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[企业管理] swmmh50022_gui

Stormwater management model is the drainage system design, operation and management of the fundamental basis and important tool, drainage enterprises, research and teaching department of the attention has always been. SWMM as a fully featured, user-friendly, excellent free software is easy to use, is widely used as the core of many commercial software, but also facilitate the scientific research of the drainage system. However, due to the software interface is in English, only a small range of the domestic part of the universities, and software development enterprises to be used. For the majority in the drainage system design, operation and management of engineering and technical personnel, as well as college students into professional learning stage, to master the use of the software as soon as possible with a certain degree of difficulty. Universal stormwater management simulation software in various departments of the drainage, the application of all levels to promote the drainage s (2013-04-01, Visual Basic, 685KB, 下载21次)


[企业管理] VB_car_sale_X_L

VB汽车销售管理系统_X_L 本系统是为解决汽车销售公司的管理问题而设计。随着经济的发展和国内汽车市场的不断扩大,某汽车销售公司定单成倍增加,各项业务更加细化,各部门分工更加明确。而目前的人工管理方式显然已是不符合现代企业的管理要求。
VB car sales management systems _X_L the system is designed to resolve the problem of the management of the car sales company. With the development of economy and the domestic auto market continues to expand, an automobile sales company orders doubled, the business is more refined, more clear division of labor. Current manual management apparently does not meet the requirements of modern enterprise management. (2012-10-12, Visual Basic, 560KB, 下载8次)


[企业管理] vbPsql(1)

   利用Visual Basic6.0及Microsoft Access2000数据库技术对企业员工 工资的基本信息进行管理,要求进行用户需求分析,功能模块的设计,对部 门、员工及工资的基本信息进行添加、修改、删除、查询及打印等功能。 Ⅲ、毕 业设计(论文)工作内容: 1. 查找资料,撰写开题报告。 2. 设计系统主界面。 3. 完成部门管理、员工基本信息管理模块的设计。 4. 对软件进行调试与测试。
Use Visual Basic6.0 and Microsoft Access2000 database technology to enterprise staff The basic information of the salary management, calling for the user needs analysis, function module design, the department The door, employees and the basic information of the wages to add, modify and delete, inquiry and printing, etc. Ⅲ, finish industry design (paper) working content: 1. Find information, write. Bernal. 2. The interface design of the system. 3. To complete the team management, staff basic information management module design. 4. The commissioning and testing of software. (2012-07-06, Visual Basic, 350KB, 下载3次)


[企业管理] vbsalejxc

VB源码,数据库应用,销售系统,进销存   VB+SQL商品销售进销存系统,调试请注意:   1.首先确保您的机器上安装了SQL Server数据库。将SQL Server服务器名称改为JAMESLIN,如果不修改服务器名称,则需要修改VB程序,在frmLogin窗体的cmdOK_Click函数中,修改代码:   strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1 Integrated Security=SSPI Persist Security Info=False Initial Catalog=Sale Data Source=JAMESLIN UID=Admin PWD=111"   即Source=JAMESLIN中的“JAMESLIN”改为您本机服务器名。   2.在SQL Server“企业管理器”中“安全性|登录”中,创建用户:Admin,其密码为111。   3.打开SQL Server“企业管理器”的“工具|还原数据库”菜单命令,在对话框在设置还原的数据库名为Sale,选择从“设备”还原,根据向导逐步选择本章目录的“数据库”子目录下的文件Sale Backup,从而建立数据库。
VB source code, database applications, sales, inventory VB+SQL goods sales Invoicing System, debugging Note: 1. First make sure your machine is installed on the SQL Server database. SQL Server server name is changed to JAMESLIN If you do not modify the server name, you need to modify the VB program In form cmdOK_Click function frmLogin, modify the code: strConn = " Provider = SQLOLEDB.1 Integrated Security = the SSPI Persist Security Info = False Initial Catalog = Sale Data Source = JAMESLIN UID = Admin PWD = 111 " Source = JAMESLIN JAMESLIN changed to your local server name. In SQL Server Enterprise Manager Security | Log in to create a user: Admin, the password is 111. (3) Open SQL Server " Enterprise Manager" Tools | Restore Database menu command, set to restore the database name in the dialog box in Sale, select Restore from device " , select the directory in this chapter according to the wizard step by step" database " sub- files in that directo (2012-07-01, Visual Basic, 143KB, 下载11次)


