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[远程控制/远程桌面] xdisp_virt-master

这是基于windows平台的远程桌面控制程序最新版本(版本二)。 提供远程控制,支持摄像头,多路音频,推流, 以及能在远程桌面顺畅的观看视频,玩游戏等多媒体娱乐功能。 被控制端支持的平台包括 windows系列(从 XP,WIN7, WIN8, WIN10)。 控制端支持原生客户端,也支持网页客户端。 网页客户端支持的浏览器包括Chrome,FireFox,Apple Safari,Microsoft Edge,Opera等具备现代功能的浏览器, 不支持IE以及IE内核浏览器。网页客户端不限平台,几乎所有操作系统平台都支持(包括移动平台和PC平台)。 网络传输既支持不加密的明文传输;也支持SSL加密传输,为数据传输带来安全保证。
This is the latest version of remote desktop control program based on Windows platform (version 2). Provide remote control, support camera, multi-channel audio, streaming, And can be in the remote desktop smoothly watch video, play games and other multimedia entertainment functions. The platforms supported by the control end include windows series (from XP, win7, win8, win10). The control terminal supports both native client and web client. The web client supports browsers such as chrome, Firefox, apple Safari, Microsoft edge, opera and other browsers with modern functions, IE and IE kernel browser are not supported. Web client is not limited to platforms, and almost all operating system platforms support it (including mobile platform and PC platform). Network transmission not only supports plaintext transmission without encryption, but also supports SSL encrypted transmission, which brings security guarantee for data transmission. (2020-08-21, C/C++, 15510KB, 下载11次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] Lookmypc

  下载LookMyPC远程桌面连接软件,可以获得使用LookMyPC远程控制组件(NetmanScreen.dll)和源码 自己开发一款远程桌面软件,快速的实现类似QQ远程协助,远程连接桌面的功能,还可以进行进行文件传输,屏幕控制共享剪切板等功能。   官网:http://www.lookmypc.com/   下载地址:http://down.netman123.cn/down/lookmypc.rar
Download LookMyPC Remote Desktop Connection software can be obtained using LookMyPC remote control assembly (NetmanScreen.dll) and own-source development of a remote desktop software, quickly achieve a similar QQ remote assistance, remote desktop connection feature, you can also transfer files, sharing screen control clipboard functions. Official website: http: //www.lookmypc.com/ Download: http: //down.netman123.cn/down/lookmypc.rar (2016-05-16, C#, 1218KB, 下载8次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] CODE

Entrance access control security systems have become a modern security system, an extremely important part of the residential area, especially companies in a wide range of applications. In this paper, breaking the previous access control system mode, explore a new use with a telephone network access control system. This access control system is designed mainly for visitors, visitors can effectively manage their identity by identifying remote control access switch. The access control system consists of two main parts of a computer and access panels, computer part is mainly responsible for the output of a phone number as well as pick, hang up and other information, access control board based on information transmitted the computer codes related to treatment, such as phone calls and pick, hang and so on. One of the most significant feature of this design is the use of existing telephone network to achieve real-time communication access control, which greatly increased the feasibility and (2015-01-09, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载2次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] peizhiVPNlianjie

To make multiple enterprise networks can use the Internet to connect them, and only to trusted businesses or partner access to this server by configuring VPN, encryption, authentication, data validation techniques common applications, and ultimately on the Internet establish a dedicated network, allowing remote users to securely access the network through the Internet within the network resources. (2013-10-31, Others, 424KB, 下载3次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] remote-source-code

A powerful desktop computer monitoring software platform of multi machine, LAN real-time monitoring at the same time, the configuration is simple, automatic scanning online client when the host starts, multiple computer desktop switching display, display effect is excellent, the other is playing 720P and 1080P video case, the display effect is still smooth, this is a lot of remote software not to! Can be used for multimedia students monitor, company staff computer monitoring, personal entertainment and monitoring etc. (2013-09-30, C#, 80KB, 下载47次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] server-client

Remote control, a client, a server, in essence, is a simple Trojan. Achieve only a few simple functions, such as switching machine, get a password, set up accounts, detect the hard disk capacity, etc. by anti-trust (2013-06-03, Visual C++, 4074KB, 下载19次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] ymk

