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[Telnet客户端/Shell] No27EnterpriseCollaborativeOfficeSystem

基于ssh的企业协同办公系统:前端 html、jquery、layui,后端 spring、hibernate,一个融合薪资、考勤和公司公告等为一体的协调办公系统
Enterprise collaborative office system based on ssh: front-end html, jquery, layui, back-end spring, hibernate, a coordinated office system integrating salary, attendance and company announcements (2023-11-28, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Telnet客户端/Shell] github-key-rotator

GitHub Key Rotator(gkr)是一个CLI工具,用于自动旋转GitHub-GitHube企业SSH密钥的过程。
The GitHub Key Rotator (gkr) is a CLI tool to automate the process of rotating GitHub GitHub Enterprise SSH keys. (2020-08-28, JavaScript, 58KB, 下载0次)


[Telnet客户端/Shell] jun_ssh_easyui

jun_ssh_parent 是一个开源企业级快速开发基础平台,提供多种技术方案选择,支持SSH方案jun_ssh_easyui->Struts2+Spring4+Hibernate4, Shiro, Spring-Data-Redi...
jun_ssh_parent 是一个开源企业级快速开发基础平台,提供多种技术方案选择,支持SSH方案jun_ssh_easyui->Struts2+Spring4+Hibernate4, Shiro, Spring-Data-Redi... (2023-05-26, JavaScript, 8339KB, 下载0次)


[Telnet客户端/Shell] dubbo-blog-back-end

这个dubbo-blog的后台管理模块,个人考虑为spring4+springmvc+hibernate4架构下,将mybatis改为... ...hibernate是在公司项目中学到了hibernate在企业管理系统中,至关重要的作用,在访...
For the background management module of dubbo blog, under the framework of spring4+springmvc+hibernate4, change mybatis to Hibernate learned the crucial role of hibernate in the enterprise management system in the company project (2018-01-08, Java, 74394KB, 下载0次)


[Telnet客户端/Shell] ssh-key-enforcer-stash

Layers additional controls over Bitbucket s SSH key features that enforce the stronger controls required in an enterprise environment. (2022-07-06, Java, 75KB, 下载0次)


[Telnet客户端/Shell] Setool-Main

(入门不当可能导致入狱) 基于linux的企业级别社会工程学渗透测试、轻量级别Web渗透辅助。内置的钓鱼网站可以获取主要的个人信息账户;网站克隆模块可以把白宫网站给克隆下来;内置的各种Web终端完全可以群体性的攻击和对社会工程学的测试...
(Inappropriate entry may lead to imprisonment) Enterprise level social engineering penetration testing based on Linux, lightweight web penetration assistance. The built-in phishing website can access the main personal information accounts; The website cloning module can clone the White House website; The built-in various web terminals can completely attack in groups and test social engineering (2022-10-15, Java, 702KB, 下载0次)


[Telnet客户端/Shell] orion-ops

一站式自动化运维及自动化部署平台, 使用多环境的概念, 提供了机器管理、机器监控报警、Web终端、WebSftp、机器批量执行、机器批量上传、在线查看日志、定时调度任务、应用环境维护、应用构建及发布任务、操作流水线等功能, 帮助企业实...
The one-stop automated operation and maintenance and automated deployment platform, using the concept of multiple environments, provides functions such as machine management, machine monitoring and alarm, Web terminal, WebSftp, machine batch execution, machine batch upload, online log viewing, scheduled task scheduling, application environment maintenance, application construction and publishing tasks, operation pipeline, etc., to help enterprises implement (2023-05-10, Java, 5730KB, 下载0次)


[Telnet客户端/Shell] pmmfgs

In order to improve the core competitiveness, the company uses the corresponding information technology and Internet technology to coordinate. (2018-10-26, cubesuit, 2KB, 下载0次)
