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[其他小程序] infovedio

The MediaInfo dynamic link library to obtain the example of the multimedia file information, you can obtain information about streaming media files of all formats, such as the duration ratio, media, video encoding, audio encoding, screen ratio, for more information. Main demonstrates how call MediaInfo.dll library file. The information returned is the current information in English, to finished processing the users can read the information returned into the array, they one by one translator can. (2012-03-31, Visual Basic, 501KB, 下载4次)


[其他小程序] www.cnzz.cn

精美的万年历 题目2:万年历的编写 第一步:编写一个能读2种格式,并能计算他们之间的相差天数的程序。程序能读懂2种日期格式。<day>/<month>/<year> 和 <day>-<month>-<year>一年为12个月,依次定义的天数分别为 31,28(不计闰变化),31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 例如输入:23/11/1987 5-11-1987 输出结果为: -18 表示第2个日期比第一个日期要早18天。 (当输入日期有误时,要求重新输入 第二步:考虑闰年的情况,来计算两个日期的相差天数。输入任意字符和日期(2种格式都可),程序可自动识别有效格式,并整理为统一格式,并按大小排列。 如输入: 3/4/1997 kljodq 23-5-1983 14/12/1913 结果为: 14/12/1913 23/5/1983 3/4/1997 第三步:提供万年历的功能,用户输入年月时,能按照如下格式输出该月的情况: 如输入: 2/2009 则输出: 2009年 二月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
精美的万年历 (2010-06-16, Visual Basic, 278KB, 下载6次)


[其他小程序] office-wuhong

大家好: 感谢您使用我制作的软件,在使用过程中有什么问题和建议请发邮件给我,我的邮箱wuhong791031@yahoo.cn,希望大家多多支持我! 我的QQ是1003235886,如果联系我请注明软件咨询。 欢迎您访问我们的网站:http://www.4141.com/#02 此软件可以破解 Word 和 Excel密码。
Hello, everybody: Thank you for using the software I made in the use of the process have any questions and suggestions please email to me, my e-mail wuhong791031@yahoo.cn, I hope Members can support me! My QQ is 1003235886, if contact me Please specify software consulting. You are welcome to visit our website: http://www.4141.com/# 02 This software can be overcome with Word and Excel password. (2010-03-23, Visual Basic, 429KB, 下载14次)


[其他小程序] sfyj

在VB、VFP应用系统中收发邮件.E-mail是Internet/Intranet网上通信的最主要的方式之一,充分利用E-mail 的功能可以极大地提高企业的工作效率,减轻用户的工作负担
In VB, VFP applications to send and receive mail. E-mail is the Internet/Intranet-line communication the most important one of the ways to fully utilize the functions of E-mail can greatly improve the efficiency of the enterprises to reduce the burden on the user (2008-08-12, Visual Basic, 9KB, 下载8次)


[其他小程序] 考勤卡程序

Timecard procedures, Visual Basic, available in small and medium enterprises, VB also can be used as beginners learn the whole process layout and structure of the ideal routines (2006-01-14, Visual Basic, 848KB, 下载48次)


[其他小程序] ASP注册VB抽奖程序

下载的压缩包为asp+vb程序。 霸猪初步于2002年4月份完成。 该抽奖小程序原来用的是sql数据库,但为了方便演示,后来又改用access2000来做后台数据库。 程序目的:如企业想搞抽奖活动,可让读者在网上自行登记,然后到抽奖日,可由工作人员在后台通过软件进行摇奖。 网上自行登记,使用asp+access2000;win2000 iss下测试通过; 后台摇奖:使用VB开发的摇奖软件结合其在网上的access数据库进行摇奖
download compressed for asp vb procedures. Pa pigs in the initial April 2002 completion. The original draw small program using the sql database, but in order to facilitate the presentation, then switch to access2000 do background database. Purpose of procedures : If enterprises wanting to draw activities, which allow the readers to the Internet to register and then to the lucky draw, from the staff in the background through the software watchdog. To register online, use asp access2000; WIN2000 iss under the test; Background Spokesman : VB development of the lottery software in conjunction with its Internet access database draws (2005-11-29, Visual Basic, 62KB, 下载494次)
