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[特征抽取] Data-Mining

此次课程设计主要统计武汉纺织大学新闻网站下学校新闻、思想观点、综合新闻和学术动态的新闻数据,包括标题,发布时间,正文内容。网站网址为武汉纺织大学新闻文化网 (wtu.edu.cn) 。 这次项目是基于python3.12的数据分析可视化项目。爬取数据部分使用request、BeautifulSoup等相关库,以获得相关数据,使用Excel进行存储。数据可视化部分使用的是pyecharts、jieba等库,进而生成词云以及散点图等html文件。 (2024-06-08, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[特征抽取] qwizbot

An AI-powered SaaS product that helps businesses, students, and professionals perform language-related tasks. The platform uses NLP libraries to provide efficient and accurate results for tasks such as summarizing text, finding answers from paragraphs, classifying words, translating text, creating one- line summaries of paragraphs, and AI writing. (2023-03-15, JavaScript, 203KB, 下载0次)


[特征抽取] fastdfs

fastdfs客户端使用及安装教程,提供完整的java- api使用,支持防盗链(token)和缩略图等功能,在原作者YuQing与yuqih发布的java客户端基础上进行了大量重构工作,便于Java工作者开发,企业级图片服务器搭建和使用。
The Fastdfs client use and installation tutorial provides complete java api use, supports functions such as anti-theft chain (token) and thumbnail, and carries out a lot of reconstruction work on the basis of the java client published by the original authors YuQing and Yuqih, which is convenient for Java workers to develop and build and use enterprise level image servers. (2017-12-26, Java, 2341KB, 下载0次)


[特征抽取] wxqyh

微信企业号实例代码java版 jssdk,access_token,ticket,oauth媒体文件的上传下载,通讯录管理,菜单管理
WeChat enterprise account instance code java version jssdk, access_ Upload and download of token, ticket, oauth media files, address book management, menu management (2015-10-15, Java, 2340KB, 下载0次)


[特征抽取] fastdfs

fastdfs客户端使用(java- API)及安装教程,支持防盗链(token)和缩略图等功能,在原作者YuQing与yuqih发布的java客户端基础上进行了大量重构工作,便于Java工作者开发,企业级图片服务器搭建和使用。
Fastdfs client use (java API) and installation tutorial, supporting functions such as anti-theft chain (token) and thumbnail, and a lot of reconstruction work has been carried out on the basis of the java client released by the original authors YuQing and Yuqih, which is convenient for Java workers to develop and build and use enterprise level image servers. (2017-12-26, Java, 2341KB, 下载0次)


[特征抽取] apitest4j

java+RESTassured+testng for ApiTest 已完成,可进行正常的接口测试,以后有扩展会不断丰富它 ,要注意框架中用企业微信和百度搜索的接口举例,由于百度接口不用 token 即可搜索,所以百度搜索无问题,而...
Java+RESTassured+testng for ApiTest has been completed, and normal interface testing can be carried out. It will be continuously enriched with future expansion. Note that the framework uses the interface of WeChat and Baidu Search for example. Since Baidu interface can search without token, Baidu Search has no problem, and (2020-08-17, Java, 24KB, 下载0次)


[特征抽取] STASIS

...还为第一个标记化的企业级多合一板球运动平台CIFI Network提供了燃料,使...
Stasis is a novel financial experiment to innovate a new kind of smart collateral using a combination of three crypto protocol dynamics that paves the way for a price-resistant, decentralized reserve of growing wealth governed by the community. Stasis also fuels the first tokenized all-in-one enterprise-grade cricketing sports platform called (2021-09-24, Solidity, 27KB, 下载0次)


[特征抽取] Article-Summarizer-and-Classifier

Article classification and summarization have a genuinely backhanded connection as article classification fall into classification issues rather than summarization, where it is treated as an issue of semantics. A significant piece of the summarization procedure is the recognition of the point or subjects that are examined in an irregular (2020-08-04, Jupyter Notebook, 5247KB, 下载0次)