[企业管理] Warehouse-Management-System

仓库管理系统(sql server+VB) 功能: 仓库管理各种信息的输入,包括入库、出库、还库、需求信息的输入等。 仓库管理各种信息的查询、修改和维护。 设备采购报表的生成。 在库存管理中加入最高储备和最低储备字段,对仓库中的物资设备实现监控和报警。 企业各个部门的物资需求的管理。 操作日志的管理。 仓库管理的使用帮助。
Warehouse Management System (sql server+ VB) function: warehouse management input various information, including storage, a library, but also libraries, demand information, enter and so on. Warehouse management all kinds of information access, correction and maintenance. Equipment purchase report generation. Adding the highest in the inventory management reserves and minimum reserve fields, materials and equipment in the warehouse implementation monitoring and alarm. Material needs of each department' s management. Operation log management. The use of warehouse management help. (2011-05-20, Visual Basic, 2625KB, 下载57次)


[企业管理] Enterprise-Management

企业人事管理系统完美版Ver2.0是一款典型的管理系统,本系统界面友好易懂,用户操作极易上手. 系统介绍:本程序是一套极具通用性的人事管理系统,该版本在界面上设计为MDI(多文档界面)形式!界面友好,美观大方,操作简单!采用VB+Access2000模式开发的单机版管理系统,用户可以设定软件操作人员及操作权限,在空闲中亦可将系统锁定,支持在线升级--谨用(升级地址会变动).
Enterprise Personnel Management System is a perfect version Ver2.0 typical management system, the system user-friendly easy to understand, user can easily use. System Description: This program is a highly versatile personnel management system, the version the interface is designed to MDI (Multiple Document Interface) form! Friendly interface, nice, simple! VB+ Access2000 model development using the standalone version management system, the user can set the software operating personnel and operating authority, the system can idle in the lock, support online upgrade- would like to use (update address will change). (2011-01-21, Visual Basic, 1216KB, 下载15次)


[企业管理] salary

本人事工资管理系统以Visual Basic 6.0为前台开发软件,SQL SERVER2000 为系统后台数据库,利用ODBC数据源结合ADO技术连接后台数据库.本课题首先分 析了企业人事工资管理系统的应用现状,阐述了人事工资管理系统的开发目的,论述了系统六个功能模块:系统管理模块、部门管理模块、员工管理模块、员工考勤管理模块、员工工资管理模块、信息报表打印模块等。在设计过程中,完全采用结构化程序设计方法,把测试作为重要内容,通过调试及时发现程序的不足与疏漏,及时予以完善,尽可能地做到界面友好、操作简单、功能齐全,充分满足了公司人事、工资管理方面的需要.
Visual Basic 6.0+SQL SERVER2000 (2010-11-21, Visual Basic, 875KB, 下载14次)


[企业管理] JinXiaoCun

This is my own half of the time spent developing an enterprise inventory management system, the system achieve the following functions: provide sales charts for administrators real data provide flexible, convenient permission settings, enabling clear division of the whole system of management on the user input data, strict data test systems, as far as possible rule out human error, etc. (2010-05-15, Visual Basic, 5685KB, 下载14次)


[企业管理] HRMS

HRMS (2009-04-04, Visual Basic, 49KB, 下载6次)


[企业管理] VE

本软件是一款专为中小企业、事业单位精心设计的人事档案管理系统。 系统特色: 1.功能实用,界面友好,操作方便: 精心的界面设计和良好的操作提示使界面美观,操作方便, 容易上手。 2.数据输出方式灵活: 系统支持把员工列表导出到 Microsoft Excel 2000/2003; 支持把人事档案表导出到Microsoft Word 2000/2003。
This software is a specifically for small and medium enterprises, and institutions designed personnel file management system. System characteristics: 1. Functional and practical, user-friendly, easy to operate: careful interface design and good operation of tips to help make beautiful interface, easy to operate, easy to use. 2. Data output flexibility: The system supports the staff list Export to Microsoft Excel 2000/2003 support personnel files Table Export to Microsoft Word 2000/2003. (2008-06-24, Visual Basic, 1340KB, 下载123次)


