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[数据库编程] The-property-management

本设计采用模块化的理念,使用Visual Basic 6.0中文企业版作为开发工具,后台数据库采用 SQL 2008。实现了对小区所有住户资料,房产资料的录入、查询、修改、删除,以及停车车位管理、物业收费管理、住户投诉管理、住户报修管理、故障处理管理、物业统计等功能。
This design adopts the modular concept, using Visual Basic 6.0 Chinese enterprise edition as a development tool, background using SQL 2008. Implements all household data to the village, the housing data input, query, modify, delete, and parking lots management, property management fees management, household management, residents service complaints management, fault handling, property statistics, and other functions. (2016-05-19, Visual Basic, 2353KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] Orby-23D

P This component source code is developed ERP enterprise software, query convenience when calling, writing, and can be used for SQL and other data, the user can modify the source code as needed, if there are tens of thousands of rows of data transferred to the query, but also As long as two seconds to show, double row, you can return the value of each column is the enterprise in the development of entry documents and queries the best choice (2015-07-31, Visual Basic, 196KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] K3BOSLinLiaoDanTwoDev

单据二次开发是针对现目前单据的一些功能无法满足一些客户的特殊要求,同时分公司又有能力进行二次开发而提出的,这样既可以在现有的系统不做变动的情况下面满足用户的需求,同时也增强了系统的稳定性。 本篇所介绍所用到的动态连接库名为:K3BillTransfer.dll 通过该说明文档,你可以了解到 1.如何通过K3BillTransfer组件在录单过程中对单据上各项目加以控制。 2.如何通过K3BillTransfer组件实现自定义功能菜单。 3.如何通过K3BillTransfer组件控制数据的保存。 4.如何在序时薄上增加菜单及应用。 5.应用示例—实战演练。 适用对象 需要在K/3供应链系统单据上进行二次开发的开发者 开发环境 1.安装过K/3ERP 9.41以后的版本且购买过供应链系统。 2.VB6.0企业版+SP1 3.SQL SERVER 2000及后续版本(SQL SERVER 2005,SQL SERVER 2008)
failed to translate (2013-05-02, Visual Basic, 13KB, 下载12次)


[数据库编程] xsgl

1、系统需求 (1)问题描述: 该系统实现对若大学生的学习成绩进行管理。至少包括以下信息: 学号、姓名、科目、成绩。 (2)功能要求: 1.使用中文菜单,界面设计和用户输入输出要人性化些; 2.具有数据输入功能,输入的数据能最终保存在文件中; 3.具有数据删除功能,能最终从文件中删除; 4.具有多种查询(如按学号查询、按姓名查询、按成绩查询等)及输出功能; 5.其它功能(如各种统计,统计每个学生所有课程的平均分等等) 6.学生信息的修改(比如修改学生姓名,修改学生某门课程的成绩) (3)、输入输出的形式 本系统是一个学生成绩管理系统,采用VF6.0 编译器作为开 发环境,用户在输入学生数据时要保证输入数据格式的正确性,系统不会自动检测输入的数据是否正确,输出形式与输入形式类似,根据需要可以选择显示输入的各项内容,还可以选择显示计算好平均分后并排序后的记录,显示内容包括:学期、学号、姓名、高等数学成绩等等。 包含源代码、报告~
1.主程序代码 DO SETUP DO FORM jrxt READ EVENTS 2.setup程序代码 CLOSE ALL SET SYSMENU OFF SET TALK OFF SET SAFETY OFF 3.cleanup程序代码 SET sysmenu TO defa SET TALK ON SET SAFETY ON CLOSE ALL CLEAR WINDOWS CLEAR EVENT 4.各班人数代码 SELECT Bjml.班级名称, COUNT(Xsda.学号)as班级人数 FROM xsgl!bjml FULL JOIN xsgl!xsda ON Bjml.班级编号 = Xsda.班级 GROUP BY Bjml.班级名称 5.平均入学成绩代码 SELECT Bjml.班级名称, AVG(Xsda.入学成绩)AS平均入学成绩 FROM xsgl!bjml GROUP BY Bjml.班级名称 ORDER BY 2 6.菜单程序代码 SET SYSMENU TO SET SYSMENU AUTOMATIC DEFINE PAD _1z80npzgr OF _MSYSMENU PROMPT "系统管理(\<S)" COLOR SCHEME 3 (2012-06-25, Visual Basic, 492KB, 下载8次)


[数据库编程] visdata

VisData 是使用 Visual Basic 6.0 创建的应用程序。其已编译的 VisData 版本能作为从“外界程序”菜单可访问的加入成分来使用。在专业版和企业版中,VisData 的源代码可在示例目录中找到。
VB program example visdata is designed by Visual Basic 6.0 (2011-12-30, Visual Basic, 120KB, 下载4次)


[数据库编程] 20107810353723

VB, SQL Enterprise Manager (for those who are learning very helpful, including data import and export of the code), should be learning in the boutique (2011-03-13, Visual Basic, 1652KB, 下载10次)


[数据库编程] PurchaseSalesandInventoryManagementSystemforSuperm

超市进销存管理系统将包含以下内容: 1. 能对企业内的各类货物进行ABC分类管理,并提供最低超市量、最高超市量、安全超市量的预警功能。 2. 可以存储各类信息档案包括物资、产品基本信息、供货单位信息、使用单位信息等。 3. 可以方便快捷的进行物资入库管理\物资出库管理等等,安全、高效;支持各种类型的出/入库业务:生产入库、委外加工入库、采购入库、其他入库、生产领料出库、委外领料出库、销售出库和其他出库等 4. 提供退货管理功能 5. 通过查询超市,
Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System supermarket will include the following: 1. Enterprises can carry out all types of cargo within the ABC classification management, and provide a minimum volume of supermarkets, the highest volume stores, security, early warning function of the volume of the supermarket. 2. Can store files of all types of information, including materials, products, basic information, delivery information units, the use of units of information. 3. Can be convenient and efficient management of materials storage \ supplies a database management, security, and efficient to support various types of out/warehousing business: the production of storage, processing outsourcing warehousing, procurement warehousing and other storage, the production of materials from the library, the library is expected from outsourcing, sales of the library and other libraries, such as 4. 5 provides returns management capabilities. Through inquiries supermarkets, (2009-06-17, Visual Basic, 542KB, 下载15次)


