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按分类查找All LabView编程(37) 

[LabView编程] 正弦信号叠加噪声SNR

By changing the signal amplitude, frequency and noise standard deviation on the interface, the signal-to-noise ratio of noisy signal can be displayed in real time. (2020-03-14, LabView, 16KB, 下载4次)


[LabView编程] nilabview2018.cn

LABIVEW编程软件2018,win10 64bit,软件下载安装及教程
LABIVEW Programming software 2018, win10 64bit, software download, installation and tutorials (2019-06-13, Others, 1KB, 下载0次)


[LabView编程] 登陆通知系统

Log in to the operating system and identify it by logging in to the account. (2018-12-16, C/C++, 113KB, 下载0次)


[LabView编程] 一种人体脉搏远程医疗监测系统设计与实现.pdf

脉搏是人体重要的生理参数和了解人体生理状况的重要指标;互联网+时代下,远程医疗监护已成为研究热点;基于光电容 积 法 脉 搏 波 检 测 原 理 , 以 Pulse Sensor 脉 搏 传 感 器 为 基 础 , 以 ST M32 单 片 机 为 控 制 核 心 , 设 计 了 便 携 式 人 体 脉 搏 检 测 仪 , 可 完 成 脉 搏 信 号 的 实 时 采 集 与 本 地 LCD 触 摸 屏 显 示 ; 基 于 图 形 化 虚 拟 仪 器 工 程 设 计 平 台 LabVIEW , 设 计 了 远 程 社 区 医 疗 监 测 系 统 , 可 完 成 远 程 脉 搏 信 号 的 接 收 、 显 示 、 存 储 和 回 放 ; 两 者 基 于 TCP/IP 网 络 协 议 , 共 同 构 成 了 人 体 脉 搏 远 程 医 疗 监 测 系 统 ; 该 系 统 的 成 功 初 步 搭 建 , 为 人 体生理信号远程医疗监测研究提供了新的设计思路和方向。
Pulse is an important physiological parameter of human body and an important index to understand the physiological condition of human body. Telemedicine monitoring has become a research hotspot in the Internet + era. Based on the principle of pulse detection in photoelectric volume method, the Pulse Sensor pulse sensor is used as the basis and the ST M32 microcontroller as the control core. (2018-12-01, LabView, 1303KB, 下载3次)


[LabView编程] Labview上位机程序

Labview上位机程序 金属探测仪金属探测器是专门用来探测金属的仪器,广泛应用于工业生产、安检、娱乐等领域。采用新的原理,设计一个基于单片机的手持金属探测器,利用其检测人们随身携带的金属物品,如小刀、钢笔,甚至可以检测到香烟盒的铝薄。可随身携带,使用方便。
Labview PC program metal detector metal detector is used to detect metal instrument, widely used in industrial production, security, entertainment and other fields. Using a new principle, design a hand-held metal detector based on single-chip microcomputer, using the test people carry metal objects, such as a knife, a pen, can even detect aluminum thin cigarette case. Portable, easy to use. (2018-05-14, LabView, 7683KB, 下载9次)


[LabView编程] Low-pass-filter-design

Virtual low-pass filter design: sinusoidal signal can be generated and the time-domain white noise signal waveform, and hybrid noise sine wave signal to noise ratio is adjustable. (2016-07-11, LabView, 23KB, 下载5次)


[LabView编程] PhySound

Neuronal spike listener. The program is use to listen the neuronal firing signals with greatly improved signal-noise ratio. Signal input through the sound card line input jack, and playback through the speaker. (2014-11-30, LabView, 234KB, 下载5次)


[LabView编程] HOMEWORK

用LabVIEW编制一个完整应用软件,完成以下功能: 1、产生一个正弦波,叠加一个噪声信号,从界面上可以调整噪声和信号的幅度、频率等参数,此信号作为后续分析的信号源; 2、显示信号的时域波形,点击按钮可以显示信号的幅度谱、功率谱 3、图形上可以显示光标,具有峰值跟踪功能,同时将峰值频率、幅度显示在界面上。 4、点击按钮可以计算显示信号的失真度(THD)、信噪比(SNR)、各次谐波的频率和幅度;
Preparation of a complete application using LabVIEW software, perform the following functions: 1, generates a sine wave, the superposition of a noise signal, the interface can be adjusted from the noise and the signal amplitude, frequency and other parameters, this signal as a follow-up analysis of the signal source 2. time-domain signal waveform display, click the button to display the signal amplitude spectrum, power spectrum 3, you can display a cursor on the graph, with a peak tracking, while the peak frequency, amplitude displayed on the screen. 4, click the button to display the calculated distortion (THD) signal to noise ratio (SNR), each harmonic frequency and amplitude (2014-05-28, LabView, 25KB, 下载72次)


[LabView编程] Digital-phase-sensitive-detector

Based labview8.6 digital phase-sensitive detection algorithm source code, to achieve high-precision measurement of the amplitude and the initial phase of the sine wave measured under low SNR (2014-02-17, LabView, 210KB, 下载8次)


