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[地理学] trivia-time

使用Next.js 13、Supabase和Prisma构建的全堆栈web应用程序。玩人工智能生成的关于不同主题的琐事,如艺术、娱乐、地理、历史和科学
A full-stack web application built using Next.js 13, Supabase, and Prisma. Play AI-generated trivias about different topics such as art, entertainment, geography, history and science (2024-04-08, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[地理学] Seismometer

スマホて?簡単地震観測!スマホ1台あれは?、インストール不要て?、地震の波形を見たり、震度の目安を確認したりて?きます。加速度 速度 変位といった、マニアにうれしい詳しい情報も表示します。地震観測配信なと?にもおすすめ。
ス マ ホ ? Simple seismic landscaping survey! スマホれは?インスト?ル???をををッりりを, seismic intensity を Confirm したり り ケす. The acceleration speed is in the range of といったマニアにれしいいいいいすす, which means しす. Seismic landscaping measurement and allocation information. (2024-04-06, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[地理学] AEbagging

This is an ensemble deep learning model (AEbagging) for laboratory earthquake detection and phase picking, with many improvements still to be made to the current model. If we can incorporate diverse AE datasets into our model, it not only enhances the robustness of the model but also removes the constraints imposed by signal-to-noise ratio. (2024-03-04, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[地理学] Analysis-of-Indian-Startup-Funding-2018-2021

This repository contains the analysis of the Indian startup ecosystem to provide insights for making informed decisions in venturing into this domain. The analysis includes exploring funding patterns, sector-wise distribution, geographical location impact on funding, trends over time and correlations between various factors. (2023-07-14, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[地理学] fake-dataset-generators

后端测试假数据集生成器--信创技术下 气 象 数据采集分析系统,
Back end test false data set generator - meteorological data acquisition and analysis system under information technology, (2023-04-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[地理学] redis-to-mysql

将Redis数据存储至MySQL数据库--信创技术下 气 象 数据采集分析系统,
Store Redis data to MySQL database - meteorological data collection and analysis system under information technology, (2023-04-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[地理学] colorGame

一款基于安卓手机应用的休闲小游戏,是一款活跃 气 氛,休闲娱乐的必备小游戏;适用场合于:逢年过节、朋友聚会、聚餐必备、KTV必玩;适用对 象 :老少皆宜;操作简单:只需要动动手点一下或者摇一摇即可。,
A casual game based on Android mobile applications, it is an essential game for active atmosphere and leisure entertainment; Applicable occasions: necessary for festivals, gatherings, dinners, and KTV; Applicable objects: all ages; Simple operation: just click or shake your hands., (2016-12-20, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[地理学] Dbhydro-Data

DBHYDRO is the South Florida Water Management District s corporate environmental database that stores hydrologic, meteorologic, hydrogeologic and water quality data. This database is the source of historical and up-to-date environmental data for the 16-county region covered by the District. (2023-07-02, R, 0KB, 下载0次)
