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[xml/soap/webservice] automate_pydatastream

This project is a python script that automates data retrieval from Thomson Reuters Enterprise (DWE) SOAP API (non free) using the pydatastream python interface. This script will require valid credentials for accessing the API. (2016-04-17, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[xml/soap/webservice] cchbxxcx

Train and flight information query can query a city to another city trips and flight information, and can be used for later use, train trips and aircraft flight information data are by webservice.webxml.com.cn provided a query after the train information and flight information to add to Favorites list, the default compiler version 4.4.2 GBK encoding has a large number of Chinese notes, can be a very good learning and reference listview, SQLite, xmlpullparser usage. (2016-06-30, Java, 2298KB, 下载2次)


[xml/soap/webservice] hcsjbckym

A train timetable inquiry of Android s little project source code based on, trains use http://webservice.webxml.com.cn/WebServices/TrainTimeWebService.asmx interface provides data, combined with ksoap2 data analysis of the project. You can query trips between two stations and the train station information specified information. (2016-05-23, Java, 848KB, 下载2次)


[xml/soap/webservice] DeepWAP1.0

深度WAP企业网站程序 1.0采用DeepWAP XML开发,包含有资讯、产品、新闻、搜索、留言、工具等,新闻文章可以发表评论,通过后台WEB审核显示。
Depth corporate website WAP 1.0 adopts DeepWAP XML development, comprising information, products, news, search, comments, and other tools, you can comment on news articles, review by the background WEB display. (2016-05-14, ASP, 986KB, 下载2次)


[xml/soap/webservice] shazhiqiu_taoke_free_v3.2

程序说明:此版本为免费版本,但先要到官网注册账号,然后授权一个域名 修正: 1、后台登陆的一种bug,有时无法登陆 2、修正sitemap.xml 【升级方法】 V3.0升级到V3.2 请www.shazhiqiu.cn下载最新的程序(控制面板 淘客免费版下载) 解压文件出来上传覆盖相关文件 bin目录覆盖就行
Program description: This version is free version, but first to the official website of the registered account, and then authorize a domain name Correction: 1, the background of a bug landing, sometimes unable to log in 2, sitemap.xml [upgrade method] V3.0 upgrade to V3.2 Please download the latest www.shazhiqiu.cn program (control panel, Amoy free download) Extract the file to upload the relevant documents Bin directory coverage on the line (2015-12-14, ASP, 4579KB, 下载1次)


[xml/soap/webservice] flash_3D_hdp

Flash big picture 3D rotation mode switching code, much like jquery plugins to complete the function, unfortunately there is no flash in the source file, you can use, you can not study the source code, the switching effects are also using XML as a configuration file, modify the update very convenient, entertainment station/picture station can be used, renderings shown above. (2015-02-05, Java, 161KB, 下载0次)


[xml/soap/webservice] city

Ized the National Urban cascading menu jQuery code example package, Select the drop-down box has been landscaping, than the traditional gray style Select the drop-down list more beautiful city menu information stored in the XML file, if city information subject to change or want to change into other cascading menu, you can modify this file directly, and in terms of compatibility with some defects in seemingly can not run properly under IE8, Firefox and Chrome browsers are not affected. (2014-10-21, Java, 42KB, 下载5次)


[xml/soap/webservice] SAML

1、什么是SAML 2、SAML标准&协议 3、SAML2.0特性分析 4、SAML:集中身份管理的秘诀 5、SAML:企业级的IdP 6、SAML:IdP和SP用户存储库 7、XML安全:使用SAML确保可移植的信任 8、揭开SAML的神秘面纱 9、安全地共享数字身份信息(一) 10、安全地共享数字身份信息(二) 11、安全地共享数字身份信息(三) 12、安全地共享数字身份信息(四)
What is SAML SAML standards & protocols, SAML 2.0 Characteristics Analysis 4, SAML: centralized identity management tips 5 SAML: enterprise-class the IdP, SAML: the IdP and SP user repository, the XML security: SAML ensure transplant trust, to uncover the SAML mystery 9, securely sharing digital identity information (a) 10, securely sharing digital identity information (b) 11, securely sharing digital identity information (c) 12, securely share digital identity information (d) (2012-11-13, Java, 843KB, 下载19次)


[xml/soap/webservice] poco-1.4.2p1

POCO C++是一个开源的C++类库的集合,它主要提供简单的、快速的网络和可移植应用程序的C++开发,这个类库和C++标准库可以很好的集成并填补C++标准库的功能空缺。POCO库的模块化、高效的设计及实现使得POCO特别适合嵌入式开发。在嵌入式开发领域,由于C++既适合底层(设备I/O、中断处理等)和高层面向对象开发,越来越流行。当然POCO也准备好了面对企业级挑战。 POCO <wbr>C++简介 POCO C++包含四个核心库和一些附加库。核心库包括Foundation,XML,Util和Net,还有两个附加库,一个是NetSSL,主要在Net库中网络类中提供SSL支持;一个是Date库,在不同的SQL库中提供统一的接口访问。
C++ class libraries for network-centric, portable applications, integrated perfectly with the C++ Standard Library. Includes network protocols (Sockets, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, etc.), SQL database access and XML parsing. Licensed under Boost license. (2012-01-04, C++ Builder, 4108KB, 下载24次)


