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[医药行业] DrugAdministrationCountyHospitalManagementSystemDe

本文结合医院的实际情况,首先分析了系统开发的背景和国内外医院管理信 息系统的发展现状,描述了系统需要解决的主要问题 其次概述了系统的整体情 况,对系统的需求分析和架构设计进行了详细描述 在此基础上,本文还详细介 绍了医院信息系统中药品管理部分的功能和作用,并着重分析了该部分中各个模 块的特点,由浅入深的给出了门诊药房管理模块、药库管理模块、住院药房管理 模块的设计方案,设计包括系统功能设计和数据库表的设计。最后系统还成功地 设计出一套完整的安全性策略并加以实现,并在本文最后将基于角色的权限控制 (RBAC)在本系统的实现进行了详细论述
In this paper, the actual situation of the hospital, the first analysis of the system development background, and domestic and international hospital management letter Information system development, describes the main issues need to be solved followed by an overview of the overall situation of the system Conditions, the system requirements analysis and architecture design described in detail On this basis, the article also referred in detail Introduction of the hospital information system functions and Drug Administration part of the role and focus on an analysis of the section of each module Block features, implemented progressively in the outpatient pharmacy management module gives the pharmacy management module, hospital pharmacy management Module design, design features, including system design and database table design. Finally the system also successfully Design a comprehensive security strategy and to achieve, and in this last role-based access control (RBAC) in (2010-05-28, PowerBuilder, 4734KB, 下载13次)


[医药行业] 133VBACyaopinkucunguanli

本文介绍了药品进销存管理系统的开发过程。论文详尽论述了从需求分析、系统分析、概要设计、详细设计、以及测试与调试的整个开发过程,遵循软件工程的方法。 文章中所论述的管理信息系统,是一个将业务处理从纯人工操作转换成人工与计算机共同处理的一个实例,并对转换过程进行了详细策划, 可作为同类计算机管理信息系统的应用参考。 本软件开发的过程中采用VB 6.0 开发工具,采用成熟的软件研制技术。在本文中,总结了开发过程中的经验及本系统今后的改进方向。某公司从2004年2月创业以来,经过不断努力,现有职工40多人,其中,有计算机操作工作经验的员工占职工人数的30%左右。 药品进销存一直是本公司仓管部门的主要任务,随着业务的不断发展,加强成本管理与收入管理、通过提高服务水平提升企业形象已成为本公司的迫切需要。因为该公司目前采用手工操作的运营过程,差错率较高,已不能适应药品对现代化管理的要求。 为了提高公司管理效率,赢得员工的满意度,我建议公司决策层同意开发该公司管理信息系统,并以此系统的研发过程作为本人毕业论文的论题。
This paper introduces the pharmaceutical inventory management system development process. Papers length from needs analysis, system analysis, the outline design, detailed design, testing and debugging, and the entire development process, follow software engineering methods. The article discussed by the management information system, is a business address from a purely manual conversion adult and computer processing of a common example, as well as the conversion process of detailed planning, as a kind of computer management information system application. The software development process using Visual Basic 6.0 development tool, a mature software development technology. In this paper, summed up the development process and the experience of the system to improve future direction. From a compa (2007-05-27, Java, 3438KB, 下载310次)


[医药行业] shoper

1 本软件可用于商业用途,但是要email给我 wwei168@sohu.com 2 开发环境 d6 up2,sqlserver2000, win2000 server 1024*768(笔记本电脑) c/s 3 第三方控件,ehlib2.1,fastreport2.45,xpmenu,snccurrency ,(有可能用到express bar 但是可以在umain删除引用单元,因为没用到)可到51delphi ,cakk.delphibbs.com下载 4 数据库配置方法,在sqlserver2000新建yd数据库,关闭数据库服务器,用压缩包中的数据库文件覆盖原文件 5 编译,首先检测第三方控件是否安装完全,改变udm模块中的adoconn的connstring,使其与yd联接 6 不足 1。无并发控制。多客户端操作容易出错, 2。无社保购药接口,无ic卡,扫描仪接口,出款方式简单,不支持欠帐 3。数据库设计不太理想 4,库存采用加权移动平均法,用先入先出法更合理, 5。程序有些处理方法采用了非正常手段,不易维护 6。报表没有采用票据打印机, 7。统计功能还要完善 8。所在与库存操作都采用一个tcr(tdataset)不合理, 9。没有处理药品折扣 10。。。。。。 观迎来信讨论程序问题!
a software can be used for commercial purposes, but to email me wwei168@sohu.com 2 development environment d6 up2, sqlserver2000, WIN2000 server 1024* 768 (notebook computer) c/s three third-party controls, ehlib2.1, fastreport2.45, xpmenu , snccurrency (some might use express bar but it is invoked in umain delete modules, as unused) to 51delphi, four cakk.delphibbs.com download configuration database, the database sqlserver2000 new yd closed database servers, which use compressed database the original paper documents covering five compiler, the first third-party testing controls installed completely change udm Module of the connstring adoconn, it yd connection with a six under. Without concurrency control. Multi-client operation, prone to error, 2. Overplay interface without social sec (2006-03-23, Delphi, 422KB, 下载11次)


[医药行业] 医院管理系统(hmis)

方法一: 1.运行SQL Server 2000的查询分析器,单击“装载SQL脚本”快捷按钮,打开例程目录下SQL目录里的SQL_HMIS.sql文件,单击“执行查询”快捷按钮运行打开的SQL语句,这样就建立了医院信息系统的数据库结构。 2.输入初始数据,参见表9-27到表9-29。 方法二: 1.运行SQL Server 2000的企业管理器,新建一个数据库,命名为HMIS。 2.选中HMIS数据库单击右键,在弹出菜单中选择“所有任务”子菜单下的“还原数据库”菜单项,打开“还原 数据库”窗口,选上“从设备”单选框,单击【选择设备】按钮,打开“选择还原设备”窗口,再单击【添 加】按钮,选择Data_HMIS文件后,一直单击【确定】按钮就可以完成数据库的还原操作。
one way : 1. Running SQL Server 2000 inquiries analyzer, click "load SQL scripts" fast button, the SQL routines directory directory SQL_HMIS.sql the document, click the "Executive Search" button fast running open SQL, so the establishment of a Hospital Information System database structure. 2. The initial input data in table form 9-27 to 9-29. Method 2 : 1. Running SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager, a new database, called HMIS. 2. Selected HMIS database Right-click the pop-up menu, select "all tasks" submenu under the "resurrection database" menu item to open a "resurrection database" window of the election "equipment from the" single-Sonic, click choice of equipment-- a button, the "election Optional reduction equipment &q (2005-05-09, Delphi, 1848KB, 下载127次)