[LabView编程] CVI

LabWindows/CVI是National Instruments公司推出的一套面向测控领域的软件开发平台。它以ANSI C为核心,将功能强大,使用灵活的C语言平台与数据采集,分析和表达的测控专业工具有机地接和起来。它的集成化开发平台,交互式编程方法,丰富的控件和库函数大大增强了C语言的功能,为熟悉C语言的开发人员建立检测系统,自动测量环境,数据采集系统,过程监控系统等提供了一个理想的软件开发环境。 本教程面向的是那些从未使用过LabWindows/CVI的读者,但是假设读者以有了C语言的基础并且熟悉Windows 2000/9x/NT操作系统。在每一章节的学习中,作者都是通过一个具体的实例让读者迅速的掌握本章的知识点;而不是长篇大论,述及边枝细叶,反而使读者望而却步,只见树木,不见森林。 想信通过对本教程的学习,读者可迅速掌握LabWindows/CVI编程思想及步骤,为读者日后进一步学习打下基础
LabWindows/CVI Basics Tutorial (2013-05-15, LabView, 431KB, 下载10次)


[LabView编程] Hilbert

Labview8.6 based Hilbert transform high-precision measurement of the sine wave phase difference of the two low SNR (2013-03-16, LabView, 27KB, 下载17次)


[LabView编程] Digital-phase-sensitive-detector

Sine wave amplitude and the initial phase of the measuring low signal-to-noise ratio under the conditions measurement labview8.6-based digital phase-sensitive detection algorithm source, high-precision (2013-03-16, LabView, 19KB, 下载36次)


[LabView编程] Cross-correlation

Based labview8.6 FFT method to measure the phase difference between the two square wave signals in low signal-to-noise ratio conditions, test, amplitude measurement accuracy and phase measurement accuracy are high (2013-03-16, LabView, 51KB, 下载26次)


[LabView编程] usb-can-labview_ixxat

Ixxat的相应板卡驱动 Tel:400-090-0216,www.tnkey.cn ■PC-I 04/PCI ■iPC-I 320/PCI II ■iPC-I 165/PCI ■iPC-I XC16/PCI ■iPC-I XC16/PMC ■iPC-I XC16/PCIe ■tinCAN 161 ■USB-to-CAN compact ■USB-to-CAN II ■CAN-IB100/PCIe ■CAN-IB200/PCIe ■CAN-IB120/PCIe Mini ■CAN@net II/VCI ■CANblue II ■CAN-IB130/PCIe 104 ■CAN-IB230/PCIe 104 ■FR-IB100/PCIe (only in combination with VCI V2.20)
Ixxat Card Driver Passiontech:Tel:400-090-0216,www.tnkey.cn ■PC-I 04/PCI ■iPC-I 320/PCI II ■iPC-I 165/PCI ■iPC-I XC16/PCI ■iPC-I XC16/PMC ■iPC-I XC16/PCIe ■tinCAN 161 ■USB-to-CAN compact ■USB-to-CAN II ■CAN-IB100/PCIe ■CAN-IB200/PCIe ■CAN-IB120/PCIe Mini ■CAN@net II/VCI ■CANblue II ■CAN-IB130/PCIe 104 ■CAN-IB230/PCIe 104 ■FR-IB100/PCIe (only in combination with VCI V2.20) (2012-11-10, LabView, 812KB, 下载18次)


[LabView编程] usb-can-labview

Ixxat的相应板卡驱动 葩星科技:400-090-0216,www.tnkey.cn ■PC-I 04/PCI ■iPC-I 320/PCI II ■iPC-I 165/PCI ■iPC-I XC16/PCI ■iPC-I XC16/PMC ■iPC-I XC16/PCIe ■tinCAN 161 ■USB-to-CAN compact ■USB-to-CAN II ■CAN-IB100/PCIe ■CAN-IB200/PCIe ■CAN-IB120/PCIe Mini ■CAN@net II/VCI ■CANblue II ■CAN-IB130/PCIe 104 ■CAN-IB230/PCIe 104 ■FR-IB100/PCIe (only in combination with VCI V2.20)
Ixxat Card Driver Passiontech:Tel:400-090-0216,www.tnkey.cn ■PC-I 04/PCI ■iPC-I 320/PCI II ■iPC-I 165/PCI ■iPC-I XC16/PCI ■iPC-I XC16/PMC ■iPC-I XC16/PCIe ■tinCAN 161 ■USB-to-CAN compact ■USB-to-CAN II ■CAN-IB100/PCIe ■CAN-IB200/PCIe ■CAN-IB120/PCIe Mini ■CAN@net II/VCI ■CANblue II ■CAN-IB130/PCIe 104 ■CAN-IB230/PCIe 104 ■FR-IB100/PCIe (only in combination with VCI V2.20) (2012-11-10, LabView, 812KB, 下载27次)


[LabView编程] LUSBCAN_LabVIA

LABVIEW关于DLL调用的源代码,关于界面设计,DLL调用等方面,很有参考考价值。此例程针对武汉吉阳光电www.glinker.cn的GY8507 USB
The LABVIEW the source code for the DLL call, interface design, DLL calls, etc., a good reference test value. This routine for Wuhan Ji sun power www.glinker.cn of GY8507 USB (2012-08-05, Visual C++, 205KB, 下载17次)


[LabView编程] vibrationmeasurementandanalysis_cn

LabVIEW8.5发布录象 有例子讲解,希望有适用的 LabVIEW各种典型例子,希望有适用的
Published LabVIEW8.5 video has examples to explain the hope that LabVIEW has applied a variety of typical examples, I hope there is an applicable (2007-09-25, LabView, 5074KB, 下载8次)