[数据库编程] qyrsxxglxt

企业人事管理系统vb+sql 1.将各个项目子目录拷贝到硬盘上,然后可以用Visual Basic打开程序。 2.在每个项目子目录里面的sql目录里,将后缀.sql的文件打开后,拷贝到SQL Server 2000的查询分析器里。然后执行将产生需要的数据库结构。
Personnel management system vb+ sql 1. Subdirectory will be copied to each item on your hard disk, and then can use Visual Basic to open procedures. 2. Subdirectory for each item in the sql directory which will be the suffix. Sql documents opened, copied to the SQL Server 2000 in the Query Analyzer. And then will have a need for the implementation of the database structure. (2009-05-20, Visual Basic, 43KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] Attendance_Management_System

Running application, you first need to set the database connection through ODBC to create the document DSN (detailed methodology refer Chapter II personnel management information system " on the database" ), here set up a user name and password are sa. (2009-05-11, Visual Basic, 132KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] ToolForSQL2000

VB6环境编写的的MSSQL2000数据库管理工具,可以搜索连接网络服务器,设定IP和登录密码就可以连接,界面也挺专业的,它可以搜索并列出局域网内的所有的Sql Server服务器及数据库、数据表、并对数据库进行表操作:删除、查询、运行SQL查找、编辑等,类似SQLSERVER企业管理器的功能。
Prepared by the VB6 environment MSSQL2000 database management tools, you can search to connect web server, set the IP and the login password can be connected to the interface is also very professional, it can search and list all the LAN server and the Sql Server database, data table and database table operations: delete, query, run the SQL to find, edit and so on, similar to Enterprise Manager SQLSERVER function. (2009-05-11, Visual Basic, 129KB, 下载12次)


[数据库编程] vb_accesstool

VB version of a simple ACCESS database management tools, functions similar to SQLSERVER the Enterprise Manager, you look at the screenshot above will know that it can modify the ACCESS table structure, field, add, delete data, you can such as the implementation of query. VB would like to study the operation of the access friends, this was a good information (2009-05-03, Visual Basic, 71KB, 下载176次)


[数据库编程] laoziguanlixitong

Labor management systems, to very good co-ordination of enterprise management labor and wage management system, vb+ Access development. Good data to develop a simple example. (2008-12-21, Visual Basic, 289KB, 下载11次)


[数据库编程] kucunguanlixitong

Inventory management system, the best management system for small and medium-sized, very good to deal with the inventory information. (2008-12-21, Visual Basic, 1571KB, 下载6次)


[数据库编程] JXC

仓库管理软件,能够处理企业级的仓库管理事务. 货物信息: 可以进行货物管理,可以增加货物类别,增加货物种类,对货物基本信息可以进行编辑,除了"货物编号"外,对货物删除,会进行智能判断,如果其它表单用了该货物信息将不能被删除. 仓库信息: 新增仓库不能同名,通过"更换保管员"按钮来更换保管员,不能直接进行编辑,仓库名称,地点,备注可以直接编辑. 供应商: 在"*"号旁双击即可新增供应商,编辑时除"编号"外均可直接编辑,删除时同货物信息一样会智能判断. 往来客户: 同"供应商"一样. 库存状况: 查看仓库库存状况,可以限定仓库. (2008-05-29, Visual Basic, 598KB, 下载9次)


[数据库编程] shuinixiaosou

VB version of Enterprise Edition cement sales management systems. Additional statistical functions. ACCESS database. (2007-12-07, Visual Basic, 433KB, 下载48次)


[数据库编程] Visual_Basic_6.0_Database

《VISUAL BASIC 6数据库编程大全》配套源码 《VISUAL BASIC 6数据库编程大全》简洁而专业地指导Visual Basic 程序员如何利用微软的Visual Basic 企业版进行设计和创建数据库应用程序。内容覆盖了VB6程序员所要了解的八个方面,并为数据库程序员提供了经常会遇到的各种问题的必要解决方案。同时讲述了如何将这些技术结合在一起,创建正在莛发展的客户机/服务器,以及基于Web的应用程序。附带的光盘含盖了书中例举的程序代码,极大地方便读者学习和使用VB6进行程序开发和数据库编程。
"VISUAL BASIC 6 Database Programming Solutions" complementary source "VISUAL BASI C 6 Database Programming Solutions, "a concise and professional guidance Visual Basic programmer how to use Microsoft's V isual Basic Enterprise Edition for the design and creation of database applications. Cover the contents of VB6 programmers need to know about eight, and to provide a database programmers often encounter the problems need solutions. Also explains how to combine these technologies together, to create stalk of grass is the development of client/server, and the Web-based applications. Accompanying CD covered the book's code examples, great convenience for readers to learn and use VB6 procedures for the development and database programming. (2007-01-27, Visual Basic, 20KB, 下载33次)


[数据库编程] 2006040202501221119

VB prepared by the Wage management information systems, the use of ACCESS database. Basic mistakes (2007-01-19, Visual Basic, 56KB, 下载75次)
