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[Windows编程] Chrome-JavaScript

拉斯·巴克并非家喻户晓的名字——至少这个拉斯·巴克不是。在丹麦还有一个拉斯·巴克更出名,那是一位职业自行车选手。但是这位巴克可比任何运动员对你生活的影响更加深远。他最近的计算机软件程序V8是Chrome浏览器(谷歌商业计划的关键)的一部分。 网页浏览器都不赚钱,无论是IE、Safari、还是火狐。那么,新浏览器对谷歌的重要性何在?为什么要投入时间和精力在免费产品上,而这些又不能给公司带来收入?答案不在浏览器本身,而在于它能访问的内容:也就是网络应用程序。这些才是给谷歌带来收入的东西。比如,该公司对Google文档寄予厚望,这是一套在线办公软件,和微软的当代企业工具桌面版Office程序(Word, Excel和PowerPoint)类似。但为了更好地体验获得这些程序和其他在线应用,用户需要更好的浏览器,以便更好地运行相关代码。我们很多人已经在使用网络程序了,比如Hotmail, Yahoo邮箱或Gmail,不过它们都相对简单,比起一般的桌面软件,它们的复杂性相形见绌。
Lars Barker is not a household name at least that Lars Barker is not. In Denmark, there is also a more famous Lars Barker, it is a professional bicycle players. But the impact of the Bakekebi any player on your life more profound. His latest computer software program, V8, is part of the Chrome browser (Google business plan). The web browser is not to make money, either IE, Safari or firefox. So, what is the importance of the new browser for Google? Why invest time and energy in free products, and these can not bring income to the company? The answer is not in the browser itself, but in the content it can access: that is, the network application. These are the things that bring revenue to Google. For example, the company s high hopes for Google documents, which is a set of online office software, and Microsoft s contemporary enterprise tools desktop version of Office program (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) is similar. But in order to better experience these programs and other online appl (2016-08-30, Visual C++, 438KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] School

Microsoft Access是现今最为流行的桌面数据库管理系统之一,可以满足各种信息管理的需要。它具有界面好、操作简易快捷、功能强大、接口灵活等特点。应用Access开发的教学管理软件,界面简洁,操作简单,运行速度快,相比较堆集Word或Excel文档的管理模式大幅提高信息提取及信息处理效率。Access被应用于许多企业以及行政事业单位中,它与office的其他组件的无缝联结更让它在各行业应用中的地位得以提高。 在Access数据库中有7种不同类型的对象,即表、查询、窗体、报表、数据访问页、宏和模块,不同的对象在数据库中起着不同的作用,表用来存储数据;查询对数据库进行查看和分析;窗体可为数据库的控制、数据的输入、显示查询数据等操作设置友好的外观;报表以格式化的形式来对外展示数据;数据访问页将数据制作成WEB页,使之可以发布到互联网上;宏将自动完成一个或一组操作;模块能自动完成常规任务并创建业务解决方案。表是数据库的核心与基础,存放着数据库中的全部数据。报表、查询和窗体都是从数据表中获得数据信息,以实现用用户的某一特定的需求,通过窗体可以直接或间接地调用宏或模块,并执行查询、打印、预览、计算等功能,甚至可以对数据库进行编辑修改。
Access Microsoft is one of the most popular desktop management system, and it can meet the needs of various information management.. It has the features of good interface, easy operation, powerful function and flexible interface.. Application access to develop the teaching management system, the interface is simple, simple operation, fast running speed, compared to the heap set of word or excel document management mode of a substantial increase in information extraction and processing efficiency. Access is applied to many enterprises and administrative units, it is seamless connection with other components of office more so that it can be improved in the application of the industry. (2015-06-09, Visual C++, 30KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] C-and-CPP-programmers-in-depth-analysis-of-the-wri

并不在于提供C/C++程序员求职面试指导,而旨在从技术上分析面试题的内涵。文中的大多数面试题来自各大论坛,部分试题解答也参考了网友的意见。 许多面试题看似简单,却需要深厚的基本功才能给出完美的解答。企业要求面试者写一个最简单的strcpy函数都可看出面试者在技术上究竟达到了怎样的程度,我们能真正写好一个strcpy函数吗?我们都觉得自己能,可是我们写出的strcpy很可能只能拿到10分中的2分。读者可从本文看到strcpy函数从2分到10分解答的例子,看看自己属于什么样的层次。此外,还有一些面试题考查面试者敏捷的思维能力。 分析这些面试题,本身包含很强的趣味性;而作为一名研发人员,通过对这些面试题的深入剖析则可进一步增强自身的内功。
Not is to provide C/C++ programmer job interview guide, which aims to examination questions from a technical analysis of face connotations. Most of the text surface examination questions from the major forums, part of the answer in reference to the Questions User s views. Many face examination questions seem simple, yet profound basic skills needed in order to give the perfect answer. Company asked interviewers to write a simple strcpy function of the interview can be seen in the technology of how to achieve the extent of what we can really written a strcpy function do? We all feel that you can, but we write the strcpy is likely to receive only 10 points in 2 minutes. Readers can see from this article strcpy function assigned to 10 points from the two examples of answers to see himself as belonging to what kind of level. In addition, there are a number of surface examined interviewer Questions quick thinking abilities. Analysis of these surface examination questions, itself (2009-09-13, Visual C++, 15KB, 下载9次)