[企业管理] salarybythepiecesoftware-vb.net

一个实际的商业项目,给一家制造业企业定制开发的 有登陆系统、计件工资和记时工资、明细统计报表、汇总报表,能导出到Excel,等等 并能生成安装包,是一个完整的项目 数据库 access密码为 power vb.net2003开发
A practical commercial projects, to a custom development of manufacturing enterprises have a landing system, piece-rate wages and remember when wages, detailed statistical reports, summary statements, to Export to Excel, etc. and can generate the installation package, is a complete project database access password is powervb.net2003 Development (2007-11-09, Visual Basic, 1295KB, 下载698次)


[企业管理] PersonManager

Flower for several weeks to do the personnel management system, suitable for curriculum design, would like to share. Realize the data to initialize, backup, restore, the user add, modify, delete, permissions settings, employee information management, query, statistics, export, also can use a variety of Windows tools, calculator, notepad, Word, Excel, welcome to download. (2007-07-14, Visual Basic, 3477KB, 下载268次)


[企业管理] xiaoshouhetong

VB编写的销售合同管理系统,完整的程序设计说明书 第1章 绪  论 1.1 项目背景 1.2实行销售合同管理的企业的业务特点 1.3 计算机管理销售合同的必要性 1.4 销售合同管理工作分析 第2章 可行性研究 2.1 管理可行性 2.2 技术可行性 第3章Visual Basic 6.0编程环境简介及数据库编程 3.1 VB编程环境简介 3.2 VB数据库编程 第4章 销售合同管理系统需求分析说明 4.1 引言 4.1.1 编写目的 4.1.2 参考资料 4.2 任务概述 4.2.1 开发目标 4.2.2 运行环境 4.2.3 条件与限制 4.3 功能需求 4.3.1 功能划分 4.3.2 功能描述 4.3.3 详细功能需求 4.4 性能需求 4.4.1 数据精确度 4.4.2 时间特性 4.4.3 适应性 4.5 运行需求
VB prepared by the sales contract management system integrity of the program design manual Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 projects a sales contract management enterprises in the industry Treasury 1.3 features computer management contract for the sale of 1.4 the need for the sales contract management Chapter 2 Analysis of the feasibility study 2.1 Management 2.2 feasibility technical feasibility of Chapter 3 of the Visual Basic 6.0 programming environment profiles and Database Programming Visual Basic 3.1 programming environment Profile Database Programming Visual Basic 3.2 Chapter 4 of the sales contract management sub-system requirements Analysis shows 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 4.1.2 reference purposes preparation tasks outlined 4.2 4.2.1 Development Goals 4.2.2 4.2.3 runtime envi (2007-05-22, Visual Basic, 184KB, 下载98次)


[企业管理] 20051224

工资管理系统(原码和论文) 企业工资管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。对于前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好的库。而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点。
wage management system (formerly code and papers) Business wage management system is typical of the Information Management System (MIS) , the development, including the main database background to the establishment and maintenance of front-end applications and the development of the two areas. Regarding the former requirement to establish data consistency and integrity of strong data security for good. As for the latter demanded the application functions, and easy-to-use features. (2006-11-21, Visual Basic, 1291KB, 下载250次)


[企业管理] 现代客户管理系统

客户管理是CRM的基础核心部分,我们对客户管理包括 客户的基本资料,每个客户可以设置多个关键联系人,从而把客户的管理落实到对其关键人物管理的管理细节上。 除了传统的客户分类:普通客户、代理客户、竞争对手而外,我们更是提供客户的类别自定义,从而实现想怎么分就怎么分。 把客户管理和公司的客户代表(业务员、客户专员)相结合,每个客户都有属于自己的业务负责人,确保“一致对外”,对客户永远只出现一种声音。 通过对客户的授信额度管理,规避不必要的风险,追踪潜在坏帐风险。
CRM customer management is the core part of our clients, including customer management of basic information, each customer can set up a number of key contacts, thereby implementing customer management to the management of its key management on the details. In addition to the traditional customer classification : ordinary customers, Acting customers, competitors beyond, we are providing customer-defined categories, thereby realizing how-to on how points. Client management and the company's customer representatives (clerks, customer Commissioner) combination, each customer has its own business leaders, "unanimously" to the client will always have only one voice. Through customer credit line management, avoid unnecessary risks, tracking potential default risk. (2005-07-05, Visual Basic, 60KB, 下载113次)
