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按分类查找All 其他书籍(36) 
按平台查找All Unix_Linux(36) 

[其他书籍] progit.zh.pdf

pro git中文pdf版 git 使用的很不错的介绍 一共九章涉及各种问题,最重要的就是中文翻译很到位
Git is the version control system developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development. It took the open source world by storm since its inception in 2005, and is used by small development shops and giants like Google, Red Hat, and IBM, and of course many open source projects.   * A book by Git experts to turn you into a Git expert   * Introduces the world of distributed version control   * Shows how to build a Git development workflow   What you’ll learn   * Use Git as a programmer or a project leader.   * Become a fluent Git user.   * Use distributed features of Git to the full.   * Acquire the ability to insert Git in the development workflow.   * Migrate programming projects from other SCMs to Git.   * Learn how to extend Git.   This book is for all open source developers: you are bound to encounter it somewhere in the course of your working life. Proprietary software developers will appreciate Git’s enormous scalability, since it is used for the Linux project, which (2010-07-06, Unix_Linux, 4252KB, 下载102次)


[其他书籍] The_Pragmatic_Programmer_From_Joumeyman_to_Master

" Pragmatic Programmer" by a series of separate parts, covering topics from personal responsibility, professional development, and remain flexible until used to make the code and can be easily adapted and re-used in a variety of architecture technology. The use of many rich and entertaining anecdotes, thoughtful examples, and interesting analogies, comprehensively explained the many different aspects of software development best practices and major pitfalls. Whether you are a beginner, there are experienced programmers, or software project manager, this book is for you to read. (2010-03-03, Unix_Linux, 11045KB, 下载9次)


[其他书籍] vim_manual_cn

vim_中文参考手册 两部分组成: 1. 用户手册面向问题, 由浅入深进行讲解. 可以象读一本书一样从头至尾进行学习. 2. 参考手册详述Vim方方面面的细节.
vim_ English reference manual composed of two parts: 1. user manual problem-oriented, progressive approach to be explained. can be the same as reading a book to learn from start to finish. 2. Vim reference manual detailing all aspects of the details. (2010-02-06, Unix_Linux, 1748KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] ABS_Guide_CN_BashShell

Advanced bash scripting guide the Chinese version of detailed information on Unix/Linux environment, shell programming (2009-12-21, Unix_Linux, 1335KB, 下载11次)


[其他书籍] Vyatta_SecurityRef_VC5_v03

一个ISAG Server的模拟器,基于中国电信综合业务接入网关的开放接口协议做的,已有接收SP下发短信、彩信、WAP PUSH的功能,可以自动回复回执,自带流量统计功能
1 ISAG Server simulator, based on China Telecom' s Integrated Services Access Gateway open interface protocol to do, has been issued by SP to receive SMS, MMS, WAP PUSH function, you can automatically reply receipt, bring their own traffic statistics function (2009-11-26, Unix_Linux, 459KB, 下载23次)


[其他书籍] Vyatta_QuickStart_VC5_v03

一个ISAG Server的模拟器,基于中国电信综合业务接入网关的开放接口协议做的,已有接收SP下发短信、彩信、WAP PUSH的功能,可以自动回复回执,自带流量统计功能
1 ISAG Server simulator, based on China Telecom' s Integrated Services Access Gateway open interface protocol to do, has been issued by SP to receive SMS, MMS, WAP PUSH function, you can automatically reply receipt, bring their own traffic statistics function (2009-11-26, Unix_Linux, 370KB, 下载12次)


[其他书籍] qt-4.3-whitepaper-cn.pdf.tar

QT Chinese white paper, I will briefly mention the use of various modules, suitable for beginners all QT (2009-06-27, Unix_Linux, 1703KB, 下载94次)


[其他书籍] vim_Bible_cn

Vim中文手册,网上不好找的. 该手册不谨介绍了vim的命令,还有教程,让新手们更快的入门。
Vim English manual, online不好找of. The manual not only describes the vim command, as well as tutorials, so that novices have a faster entry. (2009-06-13, Unix_Linux, 1748KB, 下载141次)


[其他书籍] Linux_Device_Drivers(3rdEdition_EN_CN)

Linux device drivers third edition, the classic of classics 2 in English and accompanied by the code (2009-04-23, Unix_Linux, 2572KB, 下载134次)


[其他书籍] gnu-make-doc-zh_CN-1.3

gun make中文手册 ver3.8,由徐海兵翻译,非常详尽地介绍了make的各个方面
gun make Chinese Manual ver3.8, translated by Xu Bing, a very detailed introduction to all aspects of make (2009-04-11, Unix_Linux, 895KB, 下载22次)


[其他书籍] gnu-make-doc-zh_CN-1.3

the book includes the discription of the makefile s format,varible, function,library etc . it is suitable for the linux developers and emmbed developers (2009-04-09, Unix_Linux, 905KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] abs-3.9.1_cn_html.tar

BASH Shell 编程 经典教程 《高级SHELL脚本编程》中文版
BASH Programming Study (2009-03-26, Unix_Linux, 1323KB, 下载19次)


[其他书籍] redhat_Linux_secure

红帽企业Linux 3安全指南 rh入门的好资料
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Security Guide rh good data entry (2008-09-07, Unix_Linux, 249KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] flame0926287

由董信、林生佑、汪召兵、周启龙四人组成的代码分析小组分析了sys_getitimer、sys_setitimer 和sys_alarm 三个系统调用并了解了定时器的工作机制,在这里我向简要介绍一下我的源代码分 析的情况。
By董信, Lin-you, Wang Zhao Bing, ZHOU Qi-long four-member group, composed of an analysis of the code analysis sys_getitimer, sys_setitimer and three sys_alarm system calls and understand the working mechanism of the timer, where I would like to briefly introduce my source code analysis situation. (2008-06-26, Unix_Linux, 157KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] GNU_make_zh_CN

关于gun makefile的说明,中文的~~ 不知道字数够不够,再凑几个
Note on the gun makefile, Chinese ~ ~ do not know enough words, and then put together a few (2008-06-12, Unix_Linux, 880KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] linux_recover

current threat to the Unix platform and rare virus, and improve the Unix file system is also made as a result of system software such as the collapse of failures and data loss is rare. But for many years for enterprise-level users, Unix user friendly interface level and Windows platform series still lags far behind. (2006-04-05, Unix_Linux, 98KB, 下载4次)
