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按分类查找All 人物传记/成功经验(32) 

[人物传记/成功经验] successful-practice-of-enterprise-

企业成功实践全书内容简介: 在未来的成功企业中管理者的领导作用的价值已有许多著作加以论述。当今,世界已进入全球性的经济环境,毫无疑问,海外制造商对本国市场的追逐,已成为本国制造业的威协。
Introduction of the the enterprise successful practice Britannica content: the value of the manager' s leadership role in the future success of the enterprise than many of his writings to be addressed. Today, the world has entered the global economic environment, there is no doubt, the chase of overseas manufacturers on the domestic market, Viagra has become a national manufacturing co. (2012-09-20, HTML, 133KB, 下载4次)


[人物传记/成功经验] weierqizizhuan

《韦尔奇自传》 对企业管理感兴趣的应该看一下 韦尔奇:被誉为“世界第一CEO”,在他20年的任期内把通用电气集团带入了辉煌,本书被全球经理人奉为“CEO的圣经”
Welch' s autobiography, " interested in business management should look at Welch: Hailed as the world' s first CEO, General Electric Group in his 20-year term into a brilliant book to be global managers people regarded as " CEO of the Bible" (2012-08-01, PDF, 4784KB, 下载8次)


[人物传记/成功经验] Search-engine-ranking-secrets

在我还没有被别人当作 之前,我就在利用 技术赚钱,赚钱的模式不是给 别人服务,而且利用 这种成本 效果非常好的网络营销策略和传统企 业合作做贸易(通过网络卖工艺画)。这里给朋友们分享一下我开公司之前的故 事。 我还在大学的时候,因为和朋友一块儿搞点子网站,自己单独搞创业网站。所以 不断有工作找我,创业的朋友找我,风投找我,眼前的好机会找我。于是,我 脆从大学出来,做了一名自由策划人。一边给一些朋友公司做兼职顾问,一边研 究各类网站的赢利模式,研究电子商务网络营销,研究传统模式和网络模式的结 合 就越发现网络营销在各个环节中是最重要的,因为利用网络营销可以可以任何一 个企业合
Search engine ranking secrets (2012-05-21, Windows_Unix, 311KB, 下载4次)


[人物传记/成功经验] to-apply-for-a-job

This document will be I a senior job search completely recorded down, also include each big enterprise company written IT interview experience, believe that for many are applying for the job or prepare students to have the help very much. (2011-12-24, Visual C++, 46KB, 下载4次)


[人物传记/成功经验] MBA

书中选取了“惠普”、“韩国三星”、“索尼”等世界知 名大公司的人事管理精华,其中不乏有许多值得国内企业借鉴的地方。
The book selected for " HP" , " South Korea' s Samsung" , " Sony" and other world-renowned essence of personnel management of large companies, many of whom have much to learn from domestic enterprises. (2011-08-15, PDF, 639KB, 下载6次)


[人物传记/成功经验] The_7_Habits_of_Highly_Effective_People

成功人士的七个习惯 作者:史蒂芬.柯维 作者史蒂芬.柯维被美国时代周刊评为20世纪影响美国历史进程的25位人物之一,被美国学界誉为思想巨匠。这是一本洗脑的书,它改变人的思维方式和行为方式,这种改变导致一个国家的请打。不难想象这本书的畅销仅仅是开始,它的影响已经呈蔓延之势,一些先知先觉的企业已经开始作为员工培训教材使用,有的政府机关也动起来了,只有媒体表现地异常迟钝。为什么它一定将呈现燎原之势?它一定适合中国国情吗?问题问得好,答案是肯定的。客观地说,“七个习惯”正在改变着中国的企业,正在改变着中国的政府机关,也正在改变着中国的学生和普通的中国人,它的影响力正在进行中。没有理由轻视它和拒绝它。
The Seven Habits of effective people Of: Stephen. Covey Of Stephen. Covey by the U.S. Time magazine as the 20th century, the historical process of the United States is one of 25 people, was hailed as the thinking of American academic giants. This is a brainwashing book, it changed people s thinking and behavior, this change in a country you play. Not difficult to imagine the best-selling book is only the beginning, its influence was spreading has been some proactive companies have begun to use as staff training materials, and some government agencies are also moving up, only the media to abnormal slow performance. Why it must be presented Liaoyuanzhishi? It must be suitable for China it? Good question, the answer is yes. Objectively speaking, the "seven habits" of Chinese companies is changing, is changing the Chinese government, is also changing the Chinese students and ordinary Chinese people, its influence in progress. No reason to despise it and reject it. (2010-12-10, PPT, 6297KB, 下载17次)


[人物传记/成功经验] wz

In a north-south direction in accordance with things and is divided into regular city blocks, n a settlements scattered distributed in different neighborhoods. East-west coordinates with x, y said with a north-south. The location of the settlements can be coordinates (x, y) said. Blocks in any two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) can use the distance between the values | x1-x2 |+ | y1-y2 | metrics. (2010-10-29, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载6次)


