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[P2P编程] FTPaHTTPmultiThreadDownload

多任务多线程断点续传DLL (1 folders, 1 files, 68.16 KB, 102.22 KB in total.)    iLeadDownloader.rar 68.16 KB   iLeadDownloaderDemo (1 folders, 14 files, 32.60 KB, 34.06 KB in total.)      iLeadDownloader.lib 3.37 KB      iLeadDownloaderDemo.cpp 2.19 KB      iLeadDownloaderDemo.dsp 4.38 KB      iLeadDownloaderDemo.dsw 561 bytes      iLeadDownloaderDemo.h 1.43 KB      iLeadDownloaderDemo.positions 412 bytes      iLeadDownloaderDemo.rc 5.46 KB      iLeadDownloaderDemoDlg.cpp 6.19 KB      iLeadDownloaderDemoDlg.h 1.56 KB      iLeadDownloaderDll.h 1.19 KB      ReadMe.txt 3.72 KB      Resource.h 881 bytes      StdAfx.cpp 221 bytes      StdAfx.h 1.08 KB     res (0 folders, 2 files, 1.45 KB, 1.45 KB in total.)        iLeadDownloaderDemo.ico 1.05 KB        iLeadDownloaderDemo.rc2 411 bytes 欢迎转载,但请保留出处,本文章转自[华软源码],原文链接:http://www.hur.cn/Soft/2010/9567.html
多任务多线程断点续传DLL (1 folders, 1 files, 68.16 KB, 102.22 KB in total.)    iLeadDownloader.rar 68.16 KB   iLeadDownloaderDemo (1 folders, 14 files, 32.60 KB, 34.06 KB in total.)      iLeadDownloader.lib 3.37 KB      iLeadDownloaderDemo.cpp 2.19 KB      iLeadDownloaderDemo.dsp 4.38 KB      iLeadDownloaderDemo.dsw 561 bytes      iLeadDownloaderDemo.h 1.43 KB      iLeadDownloaderDemo.positions 412 bytes      iLeadDownloaderDemo.rc 5.46 KB      iLeadDownloaderDemoDlg.cpp 6.19 KB      iLeadDownloaderDemoDlg.h 1.56 KB      iLeadDownloaderDll.h 1.19 KB      ReadMe.txt 3.72 KB      Resource.h 881 bytes      StdAfx.cpp 221 bytes      StdAfx.h 1.08 KB     res (0 folders, 2 files, 1.45 KB, 1.45 KB in total.)        iLeadDownloaderDemo.ico 1.05 KB        iLeadDownloaderDemo.rc2 411 bytes 欢迎转载,但请保留出处,本文章转自[华软源码],原文链接:http://www.hur.cn/Soft/2010/9567.html (2011-04-21, Visual C++, 11750KB, 下载16次)


[P2P编程] 112p2p-122

互联网P2P视频点播关键技术研究与实践 (2009-11-20, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载19次)


[P2P编程] P2PCenter_last

P2P点播直播开源项目是一个由Kevin发起,多人参与开发并不断更新,符合GPL开源协议的开源项目。 目的:缩短企业同类型项目开发周期,集成多种P2P协议,如BT,EMULE等。 主要功能: Peer 间传输数据采用UDP,能有效的穿透防火墙,在进一步的版本中将实现TCP及UPNP穿透 能够实现流媒体的点播及直播,还能共享其他文件,文件类型不限。 流媒体文件支持广泛,如rmvb,wmv,flv,mp4等 源代码下载论坛:http://opensource.kan8888.com 演示网站:http://www.skyvcd.com
P2P on-demand broadcast is an open source project initiated by Kevin, people involved in the development and continuously updated in line with the GPL open source open source project agreement. Objective: To shorten the enterprise with the type of project development cycle, integrating a wide range of P2P protocols such as BT, EMULE, etc.. Main functions: Peer between the transmission of data using UDP, can effectively penetrate the firewall, in a further version will be the realization of TCP and UPNP penetration can be achieved on-demand streaming media and broadcast, but also share other files, file types are not limited. Stream media files to support a wide range, such as rmvb, wmv, flv, mp4, such as source code download Forum: http://opensource.kan8888.com demo site: http://www.skyvcd.com (2008-01-15, Visual C++, 3955KB, 下载1503次)


[P2P编程] JXTA+P2P

主要在于在JXTA架构的基础上构建一个P2P的即时通信息 通。利用P2P非中心性和动态性的特征为即时通信服务,在即时通信的过程中,在发送端对消息进行加密,在接收端再对加密的消息解密,消息在JXTA网络中 是以匿名方式的方式进行传输的,使数据传输更加安全。
Lies mainly in the framework based on JXTA to build a P2P real-time information Qualcomm Qualcomm. The use of P2P and non-centrality is characterized by dynamic instant messaging services, instant messaging, the sending end of the encrypted message, the receiving end again in the encrypted message decryption, message in the JXTA network approach is based on anonymous way transmission, so that data transmission more secure. (2007-09-28, Java, 34KB, 下载97次)


[P2P编程] imdemo

P2P即时通讯源码 无加密,组件齐全,调试非常简单方便! 发送联机或脱机消息,同时可自定义消息字体、颜色、大小等信息,支持插入表情符号,屏幕截取。支持多人消息群发等功能; 在线即时语音、视频聊天 穿透网关防火墙,不同局域网任意对话 系统采用先进的点对点通讯技术,消息(包括文本、语音、视频、文件)的传输大多数情况不需要经服务器中转而直接发往接收者所使用的机器,传输速度更快。而且因服务器仅仅只是起着维护用户状态列表的功能,因此占用资源极少,可允许同时在线的人数就越多,对系统的影响也最小。 可以设置各种离线状态,支持自定义状态 用户可自定义界面,界面皮肤可在线更新 灵活支持Oracle、Sql Server等数据库 服务器端资源占用低,通讯中不占用服务端资源 联系QQ:571208080 应用领域 即时通讯软件主要应用于企业内部沟通、各种会议,企业和客户间合作交流,客户服务系统,远程培训教育系统,证券业的股评、咨询系统,医疗的远程会诊系统,各种购物网站, 物流系统等! (2007-08-26, Delphi, 4945KB, 下载1313次)
