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[*行业应用] lottery

ASP注册VB抽奖程序.霸猪初步于2002年4月份完成。 该抽奖小程序原来用的是sql数据库,但为了方便演示,后来又改用access2000来做后台数据库。 程序目的:如企业想搞抽奖活动,可让读者在网上自行登记,然后到抽奖,可由工作人员在后台通过软件进行摇奖。 网上自行登记,使用asp+access2000;win2000 iss下测试通过; 后台摇奖:使用VB开发的摇奖软件结合其在网上的access数据库进行摇奖。
VB lottery registration process ASP. Pa pigs in the initial completion in April 2002. The draw applet is used in the original sql database, but for the convenience of presentation, and then switch to the background database access2000 do. Procedures for the purpose of: If enterprises want to draw activities, will allow readers to register online, and then to draw, may be adopted by staff in the background摇奖software. Online self-registration, the use of asp+ access2000 win2000 iss under test 摇奖background: the use of VB software development摇奖the access of its online database摇奖. (2009-07-07, Visual Basic, 60KB, 下载15次)