[xml/soap/webservice] 222zongjianjianyanjiu

中间件是一类用于屏蔽异构系统之间差异的应用软件,本文研究了中间件在互联 网环境中的应用,提出了基于XML技术的网络服务中间件的架构方案,在此基础上设 计并实现了应用于连机事务处理系统和企业应用整合领域的电子商务平台,
Middleware is wildely used for the integration of differnet applications or systems. This article is investigation of middleware in the environment of Internet, it provides the architecture of XML orentinted middleware applied for web service. This middleware can be used in Online Transaction Process and the Enterprise Application Integration. It is called BizWare. (2011-12-18, PDF, 2522KB, 下载5次)


[xml/soap/webservice] SolutionOfXML

本书是专为任何对于下一代企业解决方案有兴趣的读者所设计的。如果你想了解XML(可扩展 标记语言,Extensible Markup Language),学习使用XML 来设计企业对企业(B2B)的沟通 管道,了解Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)与BizTalk 的相关技术,并且想要学习如 何使用Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 与XML,那么本书将会提供你所有必备的相关信息。
This book is designed for any enterprise solution for the next generation of readers interested in design. If you want to know XML (Extensible Markup Language, Extensible Markup Language), learning to use XML to design the business to business (B2B) communication channels to understand the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) associated with the BizTalk technology, and want to learn how to Use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and XML, then the book will give you all the necessary information. (2010-11-19, Windows_Unix, 3174KB, 下载2次)


[xml/soap/webservice] newsite

淄博某泵业网站源码 主要功能有: 企业中心 企业简介 企业荣誉 企业公告 联系方式 在线调查 新闻中心 新闻管理 添加新闻 产品中心 产品类别 添加产品 产品管理 推荐产品 留言管理 留言管理 系统服务 密码修改 网站管理 1.开发平台VS2008+SQL2005 2.涉及的技术有flash编程,xml文件编程,生成上传略图等技术。 3.这个程序只供学习用,请不要用于商业目的,想用于商业请联系本人为你定制。 4.附加DB_51aspx目录newsite数据库到sql2005中 5.修改web.config文件中的 use id=你的SQL用户名 pwd=你的sql密码
Zibo main source of a pump site features include: Business Center Company Honor Enterprise Bulletin Contact Us News Center News Online Survey Management Products Add news Add a product category Product Management Message Management messages Recommended products service password management system for the management of a modified site . Development Platform VS2008+ SQL2005 2. The technology involved in flash programming, xml programming documents, such as thumbnail generation Upload technology. 3. This procedure is for learning to use, you should not be used for commercial purposes, I would like to contact me for commercial customized for you. 4. DB_51aspx Additional newsite directory database to sql2005 5. Modify the web.config file use id = your SQL user name pwd = your sql password (2009-06-11, C#, 2268KB, 下载12次)


[xml/soap/webservice] tidy2

基于web的数据挖掘,获取信 XHTML 格式的源信息,将数据 从 HTML 转换成 XML
Web-based data mining, to obtain a letter format XHTML source of information, data from XML into HTML (2009-04-18, Java, 3932KB, 下载58次)


[xml/soap/webservice] Flex_RIA

Flex 是一种RIA开发技术,具有更好的网络交互能力,更加绚丽的表现效果,同时在企业级的扩展上也游刃有余。Flex技术对软件开发人员的要求并不苛刻,MXML和ActionScript都遵循技术标准,用相对简单的代码就可以完成绚丽高效的Flex应用程序。
Flex is a RIA technology, interactive network with better ability to effect a more brilliant performance, while at the enterprise level is also easily extended. Flex technology on the software developer (2009-01-06, Java, 2KB, 下载2次)


[xml/soap/webservice] workflow_xml

This is a flow chart of XML is to facilitate enterprise resource flows up the draft very valuable. (2008-12-05, HTML, 12KB, 下载60次)


[xml/soap/webservice] xmlspy080901

Altova XMLSpy© 2005 是业界标准XML的开发环境,可用于涉及XML、XML Schema、XSLT、XQuery、SOAP、WSDL和Web服务技术的企业级应用的设计、编辑和调试。它是提高J2EE、.NET和数据库开发人员开发效率的终极利器。
Altova XMLSpy ? 2005 is the industry standard XML development environment, can be used to involve XML, XML Schema, XSLT, XQuery, SOAP, WSDL and Web services technology, enterprise-class application design, editing and debugging. It is to improve the J2EE,. NET and database developers to develop the efficiency of the ultimate weapon. (2008-09-04, Visual C++, 1253KB, 下载19次)


[xml/soap/webservice] EMailSpray

send email, database or xml import data, a large number of send messages to the list (2007-12-18, Delphi, 1198KB, 下载21次)


[xml/soap/webservice] xml_dis_application

This paper introduces a digital signature xml government departments in the enterprise e-government system (2007-12-08, Others, 482KB, 下载9次)


[xml/soap/webservice] XML.Guide.CHS

这篇最近修订过的教程讨论了 XML 是什么、为什么开发它以及它正如何塑造着电子商业的未来。在讨论过程中,本教程还研究了几个 XML 标准和编程接口,演示了如何采用该技术着手您的工作,并讲述了几家公司如何构建了基于 XML 的解决方案以精简它们的企业并提高其效率。
recently revised curricula discussed what XML is, why it developed and how it is shaping the future of electronic commerce. In the course of discussion, the Guide also studied several XML standards and programming interface, demonstrated how to use the technology start your work, and several companies about how to structure the XML-based solutions to streamline their businesses and improve its efficiency. (2005-04-06, MultiPlatform, 176KB, 下载209次)