HACK95-VIP远控5.0 version 源码 无错编译 采用nbddos的源码修改,就算大量肉鸡在线也不会出现不稳定的情况 适合用来养鸡
HACK95-VIP Remote Control 5.0 version compiled using nbddos source error-free source code changes, even if a large number of broiler-line will not appear suitable for chicken instability (2011-08-16, Java, 15066KB, 下载59次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] 2009124223542

远程控制1.2 说明 注:去除了注入单元 特性: 服务端不但能插入IE进程穿防火墙,又可选随意插系统目录的文件,不用生成DLL文件,无驱动隐藏,内存占用少。 适用于Windows 2000/XP/2003 不支持9x 严重声明: 特别提醒用户:本软件为远程管理软件,使用本软件必须遵守国家的有关法律法规,如刑法、国家安全法、保密法、 计算机信息系统安全保护条例等,不得损害他人的利益。 海盗远控是提供给使用者管理个人电脑或企业管理员工电脑之用!! 如有用于非法用途而造成个人或国家财产损失所造成的后果匀由用户自己承担法律责任。
delphi7 (2009-12-04, Delphi, 1570KB, 下载94次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] WSN

随着现代微机电系统(MEMS, Micro-Electro-Mechanism System)、微电子、片上系统SOC (System-On-Chip)、纳米材料、传感器、无线通讯、计算机网络、分布式信息处理等技术发展,无线传 感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN)和射频标签(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)在近 几年获得了飞速发展。这两项技术相互独立,却又存在着千丝万缕的联系,它们相互交叉和相互整合,具 有十分广阔的应用前景,在军事国防、工农业控制、城市管理、生物医疗、环境监测、抢险救灾、防恐反 恐、危险区域远程控制,物流管理,人员识别,汽车工业等许多领域都有重要的科研价值和实用价值,已 经引起了国内外研究及工业界广泛的重视。
WEB:http://www.wsn.org.cn/contact.htm EMAIL:wsnbooks@nbicc.com 电话:0574-87910141/0574-87910139 (2009-05-02, tcl/tk, 32303KB, 下载23次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] MyMMI

本软件主要用于西门子楼控设备的调试,支持MMI接口的许多重要的功能, 1、点管理,多种建点方式(单点,多点,批量),上传,下载 2、PPCL编程,可以编写,上传,下载PPCL语句 3、实时监控,支持多种对点的监控方式。
This software is mainly used Siemens Building control equipment debugging, MMI interface to support the many important functions, 1, point management, a variety of ways to build points (single point, multi-point, volume), upload, download 2, PPCL Programming , you can prepare, upload, download PPCL statement 3, real-time monitoring, support for a variety of ways of monitoring points. (2008-08-26, C++ Builder, 427KB, 下载14次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] remoteControl

远程桌面源码 主要思路就是先将远程桌面捕获,再发回本地,在对话框中显示出来,将本地鼠标和盘键输入,变成命令,发到远程主机执行,以模拟出鼠标和键盘的操作,再将远程桌面捕获,再发回本地,在对话框中显示出来. 包括服务端程序SreenServer,客户端程序SreenClient, 1.先运行服务端点开始,(最好在一个虚拟机上运行) 2.再运行客户端,点连接, 点得到屏幕,点控制,就可以对远程桌面进行操作了. 3.有问题请发email:vccodefan@126.com 要更复杂的vc实例可访问我的个人页www.mwsoft.net.cn
The main idea of source Remote Desktop Remote Desktop is the first capture, and then back to local, in the dialog box is displayed, the local mouse and disk key input into the command, sent to the remote host, to simulate the mouse and keyboard operation, and then Remote Desktop Capture, and then back to local, in the dialog box is displayed. including service client procedures SreenServer, client program SreenClient, 1. first began running service endpoints, (preferably in a virtual machine running) 2. re-running the client, point of connection, point to be the screen, point of control for Remote Desktop can operate a .3. have problems please send an email: vccodefan@126.com to more complex examples vc visit my personal page www . mwsoft.net.cn (2008-08-20, Visual C++, 169KB, 下载127次)