[人物传记/成功经验] Theadvantagesofhumanity

Carnegie is a famous American entrepreneurs, educators and artists eloquent speech. Dale Carnegie, known as the "father of adult education." The success of the 20th century s best-selling inspirational classic "human merits" (2010-05-22, TEXT, 60KB, 下载2次)


[人物传记/成功经验] math

哈代是20世纪最优秀的数学思想家,同仁公认他是“真正的数学家是纯粹中最纯粹的”。这篇“自白”是他数学创造力衰退时写下的心酸文字。   在哈代的笔下,数学远远不仅是一门科学,还是艺术,是娱乐,是真善美。   本书刚出版,就被誉为堪与亨利·詹姆斯的笔记媲美的对“创造性艺术家的最佳描述”。   C·P·斯诺的长篇前言满含深情地回顾了哈代的一生,栩栩如生地讲述了他的学术生活和有趣的业余爱好。
Hardy in the 20th century' s best mathematical thinker, colleagues recognized him as " a true mathematician is purely the most pure." This " confession" is his mathematical creativity to write a sad word recession. In Thomas Hardy' s novels, mathematics goes far beyond a science, or art, entertainment, the most sublime. This book just published, praised as worthy of Henry James' s notes comparable to " the best description of the creative artist." C · P · Snow' s lengthy preamble laden with deep feeling reviewed Hardy' s life, vividly recounted his academic life and interesting hobby. (2009-10-15, PDF, 577KB, 下载13次)


[人物传记/成功经验] LuZuoFuBiography

[编辑本段]卢作孚简介   卢作孚(1893~1952年),原名魁先,别名卢思,重庆市合川人。   著名的爱国实业家、教育家、社会活动家。   他创办的民生公司,到1949年,拥有148艘江海轮船,投资60多个企事业单位,成为中国最大和最有影响的民营企业集团之一。他青年时便提出教育救国,并为之奋斗。从自学成才始,到创建学校、图书馆、博物馆,普及文化和教育,多有建树。他以北碚为基地,从事乡村建设的理论探索和社会实践,获得成功。他一生俭朴勤奋,公而忘私,服务社会和人群。他崇尚务实和科学精神,有《卢作孚集》传世,是重庆人乃至中国人在上个世纪前半叶最有价值的心智和实践的结晶之一。   推荐评语:民生公司、北碚实验区、《卢作孚集》,其中任一项都足以改变历史,卢作孚正是这样一位改变历史而让中国人不能忘记的重庆人。
[编辑本段]卢作孚简介   卢作孚(1893~1952年),原名魁先,别名卢思,重庆市合川人。   著名的爱国实业家、教育家、社会活动家。   他创办的民生公司,到1949年,拥有148艘江海轮船,投资60多个企事业单位,成为中国最大和最有影响的民营企业集团之一。他青年时便提出教育救国,并为之奋斗。从自学成才始,到创建学校、图书馆、博物馆,普及文化和教育,多有建树。他以北碚为基地,从事乡村建设的理论探索和社会实践,获得成功。他一生俭朴勤奋,公而忘私,服务社会和人群。他崇尚务实和科学精神,有《卢作孚集》传世,是重庆人乃至中国人在上个世纪前半叶最有价值的心智和实践的结晶之一。   推荐评语:民生公司、北碚实验区、《卢作孚集》,其中任一项都足以改变历史,卢作孚正是这样一位改变历史而让中国人不能忘记的重庆人。 (2009-09-03, HTML, 418KB, 下载7次)


[人物传记/成功经验] The_Seven_Habits_Of_Highly_Effective_People_cn

成功人士的七个习惯 (中文电子版 PDF格式)
The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People (chinese version in pdf format) (2009-03-23, PDF, 6297KB, 下载13次)


[人物传记/成功经验] TheoryofConstraints

《绝不是靠运气》(It’s Not Luck )是高德拉特博士继《目标》(The Goal)后又一本十分畅销的企业小说,是《目标》的连续篇。很多读过《目标》的朋友经常追问我:什么时候才出《绝不是靠运气》的中文版?他们焦急地想知道《目标》的主角罗哥如何运用制约法(TOC,Theory of Constraints),解决工厂生产以外的难题。 这里,让我谈一谈这本书的背景,希望读者朋友们读这本书时,可以更直接,更全面地掌握作者想要传达的讯息。
" Is not a matter of sheer luck" (It' s Not Luck), Dr. Goldratt are following the " target" (The Goal) and then a very popular business novel, are the " target" for the articles. Many have read the " target" friends often ask me: When will the " is not a matter of sheer luck," the Chinese version? They anxiously want to know the " target" the protagonist罗哥how to use constraints Act (TOC, Theory of Constraints), to solve problems outside of the factory production. Here, let me talk about the background of this book, I hope readers and friends read this book, you can more directly, to better grasp the message the author wants to convey. (2009-02-12, Visual Basic, 155KB, 下载14次)
