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[防火墙与安全工具] XFILTER2_FOR_9X_2K_XP

费尔个人防火墙2.1标准版源程序 费尔安全实验室是国内首家提供商业软件完整源代码的组织,她推出的“费尔个人防火墙源程序”凭借着先进的实现技术及难以匹敌的性能价格比,在短短的时间内便受到了广泛的支持与好评,选择它将为您或您的企业带来巨大的收益。
Fair Personal Firewall 2.1 Standard Edition source FILSECLAB is the first commercial software to provide full source code organization, she launched " Fair Personal Firewall source" With the implementation of advanced technology and unmatched price performance ratio, in a short period of time will be subject to a wide range of support and praise, choose it for you or your business to bring enormous benefits. (2011-11-11, Visual C++, 915KB, 下载37次)


[防火墙与安全工具] ArithmetiqueCrypto

黑客攻击与防范 黑客常用的攻击步骤可以说变幻莫测,但纵观其整个攻击过程,还是有一定规律可循的,一般可以分:攻击前奏、实施攻击、巩固控制、继续深入几个过程。 目前比较流行的网络级安全防范措施是使用专业防火墙+入侵检测系统(IDS)为企业内部网络构筑一道安全屏障。防火墙可以有效地阻止有害数据的通过,而IDS 则主要用于有害数据的分析和发现,它是防火墙功能的延续。2者联动,可及时发现并减缓DoS、DDoS 攻击,减轻攻击所造成的损失。
Hackers attack and to prevent common hacker attacks can be unpredictable steps, but throughout its entire course of the attack, there are still some rules to follow, and generally can be divided into: attack a prelude to implementation of the attack, to consolidate control, continue to penetrate several processes. Currently more popular network-level security measures is to use the professional firewall+ intrusion detection systems (IDS) for the enterprise internal network to build a security barrier. Firewall can effectively block the passage of bad data, while the IDS is mainly used for bad data analysis and discovery, which is a continuation of the firewall functionality. 2 person interaction, they can promptly detect and mitigate DoS, DDoS attacks, to reduce the losses caused by attacks. (2009-10-29, WORD, 14KB, 下载26次)


[防火墙与安全工具] IPTABLES-manual

This is an introduction to the Linux operating system platform to build a firewall system (Netfilte r/Iptables) technology-based documentation, designed to help users in a shorter period of time and the allocation of management essentials, for enterprise network security with the relevant security. (2006-11-26, PDF, 192KB, 下载73次)
