging query failed single supplement, recharge, recharge premium data analysis etc.. 3 news management function News management including the new network, strategy, customer service information, event announcement platform post, edit, management and other functions. The 4 game management function Game access function mainly refers to the access platform game, making the login interface, recharge, games, game server editing functions. 5 website building system The background to create, management game website, publish news, game issued gift card. 6 integrated forum system Platform management system with the fo (2013-08-23, Visual Basic, 14069KB, 下载9次)


[.net编程] ydyCMScode

用户名和密码均为51aspx 易得宜网站管理系统V1.3.2源码 易得宜网站管理系统可用来建立和管理中小型企业或其它组织、个人的网站。例如可用来介绍和展示产品或服务、发布信息等。 主要功能 ·栏目可增、删、改。三种栏目模式可选,编辑栏目内容时可选择六种内容模板。可设置子栏目。 ·前台首页有多个自定内容区域,可自定放什么内容和放在哪个区域。 ·前台首页可灵活调用栏目或子栏目内容的标题(纯标题模式或图片加标题模式) ·含结构简单的html模板。可方便地通过修改html模板改变本系统的前台外观。 ·基本信息设置。包括网站标志、网页标题、网页底部信息、网站简述。网站名和网页底部信息可用本系统的内容编辑器灵活编辑。 ·留言简便管理。 ·用户名和密码修改。用户名和密码的备忘问题和答案设置。 ·网站数据备份与还原。 ·自动适时清除不用了的上传文件,方便节省空间。
User name and password are 51aspx (2013-03-22, Visual Basic, 688KB, 下载2次)


[.net编程] 20121199108606

物流信息管理平台是针对中小型物流企业进行设计的,主要实现如下目标:  操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。  网站整体结构和操作流程合理顺畅,实现人性化设计。  注册功能,提供两种注册途径一种是个人用户注册、一种是企业用户注册。  货源信息的发布和浏览功能。  车源信息的发布和浏览功能。  专线信息的发布和浏览功能。  仓储信息的发布和浏览功能。  招聘信息的发布和浏览功能。
Logistics information management platform is designed for small and medium-sized logistics enterprises, the main achievement of the following objectives:  easy to operate, the interface is simple and beautiful.  overall site structure and operation process is reasonably smooth, user-friendly design.  registration function offers two registration approach a personal user registration, a corporate user registration.  supply information publishing and browsing capabilities.  car source of information publishing and browsing capabilities.  Dedicated information publishing and browsing capabilities.  warehousing information publishing and browsing capabilities.  recruitment information publishing and browsing capabilities. (2012-11-30, Visual Basic, 2451KB, 下载8次)


[.net编程] shipinhuiyi

欢迎您使用微讯通网络教育培训系统。 微讯通“网络教育培训系统”是一套面向学校、培训机构等教育行业推出的国内先进的网络教育综合性管理平台,该平台集视频互动、直播、点播、录播等核心技术和教学管理、学生服务于一体,是一套真正基于Internet技术,采用B/S架构的网络实时远程互动多媒体教育管理平台。系统采用当前最为流行的.net技术,结合国内远程教育数字化标准、以及独创专用的用户体现技术;同时结合多点网络多媒体视音频互动的特色,能够实现远程视/音频培训、学习、交流互动。具备用户管理、课程管理、部门管理、计划管理、网络学堂、互动交流、在线考试、费用管理、系统管理以及分析统计等全面的学习及管理功能;平台不仅支持符合国际标准SCROM的课件,而且提供方便的课件制作及打包工具,帮助教育行业快速的制作专业课件。 通过微讯通网络教育培训系统,学校、培训机构等教育行业可基于局域网、互联网组织学习、培训、考核、评测、调查、竞赛、交流等网络在线活动,帮助学校、培训机构等教育行业建立一个开放性的网络学习与知识分享环境。
failed to translate (2012-03-23, Visual Basic, 9092KB, 下载32次)


[.net编程] Jd_sql

C# SQL高效操作类源码 技术特点: 使用极其灵活可以非常方便快捷的操作数据库,是的sql2005操作起来方便程度超过Mysql, 最适合制作企业网站,开发效率极高,操作非常简单。 使用例子: Object[] str = { biaoti.Text, neirong.Text, DateTime.Now } Conn.Add("news", "biaoti,neirong,date", str) 修改: int id = System.Convert.ToInt32(myid.Text) Object[] str = { Request["biaoti"], Request["neirong"], DateTime.Now } Conn.Edit("news", "biaoti,neirong,date", str, " id=" id) 删除例子: int id = System.Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]) Conn.Delete("news", " id=" id) //注意这里 不用加 where Response.Redirect("Default.aspx") 列表例子: //输出分页 接收分页数 p = System.Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]) .................. 功能描述:增、删、改、查、类表分页,sql2005转Mysql操作习惯。 注意事项:最适合企业网站、论坛等网站使用。
C# SQL efficient operation class source Features: Extremely flexible and can be very easy to use and efficient operation of the database is up and ease of operation of sql2005 over Mysql, Most suitable for making corporate Web site, developed highly efficient operation is very simple. Use examples: Object [] str = {biaoti.Text, neirong.Text, DateTime.Now } Conn.Add ("news", "biaoti, neirong, date", str) Review: int id = System.Convert.ToInt32 (myid.Text) Object [] str = {Request ["biaoti"], Request ["neirong"], DateTime.Now } Conn.Edit ("news", "biaoti, neirong, date", str, "id =" id) Delete example: int id = System.Convert.ToInt32 (Request.QueryString ["id"]) Conn.Delete ("news", "id =" id) // Note that where no increase Response.Redirect ("Default.aspx") List of examples: // Output paging receiver sub-pa (2012-01-09, Visual Basic, 625KB, 下载19次)


[.net编程] Sample02

Invoicing a fully functional system, the system is mainly Invoicing management of factories and enterprises to achieve a variety of information in a systematic, standardized and automated (2009-10-16, Visual Basic, 460KB, 下载17次)


[.net编程] mlj

VB language,. Net development environment enterprise e-procurement web site system can be operated online consultation prices, online RFQ pricing, supplier management. (2008-08-20, Visual Basic, 531KB, 下载36次)


[.net编程] Change

General hexadecimal conversion function Guinness! 16 hex 10 hex conversion, 2 M 16 M-ary variable, 16 variable 2,10 M 16,2 changed from anti-, 16 variable ACsII, string variable UNcode. I originally used by the VB6 development model into VS2005-band module, it can function body itself both VB6 and 2005 can be used! Inherent nature has not changed! From VS2005.net down for ever the source, you can add modules works, cases of arbitrary names, copy and paste the contents of a text file, function names can be quoted directly. There are problems associated with the I (fudi850@yahoo.com.cn) (2008-06-11, Visual Basic, 3KB, 下载22次)


[.net编程] renshiguanli

The CD-ROM is (2008-05-22, Visual Basic, 7957KB, 下载140次)


[.net编程] net人力资源系统

This is a very good net human resources management system, which is suitable to the application of many SMEs (2005-08-18, Visual Basic, 209KB, 下载334次)


[.net编程] 海魂高科企业管理系统 v1.0

set. Net management system, from which friends come I have not seen the source code can be downloaded interested to see (2005-03-22, Visual Basic, 2219KB, 下载218次)
